Offer to the CEO

Butler Ge

Butler Ge

0Tuesday, continued …     

With Hou Yi's comment, Anna could not help herself and laughed. that Anna laughed, before responding in a playful tone "It is. But put me down, I want to walk into my new home with you beside me rather than carrying me"     

"Well I think you know where I could carry you", Hou Yi responded and again nuzzled Anna's neck.     

Before Anna could respond, there was a lough cough, indicating that someone was there. Hou Yi and Anna looked up, and there was an old gentleman bowing to the two of them. "Young Master, welcome home, and this is…"     

With than Hou Yi, decided that he needed put Anna down, and carefully lowered her, but did not let go of her completely. She kept a hold of her hand, and brought her towards the man who had, as he seemed to realise, given the look of embarrassment on his face, interrupted them.     

"Ge Zhi what have I told you about bowing. I do not want you doing it here. It is not needed, and all you need to do is greet me. And you know that I simply prefer to be called Sir."     

"Young Master, it is a sign of respect."     

"Today, I am not going to argue with you about this, as I do not have the energy. Plus, I do not think that you will change your mind."     

"Young Master, your guest …"     

"Butler Ge, this is not a guest, this is my wife. We were married earlier today…"     

"Apologies Young Master, Young Madam, I should have realised and had the staff gathered to meet their new mistress." With that he looked Anna in the eyes and bowed down to Anna, who found this embarrassing.     

"Butler Ge", Anna interrupted before Hou Yi could say anything. "That is not necessary"     

Hou Yi, however did not want to deal with that show at all. He decided to put a stop to that immediately, and firmly said "Just let them know that my wife is here, and that she will meet them in due course. Have someone deal with my wife's cases and the bags from M Mall when they are sent up, pressing the clothes were necessary, hanging the clothes up in the walk-in robe in our suite."     

He looked at Anna, who appeared somewhat scared about having staff, so he continued "Please send some cold drinks, nothing alcoholic, to be brought in. We are expecting a police officer to arrive soon, so please show him in to us. Finally, can you arrange for a car to take us to the ancestral home tonight, once we have dealt with the police."     

Hou Yi paused for a few seconds, and shook his head, before continuing. "No scratch that, tell them to be ready to go at short notice once the police officer has left, as we cannot guarantee when we will be ready."     

While Butler Ge, was saying "Yes Sir", Hou Yi, gently moved Anna across the foyer, and down a couple of steps into a formal lounge area, overlooking a balcony. He directed Anna onto a lounge and sat down beside her.     

Anna leaned over and said in a quiet voice only Hou Yi could hear "Yi, that was laying it on too much. There was no need to. I said I would be reasonable to help establish that our relationship is real, but that was taking it too far."     

Hou Yi leaned in and replied in a quiet voice "No it was not. If I had taken it too far, I would have ignored Butler Ge, and simply taken you to our room, and not let you out. I just figured the traditional carrying over the threshold would add just the right touch of romance. Added to that is the impression that I cannot wait to get you alone, and that I do not care if we will be late."     

"Well, ask next time, before you act."     

With than Hou Yi simply eased Anna's head onto his shoulder, and just whispered "Let us just sit here until the police officer arrives. Do not move, as we need to show the staff that we cannot wait to be alone."     

Both simply sat there, with their heads touching, and closed their eyes as the day had been draining for both of them. Neither noticed a maid come in carrying a tray and place it on the coffee table in front of them before exiting. As she left the lounge, she ran into another maid. The both stared at the resting couple in the lounge.     

The first maid said to the other "I thought that lovely Yang Lin was going to be the Young Madam. This woman has no class, and she does not deserve the Young Master. We need to help Miss Yang deal with that woman, as she does not deserve anything."     

The second maid responded, "I think you are …."     

Before they could continue their conversation, they were interrupted by Butler Ge. "The Young Master has chosen Young Madam, not Miss Yang. Be grateful I overheard you, as if it had been the Young Master you would have lost your jobs. You need to keep your opinions to yourself, respect the Young Madam, and be willing to help and protect her. If you cannot, tell me now and I will arrange a new job for you. However, if you stay and then are found not to be respecting the Young Madam, I will not help you."     

Both quickly responded, "Yes Butler Ge," but both quietly saying to themselves that Miss Yang needed to be helped to deal with the woman who has come in her. To them Miss Yang, was a nice woman who was properly dressed and respected them, but this woman was dressed in cheap clothes, and had totally ignored them, when they deserved respect.     

Before anything else happened, there was a call on the internal apartment phone system which Butler Ge, answered. After being told that it was a police officer to see the Young Master, he told the staff to send the person up, and went into the lounge. He stood at the entrance to the lounge, and in a loud voice "Apologies Young Master, Young Madam. The police officer you were expecting is on his way up."     

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