Offer to the CEO

Rage at the Lu's

Rage at the Lu's


Hou Yi and Anna arrived back in City T late Wednesday morning. Local time. Given Anna was exhausted Hou Yi escorted her home to relax while he went to the office to deal with urgent business matters.     

Meanwhile, Lu Jinhu was enraged at home with Yang Lin, as he had just been advised of the documents served on him by ANX Lawyers for Anna.     

This added to Yang Lin rage, as when she was at Fengs the previous day, she was refused any discount she knew she was entitled to. No staff member would tell her who denied her discount. What made it even worse was that the staff eventually called the police to have her escorted from the store in front of her friends. She could not believe how she was treated.     

Yang Lin's thoughts were interrupted when she heard Lu Jihnu's loud "F**k. How in the world did that b**ch achieve that. She should not have been able to do anything, and I was home free but somehow …"     

Yang Lin was worried, yes there plan had a few minor issues, but nothing insurmountable, and the main goals had been achieved. Lu Jinhu had duped an Australian woman, obtained his Australia citizenship enabling them to move from here when they wanted and stripped her of her assets without him paying anything. While not significant assets, her gullibility from the outset made her the perfect target.     

"Jinhu, what is it?"     

"F**king Anna, she got court orders on Monday that overturned the orders that took me all that time to arrange with her signature copied on to every page. F**k, f**k, f**k, all that time wasted and I may end up with nothing to show for it."     

"What do you mean?"     

"According to the lawyer, who I only used as he was dumb and who believed everything he was told blindly, that b**ch obtained court orders on Monday overturning the ones I had gone to all that trouble to get. Even worse, there is a forensic analysis ordered of her signature on the original documents. The forger I used is good, but it will not stand up to that analysis. Even worse, is that I have to pay her money to equal out what we receive as net assets, and the potential costs I might have to pay."     

"F**k this was not meant to happen. I was meant to have all the assets and she all the debt. I knew she had an appeal period, but I thought I had done everything to ensure she knew nothing until it was up. I knew she worked with some smart lawyers, but I never thought she could pull this off. F**k, F**k, F**k. The lawyer told me that they will have draft responding documents to me early next week, along with copies of everything filed."     

"The b**ch"     

"I know Lin. I have no f**king idea how that b**ch Anna got to Melbourne. The only thing interesting was that Hou Yi name has come up and somehow he is involved. How in the f**k do they know each other. Maybe when I see the documents, I will get an idea."     

Yang Lin took a breath, and calmed herself down. She needed Lu Jinhu to focus. "Jinhu, you moved everything you could back here before you came back, so as a non-citizen she can do nothing to recover that nor will the courts enforce her orders. All that is left in Australia is the unit, and we can find a cooperative real estate agent that will indicate that the unit is worth about the debt. She will then have to give you money to achieve the split ordered. Once the apartment is in your name we can still sell to our buyer and will clear over two million, which is enough to buy the property we want. Think about the big picture."     

Yang Lin paused, "However that b**ch does not want to cross my path. She had no rights, and I will make her pay for costing us money."     

Lu Jinhu turned to Yang Lin and asked "Have we any idea who was behind that situation at Fengs yesterday."     

"My guess would be Hou Yi, but apparently his plane left the country Friday night and only returned this morning. None of our spies at Hou Enterprises know where he went. But He should be at that charity event on Friday. While it may be petty I will make his time there miserable. Some measure of revenge, but that is all I can do at the moment."     

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