Offer to the CEO

The Affidavit (Anna and Lu Jinhu's relationship) - Part 4

The Affidavit (Anna and Lu Jinhu's relationship) - Part 4

0*** WARNING - this chapter and the following chapters cover issues relating to domestic violence. These themes will continue throughout the balance of the story. Please be careful when reading this material ***     

Thursday, continued ...     

[Anna is still typing her affidavit]     

For a foreign citizen to marry in Country X, you are required to complete paperwork at your local embassy. I attended the Australian Embassy in the capital on the day after my arrival for this purpose to that to happen with Lu Jinhu. In passing, I spotted my husband and knew that I could not marry Lu Jinhu. As my husband is well known to the Australia Embassy officials, I convinced them to complete the necessary paperwork without my husband being present and completing his details. A letter was attached to this explaining why my husband was not present.     

After a confrontation between Lu Jinhu and myself outside the Civil Administration Bureau, but before I could admit to him I was not going to marry me, he informed my he had married a Miss Yang Lin, gained Australian citizenship and indirectly indicated that he had obtained the orders which I am appealing.     

After Lu Jinhu left, I met and had discussions with my now husband, and we agreed to get married. The documents supplied by the Australian Embassy with its attached letter were deemed to be sufficient to allow my husband and I to marry. [Note – ALFRED I will upload into the systems the footage of us obtaining our marriage certificate, plus have certified translated copies of our marriage certificate and household registers and bring the originals with me]     

I am requesting the court in this appeal to set aside the original orders obtained by fraud and make orders that provide for an appropriate financial settlement ending my de facto relationship with Lu Jinhu [NOTE - ALFRED add what is needed to meet the technical requirements for the appeal - I am too tired and emotionally drained to think about that]     

[Anna stopped typing her affidavit]     

After saving the affidavit Anna took the time to review what she typed, realising that she had what most likely was needed. Additional material Alfred could add, that was his job, not her job in this matter.     

She then opened up her emails, and emailed Alfred.     

'Alfred. I have prepared the preliminary draft affidavit, with some notes. As I am drained I have not checked the technicalities to overturn the orders. That will all need to be inserted into the affidavit. Let me know what I need to read, and what time you need me in. I am flying back over the weekend. Unless you need to can you please not reveal any of the information in the affidavit to anyone in the office.'     

'I want to tell everyone about that, ending the relationship with Lu Jinhu, face to face, I do not need them to get it in Affidavit form. The most difficult part will be my marriage, to one of the most powerful men in this country and controls a client of the firm's. Other than the translations are there any other documents here that you will need me to bring? Do you need an affidavit from my husband? Let me know. Thanks, Anna.'     

Once that email was sent, she then opened up the chat box with Hou Yi, 'Finished. Let me know when you are ready to leave. I am just going to pack up my laptop for the day, as I am exhausted."     

'Anna, not a problem. I am chasing everyone out of the office, they should be gone in about five minutes, and I will come in to get you.'     

'OK. Logging off now.' With that Anna, logged of the intranet and shut off her laptop, packing it in its bag.     

In thinking of what she had drafted, Anna realised that she had kept the information as simple as possible, applying the maxim she learnt with drafting KISS - Keep It Simple Silly/Stupid. She knew it glossed over several things, but that was not what was necessary. Setting out basic information about the relationship and ensuring the technical aspects were covered was what was needed.     

It also made her realise the insidious nature of her relationship with Lu Jinhu. As she realised, these experiences were not as bad as some client's she had dealt with, but it still involved domestic violence of a psychological and economic nature, just not physical.     

In overturning the orders, Anna realised that she was taking, a legal step all of which was in her control to gain revenge on Lu Jinhu over what that he had done. That made her think, even a better revenge will be getting involved with a domestic violence organisation here, while she would not name Lu Jinhu, re-telling her story again and again, will continually harass him. Maybe that was something to talk to Hou Yi about?     

Anna started to relax and quickly fell asleep. Hou Yi walked in and found his sleeping wife. He carefully picked up her handbag and laptop case handing them along with his briefcase to a bodyguard directing them to have a car ready downstairs to take them home.     

Returning to the sitting room, Hou Yi carefully dropped a lightweight scarf, he had set aside for a gift over Anna's head so no one could see her face and replaced her shoes on her feet. He bent over and picked her up in his arms, carrying her out of his office. Despite the bodyguards surrounding them, staff could clearly see he was carrying a woman out of his office. They quickly entered the elevator, then into his car to drive home, when she started to wake up.     

Anna, fell back asleep in the car, and Hou Yi carried her back into their suite on they return. She did not awake, so he carefully undressed her, and pulled her into his arms to sleep for the night.     

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