Tricking My Cold Lover

Responsible Husband

Responsible Husband

0"What are you thinking?" Ara asked, turning to Geun.      

Both of them were driving back to their penthouse, located in the same building as Chun-Ho and Byeol's apartment. Geun knew how important it was for Chun-Ho to remain close to Ara, especially since she was the only daughter. Thus, he made it a point to live closer to them.      

Since their return from their honeymoon, they had been occasionally having dinner with Chun-Ho and Byeol. Sometimes even, have breakfast together.      

"Geun?" Ara repeated, hearing no answer coming from him.      

"Hmmm." Geun sighed while taking a left turn. After adjusting his speed, he answered, "What could be so different now that you are pregnant? My sisters make it sound like, it will change me into a better man."     

His eyes narrowed before adding, "I am already a better - no, the best man."     

Ara laughed for seconds and answered, "Geun, I guess... we will know soon and even I have a lot of questions about being a parent and being pregnant."     

"Hmmmm." That was all Geun said at that point.      

They only resumed talking about their initial concerns after taking a shower that night.      

As they rested on the bed, Ara unwittingly touched her flat belly and remarked, "I can't believe I'm really two months pregnant. I don't see any difference."     

Geun turned to face Ara and reached for her belly as well. "The doctor did say, it is still a very small fetus."     

He pulled her closer to his side and asked, "Are you disappointed that we are having a baby way too early?"     

"No. Of course not!" Ara shook her head before looking straight into Geun's eyes. She added, "Considering how we have been having sex, I suppose... I suppose I wanted it too."     

"Besides, it's not like I won't get a promotion now that I am expecting." A confident grin became plastered on Ara's face. She announced, "In fact, me getting pregnant got me promoted to the highest position ever! For our child will be a future heir of the Yeong empire! I am... a madame Yeong after all! Haha!"     

A hiss left Geun's lips while Ara chuckled at her own declaration, but after a while, seeing her so amused, he leaned closer and pecked on her lips.      

Ara was right. Her siblings did not get to carry their last name. It was because he was the only son that his wife naturally carried the Yeong surname. While it was understood that he will be sharing the profits of the Yeong empire with his siblings, Chan-Mi and Nari were more interested in their own businesses and that of their husbands. Technically, Geun had the most control over JKW Enterprises and the Gun factories.      

Ara turned to face the other side of the bed as Geun hugged her from the back.      

Geun pecked on Ara's shoulder and breathed against her neck. His actions gave her goosebumps all over that she remained to giggle.      

Soon Geun revealed, "Ara, I have seen my sisters in their pregnant state, and it's not a walk in the park. You might go through the same things as they did."      

His lips curved up before he explained, "There is vomiting and nausea for the first few months and then when the baby is nearing its due date, I often heard them complain about pains in their hips whatnot."     

"Mom told me this too," Ara signed. "But no matter. I will get through it and you'll have to help me, Geun! I don't care if you are the future CEO of the company. You married me and got me pregnant, so you should share the responsibility of being a father and being husband!"     

"I... I promise to help in any way I can," Geun answered, with a hint of doubt. He then realized that he should have asked his brothers-in-law about this stage. Still, no matter. They were already there, and he knew well not to upset Ara.      

"Well, for vomiting and nausea, you are just going to have to be my runner in everything - prepare to save me from fainting, get me a puke bowl!" Ara pointed out. "Then, I heard there's going to be strange food cravings."     

Ara turned to look at Geun and suggested, "You are going to have to deliver, giving everything that I ask for!"     

While Geun sneered at the idea of finding Ara a puke bowl, he did not think giving Ara whatever she asked was such a difficult task. He was Yeong Geun, after all. He can always secure whatever Ara wanted.     

"I can give you... whatever you want, Ara. I am that responsible husband and father that my sisters talk about," Geun answered with confidence.     


