Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: The Ghost Of Su Xin's Past Mistress

Fourth World: The Ghost Of Su Xin's Past Mistress

0As the golden sun rays shone through the ceiling to floor windows of this apartment building, Wen Qinxi's eyelashes fluttered but he didn't immediately wake up. It seemed the sunlight was disturbing his sleep so he mumbled, "Ran-ge, close the curtains," in a husky voice while pulling the quilt over his head.     

But despite his incoherent speech he got no response. The quilt was meant to block out the sunlight but now he was feeling hot after wrapping himself up like a dumpling. Unable to bear it any longer, Wen Qinxi stretched out his hand to tap Qie Ranzhe so he can deal with the situation but who would have thought he would touch air.     

After patting Qie Ranzhe's side of the bed a couple of times he realised that spot had long run cold so he abruptly sat up straight revealing a birds nest head of hair. He scanned the room with half-lidded eyes but the person he was looking for was not there.      

He flung the quilt to the side and walked over to the curtain barefooted in vicious footsteps. He drew the curtain closed with a loud swoosh.     

When he got back in bed he swiped open his cellphone only to realise it was already eleven o'clock. He swiped down the notification bar and saw messages from Qie Ranzhe.     

DaddyRan: Good morning baby.     

DaddyRan: I have something to do.     

DaddyRan: Breakfast is on the table.     

This string of messages were sent at eight o'clock but an hour later Qie Ranzhe sent another message that had Wen Qinxi raising his eyebrows.     

DaddyRan: Oh, and don't leave the apartment without me.     

Wen Qinxi snorted and replied with a simple response before placing the phone on the pedestal.     

HandsomeXi: Good morning Ran-ge.     

He sank deep into the soft bed and went back to sleep. Two blocks away in Hei Xue's top floor Qie Ranzhe was taking over the role of the punisher sweeping clean whatever was left of the Kai Family and intimidating their allies when a message notification came through.     

His creased brow relaxed as a sweet smile appeared on his face. There could only be one person in the world who could evoke such a reaction from Qie Ranzhe. Machu saw this and decided to halt his report. Even a simple text message from Su Xin subjects him to a mouthful of dog food.     

Qie Ranzhe picked up his phone and said, "Carry on," with his gaze on his phone. An unrestrained smile appeared on his face making Machu subconsciously furrow his brow replying,     

"How can I carry on when I am faced with such a foolish smile? Sigh*..... I also put the Zhao family in their place but they might want to have a face to face meeting with you to smooth things over," replied Machu but once he realised Qie Ranzhe wasn't listening he couldn't help but express his grievances, "Oh come on... you aren't even listening. How about we take a break so you and the Madam can have a lovely chat?"     

Qie Ranzhe's smile immediately fell with his lips turning into a straight line taking Machu by surprise. He honestly thought something was wrong so he asked, "What? Is everything okay?" with a taut voice. It must be something major otherwise why would his friend be this downcast when he was in a pleasant mood just a second ago.     

Qie Ranzhe turned his cellphone around and showed Machu their string of messages. The more Machu read the more vexed he was. There wasn't anything warranting this much anxiety so he answered honestly, "I don't get it."     

Qie Ranzhe's shoulders drooped a little before saying, "I sent him so many messages and this is all I got? Am I asking for too much?.... Damn it!"     

Machu wanted to maintain a serious attitude and reassure him but he failed miserably. He found this entire thing incredibly funny so he snickered unwittingly and tried to cover his face to conceal it. Black lines appeared on Qie Ranzhe's face with a gloomy grey cloud hovering above his head.     

Sensing a sinister pressure mounting up from Qie Ranzhe he suppressed his laughter and said, "Maybe you need to do something to show him that he's special. Show him what position he holds in your heart by putting your love on display... maybe, maybe he will open up then."     

The sullen man seemed to consider his words seriously and said, "How do you even know it will work?"     

Machu took out his cellphone and showed him the screen, "My love guru said so. Do you want me to give you his number?"     

Qie Ranzhe's brows furrowed before thoroughly roasting Machu, "No need. If he is genuine why is it that you are still single?"     

Machu felt like his heart had just been stabbed by his words and complained, "What the fuck? Laozi is waiting for the right one. Why did you have to be mean?"     

Qie Ranzhe stood up while placing his phone in his pocket and said, "En, it was my mistake. I just thought you were picky..... Let's go find a ring."     

Machu's grievances were completely washed away after hearing those words. He stood up brimming with energy while stammering, "Ri-ring for, for Su Xin? You are going to propose?"     

"If not for Su Xin then who else? You?" said Qie Ranzhe as they strode down the corridor to the elevator doors.     

"How can that be? I am not deserving. Ran-ge, smile," he said before taking a picture of Qie Ranzhe out of the blue. Qie Ranzhe was so startled that he didn't react immediately.     

"Don't mind me. I am documenting the entire thing for your big day," said Machu switching to video mode so they could vlog the main event but his cellphone was confiscated squashing Machu's best man goals.     

While Machu's best man dreams were being shattered, Wen Qinxi's sweet dreams were suffering the same fate from a tyrannical knock at the door. Wen Qinxi angrily tossed the quilt away after the person knocked for the tenth time.     

His back was aching and he wanted to rest for a little longer but someone was deliberately going against him.     

He didn't even bother putting on his slippers and checked the front door camera. To his surprise, it was Zhao Hua standing there in person. She seemed fairly anxious like a woman who was about to reunite with her lover after being separated for a long time.     

Wen Qinxi wasn't in the mood to deal with the Su Xin's former mistress so he went to the bathroom and washed up ignoring the frantic knocks on his door. He finished washing up and ate his late breakfast but Zhao Hua was steadfast. She tried to call his number again but judging from her downcast expression, it didn't go through.     

That's because the vinegar jar of a man blocked then deleted her number. Wen Qinxi could easily retrieve it but he didn't want to so he ignored her and lay on the couch while playing with his phone.     

He hesitated for a moment but decided to message Qie Ranzhe and let him know that there was a problem.      

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