Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Red Devil

Third World: Red Devil

0Wen Qinxi was too busy to notice the turmoil going on with the general as he had already lost his mind. His eyes reddened like a devil crawling out of hell with a mortifying smile. 'Fuck!' swore Wen Qinxi cursing this setting that he still hadn't gotten a hang off.     

While swearing internally, his fingers tightened on the man's collar saying, "You actually have the balls to come after me?" his deep voice frightening enough to send shivers down the man's spine. Anger and fear filled the man, if it weren't for the debt he owed Feng Yu would he have willingly confronted the demon face to face.     

Everyone in the underworld was terrified of Feng Zi which earned him the nickname red devil but ever since rumour spread that the Phoenix had lost its feathers and could no longer fly, a common misconception spread. It was believed that Feng Zi's strength had weakened but it seemed they were all lies. Feng Zi seemed worse than before.     

"R-red de-de-devil," stuttered the man looking like he was about to cry.     

Wen Qinxi was stunned. 'Red Devil? What the fuck is that?' he thought before addressing the man, "What did you call me?"     

"Oh sorry, sorry. Young master Feng please, please forgive me. Yo-your father sent me to free you from the military. So, so let's go," replied the man almost fainting out of fright.     

Wen Qinxi was shocked. It turns out Feng Yu thought he was being compelled to find him so he deviced this plan to get his son out. Of course, he was here of his own will so he took this opportunity to screw with Feng Yu. What would Feng Yu do when he finds out he failed to rescue his son. Wen Qinxi whispered something to the man's ears making the man's eyes widen in surprise.     

With the seed planted he stood up and shoved the man away. As soon as he was free the man scurried away like a coward and put up a brave front once he reached his men. Because he was trembling he struggled to climb up at the back of the pick up truck which made him look so comical. His men had to help him up and as soon as he got up there he yelled, "Attack!" in a trembling voice.     

His men who had no idea what was going on immediately charged at the soldiers. Some brave men went after Feng Zi thinking the red devil had lost it's feathers hence an easy target imagining how prestigious it would be to take down the leader of the underworld.     

Wen Qinxi who was expecting such a willful attack didn't hesitate taking out his pistol with the men dying like flies. Seeing how good of an aim Feng Zi was they transformed into beasts and charged forward. Their thick hides could withstand a bullet which was one of the special characteristics of a beastman.     

Feeling confident in their attack they sped up rushing towards their opponent ready to shred him to pieces but Qie Ranzhe wouldn't let that happen. He took off his pendant and a formidable dragon appeared in front of them. Qie Ranzhe grabbed Feng Zi by his claws and burnt the men to ashes.     

Wen Qinxi who was suddenly picked up the the claws felt aggrieved. Qie Ranzhe could have asked him to get on his back instead of having his claws digging into Wen Qinxi's shoulder. It wasn't detrimental rather an annoyance as the wind blew in Wen Qinxi's face.     

In the great distance stood a man who closely resembled Feng Zi. He was standing still with his subordinate holding a sniper rifle aimed at the black dragon soaring the skies breathing out searing flames to the ground. He usually didn't show himself but when he heard his son was captured by General Qie, he had finally had enough. The general had the audacity to not only burn his son's beautiful feathers but also shot him in cold blood all for what? A woman?     

When he discovered Qie Ranzhe's coordinates, he made it a point to show up in person and bring down this man that had ruined his son's life. This game of cat and mouse naturally had to come to an end. "Fire when ready," said Feng Yu before turning to leave. What he didn't know was that Qie Ranzhe was currently holding Feng Zi which would bring harm to his son.     

With the order passed the sniper didn't hesitate pulling the trigger but what he didn't know was that Qie Ranzhe had exceptionally good hearing and so he heard the sound of the bullet tearing the skies aiming at his heart.     

Taken aback, Qie Ranzhe tried to dodge but because he was carrying Feng Zi he had to be cautious resulting in the bullet striking his wing instead. With the bullet tearing his left wing, Qie Ranzhe instantly blacked out falling from the sky. This bullet had been especially designed by the mad scientist just for him. If it was any regular bullet things wouldn't have turned out this way. This bullet was larger coated with enough poison to kill an entire city yet that single dose was injected into one person.     

Wen Qinxi quickly realized what was happening. He had to do something otherwise this world would automatically reset and they would have to start again. Besides he couldn't bear watch Qie Ranzhe die all over again. In a panic, he did the one thing Feng Zi would never do. He took off his pendant and was instantly enveloped in flames.     

His body immediately transformed and he wrapped his wing around Qie Ranzhe with the other flapping trying to reduce the impact when they hit the ground. People watched as one bald pheonix and an unconscious dragon fell over a cliff like a ground seeking missile with a slim chance of survival.     

Having their mission accomplished, the villains scattered heading towards their vehicles while the army personel ran towards the edge of the cliff in disbelief. Their fearless general was shot out off the sky and fell over a cliff that seem bottomless.     

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