Offer to the CEO

The new work proposal

The new work proposal

0Monday, continued ...     

After his pause, Hou Yi restarted what he was about to say. "Mr Williams as you are aware Hou Enterprises business in Australia is increasing, but it is highly difficult for me to come to Australia to address legal matters. I have a proposal that I want to talk to you about, involving my wife."     

"What, Mr Hou?"     

"I thought Anna could work on a permanent part-time of casual secondment within Hou Enterprises. She could work with you here to deal with all our Australian based legal work minimising the need to me to travel to Australia. Having foreign trained legal staff in our legal department is not unusual, but it is always temporary."     

"It would allow Anna, to retain her qualifications here in Australia, and when she is not doing work related to Hou Enterprises, she could be remotely doing work for you here, like drafting documents and other matters not requiring face-to-face client interactions. If we have children, or she decides to cease practising, that of course would change things."     

Hou Yi looked directly at Anna, and briefly smiled, and she smiled back.     

"How I would see it working, is that Hou Enterprises would reimburse you all relevant costs to remain a qualified lawyer here, as well as being responsible for all fees in Country X for her to work. You would bill us at commercial rates for all work she does related to Hou Enterprises, and that would be off-set against her wage, which we would pay to her for the total hours she words for you. Working our where the credit is at, will simply be a matter of record keeping."     

"I know how much time my wife has spent in developing her career, and it is important to me that to the extent I can I give her every opportunity to continue her work, as being a lawyer is part of who she is. I can see long term benefits for you as in Country X, business is usually done on a collaborative basis. My wife could give you the opportunity to provide legal services to other businesses looking to expand into Australia. You can provide them with a local contact, which will differentiate you from every other firm competing for their work."     

Stan Williams paused for a few seconds "Given last week's issue we recognized the real risks that exist for Hou Enterprises given the status of your current Australian Projects. I had planned to suggest a rotating secondment for qualified staff to assist as needed. While Anna has some commercial law knowledge, it is not as specific as those who practice solely in the area. We could, however work around that."     

"Mr Williams, I understand this. Hou Enterprises despite its size is a wholly family owned company. I have the incentive not to mess up, not only for my husband but for any children we have in the future. You know I learn new things reasonably quickly and can put thing into practice. Yi is right, I do not want my marriage to end my career, but my husband's suggestion has benefits for all of us."     

"As you have seen from last week, I can deal with matters remotely, and I know I can always research and ask questions if there is something I do not understand. Further, as you know almost everyone says in this office, I am the best at drafting affidavits and court documents. That is something I can do remotely to assist everyone, if the data is uploaded into the systems, and that can not only benefit Hou Enterprises but our other clients."     

"All I would need to have happen is the file notes or if clients agree a recorded interview uploaded into the system and I can work from that material to start the drafting process on any matter. If I am doing that, it leaves whoever is responsible for the file free to do other work. All they have to do is review, fill in information gaps and confirm it meets the technical requirements of the matter."     

"CEO Hou, Ms Jones. Sorry I could call you Mrs Hou. The proposal interests me, but as you know Anna, I have to get the agreement from the other partners for that. If we agree, then the whole situation will have to be documented in a contract. How long are you here for?"     

"It depends on how long you need to agree and finalise any agreement, and how soon the Family Court list the application to overturn the orders. Hopefully they will be persuaded to list it urgently as I believe Lu Jinhu will likely seek to move assets overseas quickly removing them from Australian jurisdiction. Also, I need to deal with my personal belongings, and we are looking at properties to buy, both in Melbourne and near my family which we will need the conveyancing done on."     

Anna paused, then recommenced "I also have to tell everyone here what is happening. I owe it to them, as I know with what Lu Jinhu has done to me at times, they have put up with a lot from me."     

"Let me go and speak to the other senior partners, and I will let you know what their decision is. Now I understand you have documents you need to go through for those proceedings. I will leave you to do that."     

Just after Stan Williams left, Anna realised that she left the boxes back at the hotel that had the gifts from the market for everyone "Yi, can we send one of the bodyguards back to the office to collect the boxes of gifts that I picked up at the market for everyone."     

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