Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Fighting Then Kissing

Fifth World: Fighting Then Kissing

0Qie Xieling couldn't stay conscious after that kind of attack so he fell unconscious on the floor. Because of this, he didn't notice that whatever Zhao Zhi did to him partially cracked the seal that was stopping him from cultivating.     

The frenzied Wen Qinxi hopped from building to building rushing towards the forest at light speed. As he reached the last roof he directly unsheathed magic frost and rode straight into the dark creepy forest. He felt like if he didn't get whatever it was he would die. That's how desperate he was.     

A further distance away, the unsuspecting Qie Ranzhe was busy meditating in a lotus position at the edge of a waterfall. He had sent his disciples to take care of one of the villages. While waiting for them to report, he decided to stay at this scenic spot and meditate.     

Those beautiful phoenix eyes suddenly opened when he sensed a hostile presence coming towards him. In a swift motion, he leaned to the side as a water droplet-shaped like a blade flew past him at bullet speed. His hair fluttered with the breeze created by the weaponized water droplet.     

Black calamity was unsheathed at lightning speed and slashed through several incoming water blades dispersing them. Qie Ranzhe flung his sleeve as he turned to face his attacker. To his surprise, he found Zhao Zhi standing before him with a dark visage and glowing eyes.     

One look and Qie Ranzhe could tell he was out of it but why choose to go head to head with him? Zhao Zhi scowled while yelling, "Give it to me! Right now!"     

Qie Ranzhe raised a brow in confusion. He couldn't understand what this crazy person was saying. "Give what?" he asked unwilling to entertain a mad man.     

It was obvious Zhao Zhi didn't appreciate this vague response because magic frost suddenly unleashed a powerful backslash ripping through the trees with a tremendous force heading towards Qie Ranzhe.     

The sect leader narrowed his eyes in disbelief as black calamity intercepted the powerful force that had levelled their surroundings. The dense forest was left with a bald spot just from this one move and sadly it was only just the beginning.     

Itching for a fight black calamity emitted a stream of a blazing inferno aimed at Zhao Zhi but Zhao Zhi gripped the hilt of magic frost and blocked the attack with his feet rooted to the ground.     

The flames were especially fierce but the crazed nerd was just as vicious. He stretched his arm and drew a hefty amount of water from the waterfall. The water flow in the stream suddenly changed direction as a long thread of water encased his arm creating a whip. He used this makeshift whip to flog the blazing inferno instantly dispersing it. While Wen Qinxi was distracted, Qie Ranzhe made a hand signal creating raging fireballs.     

As soon as he unleashed them, the maniacal fireballs attacked Zhao Zhi from behind. Without enough time to respond, Wen Qinxi was forced to dodge. He didn't have time to retaliate as these menacing fireballs were ferocious and stuck to him like heat-seeking missiles.     

Wen Qinxi evaded them through the trees but their speed made it extremely difficult. Annoyed by this stupid trick, Wen Qinxi swung magic frost in a 360-degree turn releasing a deadly blow on the cannon fodder fireballs. He was so immersed in his task that he didn't see Qie Ranzhe coming.     

By the time he noticed it was already too late. His entire body was suddenly shackled by an iron chain that tightened the more he struggled.      

The force from the chain pushed his body to the ground a few meters from where he was initially standing. His eyes still glowing in the darkness, Wen Qinxi wiggled on the ground like a worm trying to break the shackles but it was pointless.     

Qie Ranzhe sauntered over while saying, "Give up. The more you struggle the tighter the hold," he said crouching down to take a closer look at this feisty cannonball. "You will end up hurting yourself."     

Wen Qinxi seemed to realise he was in a tight spot so he changed his attitude in a drastic turn that vexed Qie Ranzhe. His voice softened like he had been bullied as he said, "Give, give it to me and I will leave. I promise." If the sober Wen Qinxi saw a replay of this scene he would most likely dig a hole to bury himself in.     

Qie Ranzhe let out a scornful chuckle looking down at him. "Give you what exactly? Such a fuckin piece of work," he said but faced with this pitiful handsome visage, he found his heart soften a little.     

"Maybe I should leave you out here to reflect on your disrespectful behaviour," said Qie Ranzhe before standing up to leave. He didn't owe this man a thing but Zhao Zhi kept coming at him and this was the second time.     

"Don't, don't leave me here. Take these off," said Wen Qinxi acting like a wounded animal but in truth, he was drawing an array on the ground with his finger to break this chain. Qie Ranzhe ignored him as he summoned his sword back to its sheath.     

It seemed he was confident in his Qi suppressing chain that he didn't look back. It was because of this stupid mistake that he was tackled from behind by the lunatic. The two crashed to the ground with Zhao Zhi straddling Qie Ranzhe. The sect leader wanted to push him away as he had a higher cultivation ranking than Zhao Zhi but it was what the shameless man did next that had him frozen in place.     

Wen Qinxi started going through Qie Ranzhe's clothes touching him everywhere like a pervert. This couldn't be called frisking but groping to a whole new level. Qie Ranzhe was touched everywhere as the assailant mumbled, "Where the fuck is it? Where did you put it."     

After searching every inch of him, Wen Qinxi still couldn't find whatever it was but he determined. Out of nowhere he suddenly paused eyeing Qie Ranzhe's lips.     

Qie Ranzhe had a bad premonition and immediately attempted to push him away but Zhao Zhi was faster. He immobilised Qie Ranzhe after striking his acupuncture points. The sect leader could easily free himself but it was a matter of whether he had enough time before Zhao Zhi did what he was planning to do.     

"You ate it. It must be inside you," said a deranged Wen Qinxi that's before he licked and sucked Qie Ranzhe's lips as though tasting something. Qie Ranzhe felt his scalp go numb as his heartbeat quickened fogging his mind.     

In a fit of rage, he freed himself and struck the ecstatic Zhao Zhi with incredible force sending him flying a couple of meters away from him.     

A string of curses rang out in the tranquil forest but the culprit didn't hear anything as he was out cold. He had stolen this Sect leader's first kiss. Well, that if he still had his first kiss in the first place. Qie Ranzhe didn't know that all his firsts were already taken by this Yao in the labyrinth that killed his entire family.     

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