Offer to the CEO

Spy Identification - Part 2

Spy Identification - Part 2

0Wednesday, continued     

Ji Feng, looked at his boss and honorary nephew. He paused to think how he could help. "Yi just be there to support your wife. She needs to know that she is safe and protected and that you will always be there for her. If it means that you need to take a day here or a half day there away from the office, does it. She needs to understand that she will always be your priority."     

"Doing this will not make Hou Enterprises fall apart. You have built up a team around you that can handle you not being in for a day or so and you know they know what to do. And I can cope for that time, and if necessary I can call your father for help."     

"Could I suggest that you get some professional help for her. I heard that your university friend from England, Phillipa Chen has come with her parents to visit her extended family here. I recall reading somewhere that dealing with this type of stuff is her area of expertise? Talk to her, she might be able to help you to work out what to do."     

"Yi, you have to break through this barrier of fear that you have, but even I know that if you push Anna too far it will backfire on you. She needs to be in control, as from what you have said she has been in a situation without that control. And I will keep my promise, unless absolutely necessary I will not say anything to your family. But remember, my door is always open if you need to talk. Do not bottle it up inside, as it will do you or Anna no good."     

"How did you get so wise, Uncle Feng."     

"It is a talent Yi, a talent, hence why your father and now you keep me on here. Now speaking of the business, as you arrived I received an email on our spy hunt. They confirmed Supervisor An was a spy, after doing some more digging, so it was a good move to fire her last week. Your sudden departure on Friday and return today tripped up four others. We have confirmed evidence of this."     

"The receptionist you suspected contacted Yang Lin directly as did a cleaner, an assistance manager in the finance department along with one of the junior secretaries on this level who just happened to be in reception as you entered. I would get rid of her immediately, and strategically fire the others. Additionally while you were away we determined a manager within the travel department passed your departure to Lu Jinhu's assistant on Friday."     

"As yet they have not confirmed your return, but we suspect that will happen soon, as the jet is back. We determined that the manager was sloppy in passing information on, she used her company supplied mobile so we went back through the call logs and determined that she has been spying on Hou Enterprises for at least eight months, reporting your movements to Lu Jinhu."     

"Unconnected to all of this, I had been awaiting documents from the City A branch. They way they sent the documents required confirmation of delivery, which they received indicating delivery on Friday. They contacted me Monday afternoon inquiring why I had not responded despite there having been delivery of the documents on Friday. We determined a mail clerk would delay such deliveries for a day, to enable the documents to be copied and pass that information on to Lu Jinhu, Yang Lin and Lu Corporation.     

Ji Feng pulled a file out and handed it to Hou Yi "Here is the investigation information, which is solid." As he finished that, message alert sounded, and he read the email that it told him had come in, which he quickly read and printed out. As he handed it over "This email also contains some additional solid information not in that investigation as to things in the last thirty or so minutes. The question is what do we do?"     

"Anna had it right, we need to use them to feed information that we want them to get. What is the use of getting rid of all the spies, as it only will spur them to place more spies in Hou Enterprises. Use those we have identified to provide disinformation that will benefit us. Now apologies Uncle Feng, I need to get some things done, but we will talk later this week." With that Hou Yi stood up and left Ji Feng's office, walking to his own office.     

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