Offer to the CEO

Talking to the Boss

Talking to the Boss

0Monday, continued ...     

On looking again, the receptionist noticed Hou Yi and his bodyguards exiting the elevator behind Anna. All she could stutter was "Mr Hou, I did not know that you had an appointment..."     

Anna, wanted to immediately prevent a scene, and quickly responded "Could you please let Alfred know that Mr Hou and I are here. We will wait for him in interview room three, and if Mr Williams is free could you please ask him to join us. They both know what this is about."     

Anna from her handbag removed her pass card and opened the interview room. As she and Hou Yi were entering one of the bodyguards handed over her laptop and Hou Yi is briefcase. As they entered the Room Hou Yi placed a gentle hand on her back, simply to reassure her. As the door closed, Anna stepped away and removed her laptop from the bag and connected to the office internet.     

A couple of minutes later the door opened, and once it was closed Anna spoke, "Alfred this is my husband Hou Yi. Yi this is Alfred Walters."     

"Hello Mr Hou. As usual Anna, good drafting. On Friday and the weekend, I consulted with Senior Council to ensure we covered the technical requirements, which you knew were missing, and all I then had to do was reorganize what you had done. All you need to do is approve the final version. However, I have not further engaged Senior Council to appear as I could not confirm your instructions as to costs."     

"Cost is not an object. Whoever you need to engage for represent my wife, do so, and the bill will be paid," responded Hou Yi quickly. He knew that overturngin these orders would start Anna's revenge on Lu Jinhu.     

"Alright, I know that for the future. Anna, feel free to make whatever changes you need, and print your final version." He then pulled out a printed copy "Mr Hou, I have drafted a short affidavit from you. Could you please read it as well, and Anna can make the necessary changes and print the final version as well. Once you are all done Anna, can you please let me know." Responded Alfred who turned to leave.     

As he was about to exit the room Mr Williams entered the room. He was shocked to see Hou Yi. "CEO Hou, I did not realise that you were coming to deal with the issues Miss Jones was assisting you with last week."     

Anna responded "Could you please close the door and sit. I need to talk to you both about a few things." Alfred closed the door, and both he and Stan Williams sat down. "I need to tell you both the whole truth. As Alfred will have guessed from the affidavit, during my relationship with Lu Jinhu I was unwilling to admit I was a victim of his emotional, psychological and economic abuse that amounted to domestic violence."     

Stan Williams, however, knew that Anna was unwilling to admit the full truth. She had been subjected to physical abuse on multiple occasions as well. While, from what he and the other partners could determine it was minor bruising, it was all documented given police concerns. He simply wished that Anna would tell the truth but that had to be her decision. They simply had the evidence documented if she decided to take matters further. He however wondered how Hou Yi came to be involved.     

Anna continued "I had been about to end the relationship with Lu Jinhu when he proposed. When I accepted that proposal I recommitted to our relationship."     

Well, Stan Williams thought that explains the increasing signs of physical abuse that they saw on Anna. He locked her in and figured she would simply let the abuse happen. He was so tempted to provide the evidence to the police but knew Anna well enough that she would not cooperate to have Lu Jinhu prosecuted.     

Anna took a deep breath to calm down, as Hou Yi grasped her hand. "Mr Williams, as you might remember around six months ago CEO Hou was here for a series of meetings. We literally bumped into each other and spent months communicating with each other through instant messaging apps. Cutting a long story short, we both fell in love with each other on sight, but were unwilling to admit it until a little over a week ago when we passed by each other in the Australian Embassy in Country X. It was this that resolved all the ongoing questions about my relationship with Lu Jinhu and made me realise that I could not marry him. "     

"We spoke after this, which immediately confirmed to me who I wanted to marry. All we agreed to was that we would wait some time after I ended my relationship with Lu Jinhu before marrying. I had not been able to tell Lu Jinhu before our intended marriage date of last Tuesday, but when I met him ready to do this outside the Civil Administration Bureau I found out he never intended to marry me, and used me to obtain Australian Citizenship, and fraudulently obtained the orders that I am appealing."     

"He was not remorseful and had in fact married someone else before telling me the relationship was over. Yi and I decided there and then we would not wait, so we married last Tuesday. Given this I am going to be permanently relocating to Country X, returning to Australia for visits. I figured you both needed to know the details, but I will simply be telling everyone else I am immigrating without all the details."     

Pulling out the envelope and handing it to Alfred "Oh by the way, these are the original and translated documents you need for the affidavit. Can you please give me the originals back ASAP." Alfred then excused himself from the room, shutting the door behind him.     

She then grabbed a second envelope and turned to Mr Williams and said as she handed it to him "And these are the balance of the original document you were waiting on from last week."     

Before either could say anything Hou Yi spoke, "Mr Williams…"     

Long Authors Note:     

While avoiding technicalities in Countries that follow the English System of law, there is a demarcation between various lawyer's tasks and how the public can get access to them. In Australia barristers (who the public have limited access to) are those who specalise in a few areas, and work to assist lawyers who the public access easily. In Victoria (where ANX are) Senior Council have had their skills and experience recognize and appointed to the position by the government. In the United Kingdom, for example they are known as Queens/Kings Counsel. Other countries that follow the same legal tradition use variations on these terms.     

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