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Cheering Up Anna

Cheering Up Anna

0Sunday, continued ...     

"If Rebecca was here I we would drag Anna somewhere there is alcohol to drink, but I do not thing the guys surrounding us would like that too much. Maybe the simplest option is that we walk through Flagstaff Hill just over there, then on the return to the airport we go via Tower Hill. Simple, easy, and these guys can lighten up a little, and have some fun." When she was talking about Flagstaff Hill, Rosemary pointed in a direction towards the Museum's entrance.     

Taking Rosemary's suggestion, Hou Yi turned to her "I guess that it is OK. Walking around not thinking too much might be what she needs." With that they turned and walked to the entrance of Flagstaff Hill.     

When he pulled out his credit card to pay for everyone's entry, he told the staff member to charge for the next twenty adults to enter free and add a donation to Flagstaff Hill as well. While walking around for an hour, Anna started to calm down, and began to be happy being teased by her sister-in-law. While they were walking around, Hou Yi would for short periods of time take Anna's hand in his, not only to keep her by his side, but to reassure her and give her the subtle message that he loved her so much.     

As they were heading up the hill to leave Hou Yi spotted a little chapel in the grounds, and was interested in it so he wandered over. Rosemary walked over to him "What are you finding interesting about that."     

"I just found it interesting. Do you know if it is just for display?"     

"Actually, it is considered consecrated ground. There are often weddings that use the church, and couples often come in and take photographs here. Why are you interested?"     

"How people get married in my country is different here. We simply attend a government authority and register at which time we are issued a wedding certificate. There is no requirement for a wedding ceremony, but most people have a formal ceremony for family and friends to celebrate their relationship. I want Anna to have that formal ceremony here, but due to her mother's attitude that may be impossible."     

"Look Yi, I can do that. Stuff my mother-in-law. She thought Lu Jinhu was a saint, and always blamed Anna for any little problems. Meredith believes that men, particularly men who put women in what she sees as their place, walk on water and any troubles in the relationship are the woman's fault."     

"Despite how Meredith treats Stan she believes that in a relationship a man is entitled to do what he needs to assert his authority. While I suspect that you are ruthless when you need to be, being calm and considering of Anna makes her immediately hate you. This is all due to her parent's own religious beliefs. Anna describes the religion as being a cult. I think she is right."     

"Meredith left them to marry Stan, but she expects that her children all follow her parent's beliefs regarding the roles in a relationship of a man and a woman. Ben and I, Adam and Rosemary, Susan and Wayne and James all pay this lip service in front of Meredith because she is Stan's wife. Ben, Adam and Susan are lucky."     

"For Ben and Adam, it is that Meredith is their stepmother and as Susan is the same age as them, Ben and Adam's maternal grandparents have always treated her as a granddaughter. That provided them when they were younger a buffer from Meredith imposing her beliefs on them. Rebecca and I do not give a care about Meredith's beliefs, but we respect them in front of her rather than causing an argument."     

"Anna had no escape, and Meredith ingrained her beliefs on her from a very young age. While I am not a psychologist, I would guess this made her vulnerable to Lu Jinhu. Meredith will never change, but your wealth may change her attitude as she worships money. The problem is for Anna, her mother will never really accept her."     

"As to a wedding ceremony here, I am happy to help, and I know Rebecca and Susan will be willing to do so to. All we will do is not say anything to Meredith to the last minute and tell her that she is the mother of the bride and give her an outfit. That will inflate her self-esteem for the day and she will behave."     

"Thank you, Rosemary. My mother and Aunt, along with my assistant are working on matters back home. Can I get your details to give to them, so they can contact you?"     

"I will write them down for you before you go."     

Anna, turned around, and saw Hou Yi and Rosemary standing near the chapel. "What are you two talking about?"     

Hou Yi immediately said "The church made me think how wonderful you will look as a bride."     

This made Anna blush, but before she could reply, Rebecca jumped in "Come on you two, you are not going to make me feel as if I am not needed. We are going to Tower Hill, so get moving." Rosemary came over to Anna, and gently pulled her nose and started running. Anna laughed and ran after her sister-in-law, which despite needing to run put a smile on the bodyguards faces as well. Hou Yi, walked behind everyone else, with one bodyguard at his side.     

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