Offer to the CEO

Heading to ANX

Heading to ANX


When she awoke Monday morning, Anna felt so drained from everything with visiting her parents the previous day she did not want to get out of bed. However she remembered the reason for coming back to Australia and started to sit up. She then noticed Hou Yi was still asleep beside her, but he had his arm around her waist. While it was comfortable and made her feel something she was not sure of, she knew she needed to get up.     

Anna, however, could not dislodge Hou Yi's arm so took the only option to her and shook him until he awoke. After a few minutes he started to stir, so Anna pushed him away from her as hard as she could.     

"You knew that I did not agree to you doing this, if there was no chance anyone would walk in on us." As she spoke, Anna's voice became more and more angry     

"Please calm down Anna. During the night you begged me to hold you because you were so upset. Each time I attempted to remove my arms from around you, you became so upset so I just stopped trying to talk my arms away."     

"I do not believe you. You are lying."     

Hou Yi could see how angry Anna was so in an exasperated tone said "Fine Anna. You may not consciously believe me, but you know subconsciously that this is the truth. Neither of us want to argue, so to prevent it getting any worse, I apologise for making you upset about this."     

"You damn well better apologise to me."     

"Anna. Calm down. I apologise for upset you."     

"Fine. Just leave me alone," Anna spat out.     

"Anna, I will give you the space you need, but I will not leave you alone. Please remember your promise that you will give our relationship a chance in the long term. While you get ready, I will arrange for breakfast to be sent up. Is there anything that you specifically want?" Hou Yi paused, and when he got no response "OK I will order a selection for us. Take your time in getting ready."     

Hou Yi picked up his mobile turning off the preset alarm before climbing out of bed. As he got out Anna realised that he was only wearing boxer shorts and squealed out "Hou Yi, put something on," before turning her head and burying it in a pillow. Despite being embarrassed, Anna realised that Hou Yi's body was ... yummy was the only word to describe it. Lu Jihnu's body could not compared to it.     

"Anna, calm down. I will get ready first, and while you are getting ready I will order breakfast." Hou YI then selected from the wardrobe clothes for the day and entered the bathroom. When he exited about ten minutes later, he observed that Anna had drifted back to sleep. Given how disrupted her sleep had been the night before he decided to let her sleep for another half hour before waking her.     

On entering the study area of the suite he located Anna's laptop bag, the translated documents and the paperwork they finalise on Friday. He slipped his laptop out from his briefcase, and started reading reports that had been sent to him, keeping an eye on the time. After thirty minutes, he shut his laptop down before reentering the bedroom. He gently shook Anna, saying "Anna, time to get up. You need to get ready, so we can go and deal with things."     

Anna awoke with a start and realised that she had fallen back to sleep. "Fine, now get out and let me get ready."     

Hou Yi turned and left noticing that Anna was unhappy about being awoken and left the bedroom. He called and ordered breakfast for them and advised the bodyguards to have the car ready to take them to ANX Lawyers in about thirty minutes. He reopened his laptop and continued to read the reports, until there was a knock on his door. He closed the laptop down and placed it back in his briefcase before answering the suite door for the hotel staff with breakfast. They came in and set out breakfast before leaving. Less than two minutes after they exited Anna entered the main area of the suite ready to face the day ahead dressed in business attire.     

Hou Yi urged Anna to sit down, and they both quietly ate breakfast before finished getting ready. On leaving their suite the bodyguards came to them and escorted them downstairs to the waiting vehicle for the trip to ANX Lawyers.     

In glancing over at Anna, Hou Yi noticed that she was tensing up. He turned and said "Everything will be OK. Just tell them the bare minimum, but if you need me to speak, I will. OK."     

In observing Hou Yi Anna realised that he was trying to keep her calm. With a small smile and said "OK." With that Hou Yi took Anna's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze which made her realise that she was not going to go through this day alone. With that they simply sat quietly until they arrived at the building where ANX Lawyers offices were located. One of the bodyguards opened the door, and helped Anna get out of the car and Hou Yi exited after her.     

The bodyguards escorted the two of them up to the offices, one carrying Anna's Laptop and the paperwork she had, and another carrying Hou Yi's briefcase. They soon found themselves in the lift and going up to reception. Firstly, Anna stepped out, and the receptionist immediately recognised her, and responded "Miss Jones, I thought you were on leave for a couple of more weeks."     

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