Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Eyebrowless Lin Lin

Fifth World: Eyebrowless Lin Lin

0If there is one thing a person must experience once in their lifetime it would be going on a road trip with family. If executed well it would bring lasting memories and priceless joy but of course, if it's not planned well the result of it will be bald spots and wrinkles for the parents as Wen Qinxi discovered.     

Normally it would take them a day to reach the Qie sect if they rode their swords but the problem was Qie Xieling who was terrified of heights. Yeah sure, they could have used the teleportation talisman but because Qie Ranzhe couldn't leave his group of disciples unsupervised they were forced to take the slow route. He might be rich but he's not rich enough to give twenty-plus disciples teleportation talismans.     

So at a snail's pace, a caravan of Qie sect disciples tracked across the land back to their peak. It was relatively peaceful outside but there was a storm brewing inside the carriage, the kind of storm that would flatten planes and cities.     

The space was relatively big but Qie Xieling didn't like being confined in a small space for a long time. He would grow restless from time to time and his source of entertainment would obviously become Zhao Zhi because he wouldn't dare provoke his father.     

He was already on a short leash so why would he willingly shorten the leash further by poking the bear. Fortunately for him, Zhao Zhi was extremely good-tempered which meant he went all out like a ten-year-old testing the limits.     

Wen Qinxi's torment began with, "Shixiong can I braid your hair" to "Shixiong can I take a look at your interspatial ring". These requests weren't excessive that is if it was anyone other than Qie Xieling who had asked. A simple braid turned disastrous with his hair looking like a tangled mess that needed oil to unravel.     

When this happened, Wen Qinxi didn't get as angry simply vowing to never let Qie Xieling anywhere near his hair but things got worse and worse that Qie Ranzhe couldn't help but silently sympathize. When Qie Xieling got hold of his interspatial ring things got a whole lot worse.     

They say curiosity killed the cat but this cat called Qie Xieling seemed to have more than nine lives. He touched what he wasn't supposed to and didn't touch what he could touch. He put his hands on everything Zhao Zhi told him not to touch blowing up half of the carriage with his grabby hands.     

As to why it was half? It was because Qie Ranzhe saw this coming and placed a barrier around himself. He didn't have a problem with the two getting into all sorts of shenanigans as long as they didn't screw with his space.     

Qie Ranzhe was fully aware of Qie Xieling's experimental phase where he mixed things as though doing bucket chemistry and foresaw this coming. This is why he hurriedly protected himself.     

Wen Qinxi who didn't see this coming ran out of the carriage coughing with his hair smoking. Followed by Qie Xieling who looked like he had lost a fight with a gas griller. "You! *cough, *cough..... Xieling didn't I tell you not add that elixir to the squirting cucumber... *cough *cough... but what did you do?" said Wen Qinxi coughing like a patient with tuberculosis.     

Qie Xieling wasn't fairing well either. He wasn't only coughing but his eyebrows were basically gone making him look like Voldemort with a fuzzy head of hair. Wen Qinxi wanted to reprimand him further but when he raised his head and saw this scene he suddenly softened. The boy didn't have eyebrows anymore which looked miserable.     

Sensing he hadn't noticed yet, Wen Qinxi comforted him to let him know he would draw them on till they grew out but Qie Ranzhe and Machu weren't as compassionate. For Qie Xieling's self-esteem, he didn't laugh out loud but Machu literally rolled on the ground laughing. Even the serious-looking disciples couldn't hold back snickering while staring into the distance.     

"Wait? Why are you all laughing? Draw what on?" asked the confused Qie Xieling looking like Edward Scissorhands minus the eyebrows.     

Wen Qinxi glared at Qie Ranzhe who was struggling with his acting skills. It turned out Wen Qinxi shouldn't have done that because that glare was the last straw for the sect leader who was trying to save his son some face.     

The stern terrifying sect leader with facial paralysis for the better part of the day was laughing. Not the taunting haughty laughter but joyous unrestraint laughter that could entrance anyone. Such a rare sight was witnessed by everyone causing them to freeze in place. Even Machu stopped laughing watching Qie Ranzhe with great interest.     

All of them were fascinated apart from Wen Qinxi who of course, had witnessed this type of laughter multiple times in four worlds. It didn't surprise him much but he did praise him silently in his heart. An unrestrained Qie Ranzhe was incredibly handsome.     

Sensing everyone's gaze, Qie Ranzhe dialled it down and walked back into the carriage where he resumed reading scrolls while snickering.     

This was only day one of the journey back to the Qie sect which meant Wen Qinxi had to survive seven days of this. After his brows were drawn back on, Qie Xieling was back to his old self screwing with Zhao Zhi at any given opportunity.     

By the time they reached the Qie sect, Wen Qinxi's hairline seemed to have receded a little. Who said having kids was all fun and games? Even when they are legally adults they are still troublesome.     

To punish him Wen Qinxi decided to use a roundabout way disguised as a game known as red hands. This game is meant for children but this novice dad used it to punish his teenage son. The game is played by one player extending their hands forward at arm's length with their palms facing down.     

The second player's hands are also placed at arm's length with the palms facing up. The objective of the game is for the second player to slap the back of the first player's hands before they pull them away.     

In Qie Xieling's eyes, the game seemed innocent enough but he changed his mind when his palms were as red as tomatoes after Zhao Zhi slapped him a couple of times. The sad thing was that when it was his turn to slap Zhao Zhi he couldn't land a single hit making him sulk and pout the rest of the journey.     

It's safe to say Zhao Zhi had sent his point across and he was incredibly satisfied. Naughty children need to be punished not by harsh methods but by creative means. Qie Ranzhe already discerned what Zhao Zhi was doing but he didn't say anything. Mostly because this punishment was long overdue for his eyebrowless son.     

It seemed the troubles during the journey were all but forgotten as soon as Wen Qinxi reached the beautiful Qie sect. This replica of paradise was what made other sects so envious that they planted spies in the Qie sect to sow discord in the newborn sect and take over the spoils of civil war.     

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