Offer to the CEO

Cutting down Supervisor An

Cutting down Supervisor An

0Thursday, continued ...     

Anna Jones handed to Assistant Wang, after she shut the door her handbag and laptop case. Supervisor An was simply standing there watching what happened.     

"Miss Jones" Assistant Wang said, "Here are those documents you needed printed off." With that he handed her the documents. He continued quietly "Madam Hou" before getting louder "Why is Supervisor An here?"     

"Assistant Wang, I have advised her that I am here for a specific task, but she refuses to believe me, while demanding that I continue to work under her supervision. I dared her to come and demand an answer from the CEO if she was so bold." Anna then quietly said, "Get security here, as we will be dealing with her and she needs to be escorted out of the building when we are dealt with her."     

"Lawyer Jones, I demand you tell me what you said to Assistant Wang that I could not hear. I am your supervisor and need to know."     

"Supervisor An, you are not my supervisor, and I do not have to tell you what I said."     

Anna then turned to Assistant Wang and said, "Remember what I said."     

With that Anna turned back to Supervisor An and said, "I am going in for my appointment with the CEO."     

As Anna got near the door into Hou Yi's office Supervisor An, pushed Anna out of the way, opened the door and forced her way in "CEO Hou …"     

Hou Yi, yelled "Who in the world are you?" He then noticed Anna walking in a little shaken behind this woman. He gently pulled Anna in the room and shut the door behind her before shouted again at Supervisor An, who was staring at him with a look of infatuation "Who in the world are you?"     

"CEO Hou I am Supervisor An…"     

Realising that Anna was still shaking with almost having been knocked off her feet by Supervisor An, Hou Yi ignored her and turned to his wife, asking "Sweetheart, are you OK?"     

"Darling Yi, I just need to sit down. I am a little bit shaken having almost been knocked off my feet." With that Anna, sat down on the couch, and pointedly looked at Supervisor An.     

While he wanted to sit with his wife, Hou Yi knew that standing would project the right message to be heard. As soon as he was sure Anna was settled down on the couch, Hou Yi turned back to Supervisor An, angry as anything with what just appeared to happen "What gives you the right to do that?"     

"CEO Hou, Miss Jones here is under my supervision…"     

"Supervisor An, get it right she is not under your supervision, she is here on behalf of her Australian Employers to deal with a matter."     

"CEO Hou, she was placed in my section within the legal department and therefore under my supervision and she refused directions."     

By now the anger about the situation could be heard in Hou Yi's voice "Supervisor An, as I said she is not under your supervision, she is simply here on behalf of her Australian Employers to deal with a matter. It was simply convenience that she was placed in your area in the legal department here there was space."     

"Miss Jones, CEO Hou…"     

"You are not listening to me Supervisor An. She is not under your supervision." As Hou Yi was getting more and more angry, Anna realised that she had to calm him down, so she stood up, and forced him to turn and look at her, before reaching up, pulling his head down and giving him a brief passionate kiss on the lips.     

When they broke apart, both could see that Supervisor An, was angry about the fact that Anna had dared touch and kiss the CEO, which she felt she should be the only person to do.     

"Miss Jones, you have no right to touch the CEO. I will see to your discipline as soon as you are out of this office," screamed Supervisor An.     

"No, you will not Supervisor An, as you have no right" responded Anna, as she leant into Hou Yi.     

"I forgot to correct one other thing with you Supervisor An," stated a now calm Hou Yi. "You have her name wrong. It is not Miss Jones, and in no way is she under your supervision."     

"CEO Hou she is…"     

"Enough," said Hou Yi, in a firm and angry term. "Let me finish. As I was saying it is not Miss Jones and she is not under your supervision. In fact, you are under her supervision, and by the way it is Madam Hou"     

"Madam Hou?" stuttered Supervisor An.     

"Yes, Madam Hou." Hou Yi paused for dramatic effect and then continued "As in my wife."     

"By the way, we know that you have been providing information to competitors of this business. You are finished with Hou Enterprises with immediate effect and your personal possessions are being packed for you. The police have been called, and the guards will keep you with them, until you are taken away to be charged with offences against this company. Further if you speak about what we have just told you, we will sue you further." followed on Anna.     

With that she went to the door, and asked a couple of the security guards outside, along with one of the bodyguards "Please come and remove Supervisor An from the CEO's office. Assistant Wang was calling the police to come and arrest her for passing on company secrets to our competitors."     

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