Offer to the CEO

Finalising some things

Finalising some things

0Monday, continued...     

Nodding to Anna's request a frustrated Hou Yi opened the door and had a quiet word to one of the bodyguards outside to return and collect the items for Anna. He then recognised that Anna was simply being forgetful given what her mother has put her through yesterday. As he returned in a soft tone he said "Done. Let us get back to what we need to deal with."     

Anna then placed back in Hou Yi's hands the printed version of his affidavit and a pen, saying "Have a read, and mark the changes that you want to make. I can make them once you have finished your review and I have altered my affidavit."     

Despite her affidavit being five time longer than Hou YI's as she was so used to reading and editing them, while checking case law, Anna flew through reviewing her affidavit. She finished editing her affidavit less than five minutes after Hou Yi finished his. Hou Yi, while waiting for her to finish her affidavit and make the changes to his, sat back and watched his wife at work. He was captivated by how she could be vulnerable at times, but then like now can demonstrate how capable she was.     

As she was making the changes to Hou Yi's affidavit, Anna asked him some questions to clarify his suggested amendments while working through the changes to have a appropriate final version. Once she was finished, Anna sent Alfred an email saying 'Changes made to affidavit, just reviewing the application and financial statement. Will confirm when completed. Anna.'     

Anna, again due to her familiarity with the documents required flew through them filling in blanks. On reaching the last part of the financial statement, she knew the need to declare details of the financial resources she had gained access to on marrying Hou Yi. She paused, and quietly spoke "Yi I hate to ask, but I am required to reveal information about financial resources I have access to. Are you OK with me putting in 'My now husband owns and manages the family multi-national company based in Country X, the exact value of which is impossible to calculate but is likely to be in the billions of Australian Dollars'."     

"That is OK. You better mention Lu Corporation, and Yang Lin's family's company resources that Lu Jinhu has access to, which would be similar."     

"Thanks." Anna quickly finished the documents and emailed Alfred confirming she was done.     

As soon as she had sent the email Stan Williams re-entered the room. "CEO Hou, Anna the other partners and I have discussed the proposal and are OK with this. However, to save time, Anna to you want to have a go at drafting the agreement, so we can see where we need to update your commercial law skills?"     

"Absolutely. I will email through to you as dot points the recitals for review before I do the agreement, if you are OK with that?"     

"Fine. Email it through when you are done. When we have a final agreement, if you would like to tell the firm at once, we can call a firm wide meeting to announce what is happening."     

"OK." And with that Stan Williams left the room again.     

"Yi so I can do this right, could you come and sit beside me so from your perspective I have the agreement points right before I send them through." Hou Yi moved next Anna and bent in watching her type the information and reading the screen. Every so often he would lean in quietly suggesting a change. As she was about to send the email through, Hou Yi heard a noise outside the door and as it opened, he leant over and turned Anna's head gently towards him as if he was about to kiss his bride.     

Noticing the scene as he walked in Alfred made a coughing sound to attract Anna and Hou Yi's attention.     

"Anna, I have spoken to Senior Counsel and they are happy with your amendments to the documents. Senior Counsel suggested that there should be more information about the companies mentioned in the financial statement, but I believe we will get away without it. Are you ready to sign?"     

"I need to send this email, and we are ready." With than Anna clicked send, and the three of them worked through the documents executing them as needed.     

After signing, Alfred said "Anna I will personally take these to the court for filing and request an urgent hearing today given our concerns about Lu Jinhu potentially removing assets from Australia permanently risking the security for the payments we seek. I need to clarify for my own mind, while are you happy in exchange for keeping your superannuation and a cash payment to bring you to the percentage you seek to allow him keep the physical assets?"     

"Alfred. If he wants them, let him have them. All I want is what is fair in and he simply pay out my interest to get them. As Yi and I are purchasing property here, why do I need a reminder of the past, so cash is easier. From what I understand in Country X, I can use the legal system to enforce the payment there, and if he fails to comply, he can face jail. I hope he refuses to pay so he will go to jail."     

"I will let you know an outcome regarding an urgent hearing as soon as possible."     


As Anna, looked at her laptop, she realised she had received a message from Stan Williams 'Anna, the points are agreed. Type it up for you and your husband to sign, and then we will sign. Use a HOUENT file to save it in.'     

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