Just two days after that conversation, nausea and vomiting kicked in for Ara, especially at night. The same scene happened in the next few days. Almost all the time, Ara would empty out her stomach and could not decide what would make her feel so much better.      

On one evening, Ara got up and rushed to the toilet. Geun also got up, aiding his wife.      

While Ara puked directly to the toilet bowl, Guen massages her back. He held her hair up and tried his best to comfort him.      

After Ara was done, she washed her face and returned to bed in tears. "Oh, my goodness. This is just a few days, but it's - it's so bad."     

More water streamed down her face before she grabbed a tissue on the bedside table and spat on it. "My tongue tastes so awful!"     

Geun sighed dramatically. He frowned and caressed his forehead. He sat next to his wife, massaging the back of his neck. His eyes had dark circles around them, also not sleeping well since Ara started vomiting. He had to admit, getting pregnant was apparently so tiring, even for him.      

When Luiz and Salvi warned him about the possible sleepless nights, he honestly thought they were simply scaring him. Evidently, it was all true. He hissed inwardly, recalling their words.     

"Mom said, you need to address your cravings and that may help with the nausea and vomiting. Something sour may help." Geun turned to his wife and push back several strands of her hair before asking, "Is there anything at all that you have been thinking of eating?"     

"Well." Ara cleared her throat and thought back. "I  - I have been thinking about that fruit that we ate in the Maldives. You know that purple fruit that seemed to have a hard shell but you can split them with your hand and you eat the white flesh surrounding the seeds?"     

Ara found herself licking her own lips, just thinking bout the fruit before telling, "I'd really like to have that."     

"I - I. I don't think we have those in Korea," Geun answered with full concern painted on his face. He did swore to give anything that Ara wanted, but she was asking for an exotic fruit.     

"But, I think I really wanted them, Geun!" She wound up giving him a tantrum that night and reminded, "I thought you could give me anything I want! Whatever! You were the one who asked me in the first place!"     

That night, Geun had to search for all kinds of purple tropical fruits that can be sold in the Maldives, and after an hour, he finally identified the mystery fruit's name. It was mangosteen.      

It essentially took two days for Geun to secure the said fruit, ordering it directly from Indonesia, through the contacts of his grandfather Shiwoo. He practically ordered two crates of the said purple fruit.      

The entire two days, Ara had given him the cold shoulders. Thus, he worked hard to secure the fruit.     

Arriving at their penthouse one evening, Geun had all but smiles on his face. Finally, he had the mangosteen fruits for his wife.      

While his men, settle the crates in the kitchen, Geun searched for Ara in the bedroom. She had been resting at home due to her nausea for a few days now.      

"Ara, I have mangosteen!" Geun announced. "I finally have them for you."     

"Mangosteen!" Ara exclaimed, nearly jumping off the bed at Geun's news.      

They both went into the kitchen and had cracked open one fruit. Ara immediately savored on one piece of the flesh, closing her eyes while she was at it.      

The smile on Ara's face was a beautiful sight for Geun, especially for how much she had been feeling lately.      

After spitting out the seed, Ara smiled at Geun and pecked on his cheek. She said, "Thank you, hubby. You really delivered."     

Geun pecked back on Ara's forehead and answered, "Anything for my wife."     

After eating another piece, Ara happily announced, "Geun, tomorrow. I want another kind of fruit."     

Geun did not know why, but he felt his heart raced. He coughed before asking, "What - what fruit?"     

"Jackfruit!" Ara announced, raising both her brows repeatedly. "Fresh ones."     

For a second, Geun's mouth fell open. He covered his worries with a fainted laugh and asked, "What's with you and tropical fruits. Haha! We aren't in a tropical country, you know that right?"     

Ara immediately pouted her lips and asked, "Any problem?"     

"No." Swallowing his own spew, Geun answered, "We can always fly things from any country. Jackfruit it is. Where do jackfruits grow?"     

"Mmmm.... Malaysia? India? Philippines?" Answered Ara.      

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