Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: The Wife's Things Belong To The Husband

Fourth World: The Wife's Things Belong To The Husband

0Qie Ranzhe was horror-stricken at a loss on what to do. He could feel his body gradually heating up but he couldn't push Su Xin away. Feeling the familiar thirst rise to his throat, Qie Ranzhe gulped before asking again. "What about Zhao Hua?" while looking straight ahead refusing to stare at that enchanting face anymore.     

"Don't like," said Wen Qinxi sleeping like the dead on Qie Ranzhe's chest. Qie Ranzhe had suffered too much stimulation and decided not to ask any more questions lest he digs up old feelings that had been locked away in a vault for almost a decade.     

Wen Qinxi woke up the next day only to find Qie Ranzhe sitting by the entrance of the cave with a blank expression. "Awake?" asked Qie Ranzhe with an impassive tone. The man didn't even wait for Su Xin to respond as he stood up exiting the cave.     

'Did he fuckin wake up on the wrong side of the bed?' thought Wen Qinxi as he stood up to catch up with him. The guy didn't even give him time to wash up striding away like he was all by himself.     

Wen Qinxi swiftly cupped his hands and splashed some water on his face before running after Qie Ranzhe. He was about to curse the man's long legs when he realised he was wearing Qie Ranzhe's suit jacket. When it was put on his body? He had no idea but this effectively made him swallow down all his curse words as a sweet smile crept up on his face.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't utter a single word along the way neither did Wen Qinxi mostly because Wen Qinxi was recalling some sweet memories he shared with Qie Ranzhe in the past worlds. He was so smitten that he didn't realise when Qie Ranzhe suddenly stopped causing him to bump right into the man's sturdy back.     

Caught daydreaming, Wen Qinxi tried to change his expression to an unreadable countenance but it was already too late. Qie Ranzhe had already noticed and didn't intend on making it easy for Su Xin. "Who are you thinking about?" he asked with a raised brow.     

Wen Qinxi's eyes became shifty, not sure how to answer that question. If he responds with 'you' wouldn't that land him into hot soup? He didn't want to have his face decorated with another purple flower better yet murdered in this desolate forest. "I, um, I was thinking about, about," he said fumbling through but no suitable lie came to mind.     

"Never mind, I don't want to know anyway," said Qie Ranzhe raising his hand to stop the bad liar from sprouting a terrible excuse. "How is your nose..... still painful?"     

Taken aback by the question, Wen Qinxi didn't know what to say for a moment. He wasn't sure what was going on with Qie Ranzhe this morning. Cold one minute hot in the next. 'So fuckin confusing,' thought Wen Qinxi aghast.     

Qie Ranzhe wasn't patient enough so he said, "Just put an ice pack when we get to the villa,' while sliding his hands into his pocket. The two stood like this for a couple of seconds as an awkward silence permeated the air.     

"I'm," said Wen Qinxi but he was cut off when Qie Ranzhe said,     

"Let's go." Just like that Qie Ranzhe turned to walk away leaving behind a baffled Wen Qinxi with an expression that can be translated as 'what the fuck is going on?'     

The two didn't speak again until they reached the Villa that was brimming with chaos. There was undoubtedly a blood bath in the past eight hours with bloodstains on the ground, bullet holes on the walls and shuttered windows. Machu was standing outside the gate impatiently waiting for Qie Ranzhe to show up while checking his watch constantly.     

The reason why he didn't go looking for his boss with a search party was because he had interrogated the men who had forced Qie Ranzhe to jump off the waterfall. It turns out his boss was fine and knew the direction home so he knew he would show up eventually. If Qie Ranzhe didn't show up in the next twenty-four hours he would then deploy a search and rescue team. Despite all this, Machu couldn't help but worry which is why he was standing at the gate.     

Once he spotted Qie Ranzhe he was excited dashing over with a jacket which he put over Qie Ranzhe's shoulders. "Boss, we-," he said but paused when he saw Su Xin following behind, "You! ..."     

Machu didn't hesitate to point the muzzle of his handgun at Su Xin ready to pull the trigger at a moment's notice.     

He found out that this little ploy was planned by the Su family. If not to get Su Xin then why else would they have the guts to attack them? Old man Su could no longer use Su Yi as an heir because Qie Ranzhe had rendered him a waste. It only made sense that the old man would try and rescue Su Xin despite cutting ties with him.     

Unexpectedly, Su Xin was the least bit frightened as he carried on walking as though challenging Machu's authority. Wen Qinxi could give a rat's arse, he was too exhausted to care.     

"Where the fuck do you think you are going!" bellowed Machu removing the safety on his handgun followed by a clicking sound.     

Wen Qinxi didn't stop and silently carried on walking. Machu was about to shoot a warning shot at Su Xin's feet but a strong hand grasped his arm. Puzzled, he turned to look at Qie Ranzhe who was saying, "He was our back up."     

"What?" exclaimed Machu putting away his gun while eyeing Qie Ranzhe suspiciously. He couldn't help but think his boss had been enchanted by that vixen once more. Thinking that they had rekindled feelings in the bushes, Machu seriously scrutinised him.     

"Boss, you can't be interested in him right? Have you forgotten who he is... damnit?! Do I need to call a psychologist or something? No, no, I think an exorcist would do a much better job," said Machu while taking out his phone. He was most likely scrolling through his contacts for the exorcist's information.     

Qie Ranzhe took Machu's phone away and said, "I am not fuckin possessed."     

"How can you say that when you told me a couple of days ago that you aren't going to divorce? If this isn't a symptom of developing feelings then I am a fuckin chicken," declared Machu while contemplating on whether a slap would snap his boss out of it? Some exorcists slap the spirit out of the victim. Recalling how Su Yi got his arse kicked, Machu changed his mind.     

"I feel nothing for him and I said that because I have plans for the Su family's legal businesses. What belongs to the wife belongs to the husband as well, right?"     

Machu nodded his head praising his boss for being clever. Qie Ranzhe had been eyeing the port dominated by Old man Su and since the old man dared to provoke him, his days were now numbered. With the old man out of the picture, everything would belong to Su Xin and based on last night's questionnaire, it would naturally belong to him.     

"What about the husband's things?... ouch!" yelled Machu after being smacked upside the head silencing him.     

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