Tricking My Cold Lover

The Right Motivation

The Right Motivation

0"Where are we going?" Nari asked while wrapping her arms around Luiz's.     

"I am going to take you out on a date... A proper date," Luiz answered while looking out the window of the car.     

Luiz's had earlier picked up Nari from the hotel, bringing a bouquet of roses and asking her to come with him.      

One of Luiz's men and one from Anton came with them as an escort, sitting in front of the car.      

"For sure, we are going on a date, but where?" Nari asked, also looking out.      

"To my first restaurant in here," said Luiz. "I closed it just for you this evening."     

Nari smiled at that and leaned over to kiss on Luiz's cheek. She said, "That's nice. It sounds romantic. We've - we have never been really out on a formal date."     

Luiz could not help but be hurt by that revelation. He gave Nari a peck and said, "This is... the start of many dates."     

As for their date, Anton had no qualms. He thought his daughter deserved the time with Luiz after all the suffering she had gone through. He wasn't going to get in the way anymore, but he did not miss having a one-on-one talk with Luiz the other night.      

Last night, Nari and Luiz were making out like there was no tomorrow, reaching second base as they did. However, just as Nari was reaching for his pants, they heard the doorbell ring.      

Anton had interrupted their make-out session just in time.      

It was clear to Anton that his daughter and Luiz were having an intimate moment. Thus, he asked for Luiz's time in his room and specifically asked that he marry Nari first before getting her pregnant again.      

To Luiz, it was understandable, and he conceded.      

For now, apart from building that intimate relationship with Nari, he meant to get to know her again and make memories with her, just like as she suggested before.      

Arriving at his first restaurant, Nari exclaimed from inside the car, "It's so big!"     

She could tell the entire area occupied about two thousand square meters. On top of that, it was another three-story restaurant, just like the one in China!     

"Yes, it's because this is my main branch," Luiz proudly said. "My second biggest branch is in New York."     

With her jaws dropping, she smacked on his arm and said, "Why did you close a restaurant for me? That's crazy? How much will you lose because of this?"     

Before getting out of the car, Luiz stared into her eyes and said, "Because, you are special to me." He reached for her hand and placed it on his chest. "I feel it here... Nari, I want nothing more than to make up to you for all our lost times - and don't cry."     

He caressed her face and said, "Please don't cry on my account. Please."     

It was because he saw how her eyes were watering again that he tried to prevent it from running down her cheeks. Seeing Nari cry always stuck a needle into his heart.      

Nari took a deep breath and threw her head back, returning the waters back to her yes. She said, "I'm trying not to cry."     

It made Luiz laugh and said, "You are just so adorable."      

Taking her hand, he urged, "Let's go, my burger."     

Luiz brought her to the kitchen where he prepared a seat for her. He meant to cook for Nari... a special tomahawk steak.      

Nari could not help but giggle after learning she was going to eat a sizeable steak. She said, "I can't finish an entire steak though. It's too big."     

"Well, you have to. Your Dad told me how you lost a lot of weight because of me and I felt that too since yesterday." From the grill, Luiz turned back at Nari and said, "If you don't.... I won't kiss you tonight."     

The frown on Nari's face easily formed. Her eyes narrowed and thought, "Oh my gosh, what a bargain!"     

Luiz just chuckled and went forth to make their salad.      

From the third floor of the restaurant, romantic instrumental music was played to set the mood. It was where Nari and Luiz had a special candlelit dinner for two.      

One of Luiz's staff set Nari's large chop board plate with her huge steak already sliced. She gulped, seeing how the tomahawk was larger than her palm and was practically two inches thick!     

If that wasn't enough, green salad was served along with it for her to finish.      

She scoffed and said, "A kiss? Come on, Luiz? You have got to give me something better than just a kiss for me to eat this whole thing? I need to have the right motivation!"     

That utterly took Luiz aback. Two of his servers were there to aid them during dinner, and they also found themselves chuckling.      

He ordered them to step back before leaning towards Nari. He said, "Nari, what did you have in mind?"     

Nari looked back and seeing how Luiz's staff was already away, she leaned forward and revealed, "I want you... in my bed!"     

Luiz could not help it. A sweat easily formed on his forehead. He sighed and said, "Nari, I promised your Dad I'd wait for us to get married before." He coughed and covered his mouth with his fist. "Before we have children again."     

Nari bit her lip. She got up and went to Luiz. Whispering to his ears, she said, "I took a pill yesterday and if it helps, I brought a condom."     

Luiz wound up choking at her words. He stood up and brought her further away from the table, into one corner of the restaurant, and said, "Nari, are you sure about this?"     

Nari flushed and said, "Luiz, I - I just really missed you. Why can't I?"     

Lui was really not sure if he could go through with it, especially after committing with Anton Yeong. However, he thought, he did say that he was supposed to not get Nari pregnant. 'Did that mean we could?'     

He determined he will cross the bridge they would get there. Besides, he was 50% sure, Nari could not finish the entire meal.      

"Okay, Nari... if you finish your entire meal," Luiz answered while also feeling his face burn. "I'll take you to my home."     

After returning to their seats, Nari started with her salad, and she finished it in five minutes.      

She drank two glasses of red wine and then commenced with the heavy steak. One by one, she put a handful inside her mouth.      

"Calm down, Nari. We have all day," Luiz said before chuckling.      

Nari just nodded and chewed as much as she could in half an hour.      

Eating half of the steak, Nari wound up crying. She sniffed her tears away and said, "This is so hard, Luiz. Can I finish this tomorrow and still get my prize?"     

Since he became Ramon Russo, Luiz had never laughed so hard in his life. Nari's reaction gave him the first and most memorable laugh that he could remember! He said, "You are right, Nari. We can make memories together."     

With a heavy sigh, Nari gawked at her steak.     

When she suddenly had a lightbulb moment, she said, "There is... a way better memory that we can make... How about... we go to your penthouse?"     

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