Offer to the CEO

Buying rings at Fengs - Part 6

Buying rings at Fengs - Part 6

0Tuesday, continued …     

On leaving the VIP room, heading towards the door to leave the store, they could hear Yang Lin yelling "What is this crap. I know you have 4 sets of the Dream Wedding Ring Sets. There are only three, and the one I want is the Pink Diamond set. Get it here now."     

"Madam Lu, that set was sold to someone else. I am sorry, but I cannot produce it for you."     

"You knew that I was coming here. I am entitled to the one of best and most exclusive wedding rings in the world. Call the person you sold the set to and tell them it was a mistake that you sold it to them and have them return it immediately. Now for the inconvenience to me I get that set for free, and the other person must buy their replacement. "     

"Madam Lu, if I could I would, but someone else has brought and paid for it."     

"I do not give a care. That set is mine, so get it here now. Otherwise you can look forward to a long period of time in jail." Yang Lin was now screaming.     

Hou Yi noticed Assistant Wang outside the store with the car, and he said, "Anna, could you please go and sit in the car. Once you are there, I will deal with this, as I do not want them to see you."     

Anna, walked to the door to leave, and heard Lu Jinhu yell "My wife has given you a request remember one call from us, and this store will be closed in less than 5 minutes, and you will be thrown in jail. Do what she has told you ….", and with that Anna was outside the shop grateful to be away from what was happening.     

As soon as Hou Yi, saw that Anna was climbing into the car, he turned and walked towards the second VIP Room, pushing open the door with some force, entering and slamming it behind him. Neither Lu Jinhu or Yang Lin reacted immediately.     

In a low threatening voice Hou Yi stated "This stops now. Yang Lin, you have no rights any more to bully the staff and demand that the do what you want. I let it go while we were engaged but given you have been ignoring my phone calls and I heard you called Madam Lu, you refused to marry me."     

"You have no rights to make demands of my staff any more. When I was called about the discount, I authorised Manager Yong as I did not want a scene impacting on the business today. By the way, given family arrangements I am considered the owner of Fengs, and I am telling you here and now, you that today's discount is the last you will receive here."     

"You have no connection to me or the Hou and Feng families, and the staff will be informed you receive no discount unless I specifically authorise it, which presently I am not inclined to do for a long period of time. You will not get the ring set you are demanding, as another couple has chosen it, and I will not stand by and allow them to be forced to return their choice to satisfy your narcissistic demands, nor will the staff comply. That couple made their choice, and they will keep it, so you have to select something else."     

"F**k you Hou Yi, you owe me. I am entitled to what I want as I had to put up with you, you b**tard. I want that ring set, and I will have it otherwise I will make sure this store is closed down." Screamed Yang Lin.     

Hou Yi responded, still in his low threatening voice "Try all you like. You forget there are not just CCTV in the main part of the store, they are in the VIP rooms as well, and have captured all your behaviour. Go ahead and try to blackmail this business, my staff and I to get what you want. If you continue, I will authorise the provision of the CCTV footage to the authorities and have you charged."     

"Your parents may have connections with senior government officials, but do not forget one of my close friends is the son of a senior government official, and my business is more important to this country than your family or the family that you have attached yourself to. See who will be looked after, a shrew like you or a businessperson trying to protect his staff."     

With that he turned, and walked out of the room, with Yang Lin yelling "You owe me ongoing discounts you b**tard, and I will have them. If I do not get them, along with the now thirty percent that you allowed me today, I will destroy you."     

Lu Jinhu was yelling "By the way when I own your family company tomorrow, just watch me do everything I can to make you pay for this."     

Hou Yi continued to ignore them, walked to Assistant Manager Wong asking for a piece of paper. He wrote a quick note for Manager Yong that read 'Please make copies of all CCTV footage from when Yang Lin and Lu Jinhu entered until they left, sending it to my assistant at Hou Enterprises' and then signed it.     

He then said to Assistant Manager Wong "Please hand this note to Manager Yong. Can you also please not tell that couple in VIP Room 2, that I purchased the items. Once the jeweller has made the changes please have them sent to my home as soon as possible. Again, thank you for all your work." With that he, walked out of the shop, and sat quickly into the vehicle. Assistant Wang realised that Hou Yi was angry and decided that he needed to get them out of there quickly and to M Mall.     

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