Tricking My Cold Lover

At The Same Time

At The Same Time

0Seven months passed.      

Both Ara and Nari were both ready to give birth. Ara at 38 weeks at Nari at 36 weeks. Both of them were having baby girls.      

They both kid about giving birth at the same time and that they would celebrate their daughter's birthdays each and every time.      

From the luxurious residential community, at the end of the neighborhood, was where Nari and Luiz lived with Carlos and Rae Bin. That bright and sunny day on a weekend, the entire family was preparing for breakfast.      

Luiz had just come from a business trip from the US and hurried home, knowing his wife was due to give birth soon. Since having missed his twins' delivery, he swore never to miss any again.      

He was there for the first time with Gabriel and now; he was looking forward to being there and receive their new baby girl, Juliana.      

"Good morning, honey," greeted the tall, tan, and handsome husband of Nari. He smiled and pecked on her lips, seeing her go down the stairs.      

Nari was in a frown, seeing Luiz. She asked, "When did you get back? Why didn't you wake me?"     

"At dawn. About three in the morning." He offered his hand to her and answered, "You were sleeping soundly. You did not even notice a strange man had slept next to you."     

He chuckled at her frowning face and answered, "Sorry, hon. I actually went to the kid's room after I took a shower. I fell asleep there next to Gabriel, but this evening, I will surely be with you the entire night."     

"Mom, Dad!" It was Ava who came rushing to their parents in her cute little feet. "Grandpa said, breakfast is ready!"     

"I'm hungry!" Announced Amelia, taking a peek from the dining room.      

"Where is Gabby?" Nari asked, looking around the living room.      

"He is with Mom," answered Luiz. "Let's eat."     

Carlos had prepared a feast for their breakfast, welcoming Luiz from his two-week business trip. There were a variety of Brazilian dishes for them to dine on.      

"Here you go, hon. Have some more protein to keep Juliana strong," suggested Luiz, putting some pork stew with black beans on her plate.      

"Thanks, honey. I'm starving." With a smirk on her face, she then leaned closer to her husband and whispered, "More importantly, I'm hungry for you."     

Luiz wound up coughing at his wife's suggestion. He drank an entire glass of water and only then did he answer back in a soft voice, "Later, hon. Later."     

"Daddy!" Gabriel called from the opposite side of the table. He was sitting next to Rae Bin, being fed with porridge. He was pushing back his plate in the direction of Luiz, suggesting he wanted to be fed by his father. "Daddy! Gabby Daddy!"     

While Ava and Amelia chuckled at their brother's actions, Luiz had no choice but to give in. He reckoned his son missed him so. Nonetheless, taking care of his children was his pleasure. Times like these were priceless to him.      

After getting settled, Luiz first fed Gabriel and ate in between. Putting a spoonful of porridge in front of his mouth, Luiz urged his little boy to open up, "Here you go, buddy. say apple for Daddy!"     

"App - " Gabriel did not get to finish his word. He already accepted the food in front of him and started chowing it down.      

"Gabriel really knows to look for a male figure. He is so attached to his father and to both his grandfathers," remarked Rae Bin, glancing at the two.     

"Yeah, well, that's because Dad kidnaps him very often," remarked Nari before smiling at the sight of her husband and son, enjoying each other's company.      

As the Morenos resume their breakfast, Nari received a call from his brother Geun and she answered the call in the middle of their meals.  "Geun?"     

"Noona, I can't reach Mom. Chan-Mi's not also picking up. Do you mind letting them know that Ara's giving birth. Her water broke, and we are headed to the hospital right now," reported Geun.      

"Oh!" Nari's eyes lit up. She answered, "Are you all set? Sure, I'll reach out to Mom and Dad! How is Ara?"     

The siblings exchanged for a few more seconds before finally ending the call. After which, Nari asked one of the maids to walk to the Yeongs' mansion, a few blocks away from their residence, to inform her parents. She also could not reach her parents and she assumed they were taking out her great-grandparents for a stroll in the garden, as usual.      

Following their family breakfast, Nari first checked with Ara and Geun. After learning they were all settled in the hospital with her uncle Chun-Ho and aunt Byeol, she felt at ease. Yanmei had also contacted them, so she was relieved her sister-in-law was in good care.      

Shortly after handing their children to their nannies, Nari rushed to pull Luiz back to their room. Despite her fully grown belly, she was walking so fast. "Luiz, let's hurry. After this, we may need to check on Ara at the hospital."     

"What? Why don't we go now?" Luiz asked while chuckling. While he adored his wife, he found it really amusing how she still had the eagerness to make love in the midst of Ara about to give birth.      

Still, they found themselves in their bedroom, and as always, Nari was all over her husband!     

She took off his shirt and reached up to his face. They made out intensely as they walked towards the bed.      

Their gasping and moaning easily became evident as they settled on the sheets.      

"Let me take care of you first, Nari," suggested Luiz.     

He then took off Nari's maternity dress and her underwear. He took a second to peck on her belly before crawling down in between her legs. After he fondled her with his fingers, Luiz began to please her with his tongue.      

After two weeks without love, Nari was ready to come in seconds. She cried in desire, clenching against the sheets as she lay on her back with her legs spread wide open for her husband.      

It did not take long for Nari to moan loudly, twitching her hips while she was at it.      

Nari was so engrossed with the feeling of having orgasmed that she remained to have her eyes closed for some time. She did not notice the odd reaction coming from her husband.      

When she finally opened her eyes, she heard Luiz say, "Ah... Nari. That was... A lot of cum?"     

She could see Luiz's brows drawn together, looking down in between her legs.      

Curious at what her husband meant, she also sat up and studied the sheets. Her eyes widened, realizing it was soaked!     

"Ummm." Nari got up from the bed and more water trickled down her legs. She gasped heavily before looking at her half-naked husband and suggested, "I - I doubt that was cum."     

Luiz's senses returned to him. He said, "Let's go to the hospital!"     

"But - but!" Nari objected with her forehead creased. "We haven't made love yet!"     

"Nari?! You are going to give birth. We can make love after," reasoned Luiz as he rushed to the cabinets and look for the maternity bag they had long prepared.      

"Two months! Luiz! I'm going to wait two months!" Nari nearly cried at the thought, but when more water came out of her, she took a deep breath and said, "Fine... You are not going anywhere for four months!"     

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