Tricking My Cold Lover

Nari Conti

Nari Conti

0Minutes Earlier.     

"Martin, can you help me check on something," Said Ramon on the phone.     

"What is it, Sir," responded the one of his men in the US.     

"Can you do a background check on Nari Conti?" Ramon asked while leaning back in his chair.     

There was a moment of silence before the man named Martin said, "If I may say so sir, I think you are doing the right thing."     

It stunned Ramon how Martin himself doubted the woman who claimed to be his girlfriend when he recognized himself as Ramon Russo.     

"Yes, I supposed it's high time that I do," said Ramon. "Thank you, Martin."     

It was Nari Conti, and her family who said to have sheltered him for years, from an apparent memory loss. However, two years ago, Ramon awoke one day in the home of the Contis, recalling that he was Ramon Russo.      

He could hear words on his head, dictating his identity and see images of his father, including his younger self.      

Nari Conti and her family were the same people who reunited him to Massimo Russo, introducing him as his lost son. It was a tough adjustment for Ramon, but there was always that one thing that gave him comfort; it was cooking.      

Massimo Russo, his father, gave him the change to take live again as a Russo.      

Unfortunately, with his recollection of his identity, he apparently forgot about Nari Conti and the family that had harbored him for years.     

While Ramon was thinking about the circumstances of his life, he heard a knock on the door.      

When he looked up, he was stunned to see Nari Conti, the same woman he had begun to doubt, especially after the arrival of another Nari... Another Nari that seem to give him a more familiar feeling; Yeong Nari.      

"Surprise, Ramon! I decided to come to see you. I could not wait for another month!" Exclaimed Nari Conti.     

"What is it? You look like you have seen a ghost!" The woman chuckled how Ramon's reaction and said, "Ramon, it's me! It's Nari?! The love of your life!"     

At the sight of the woman, Ramon suddenly felt his blood boil. He had always tried to respect Nari Conti, but something inside of him could no longer bear her presence. Not after what happened earlier that day.      

Ramon took a deep breath and asked, "Are you really? You know... I've always wondered why you have an Asian name. Isn't Nari, a Korean name for lily?"     

With a heavy sigh, the Nari Conti expressed, "Ramon, please. I told you many times, my parents just came up with the name, Nari. It's not my fault."     

She stomped her feet walking towards Ramon and sat on his table, right next to him. She said, "You know sometimes, I wished you did not recognize yourself as Ramon Russo, we would not have this kind of problem."     

The same woman put her hand on his arm and said, "How many times did I have to tell you, it's me, I am your girlfriend, Nari."     

When she acted to caress his face, Ramon pushed her hand away and said, "I'm sorry, but I tried. For over a year, I tried." He got up from his seat and said, "You are better off finding someone else... I know you said we were lovers, but somehow... I can't bring myself to have that kind of feelings for you."     

For a second she felt a lump in her throat, but after sensing him opening the door, the woman said, "What - what has gotten into you? You were never this cold before?"     

"You should just... return to Italy, where your family has been waiting for you," said Ramon. "Stop chasing after me."     

He said it so coldly that the woman felt chills down her spine. Nari Conti sensed her heart racing that her chest dramatically raised. She wound up losing control and yelled, "How could you?! I have sacrificed so much - did so much just so I could be by your side!"     

Her entire body trembled before she made her way to Ramon, "Look, to be honest, I am also getting tired of this - running after you! I just need you to do one thing and I - I might just forget all about you!"     

"What is it that you need?" Ramon asked with a stern expression.      

The woman frantically searched from inside one of her bags and took out a folder containing several documents. She said, "Sell to me your father's main restaurant in Florence. I can pay you premium for the establishment and I won't even use the restaurant name, I just need the space! That's all!"     

"Eight Million Euros! That is very generous enough - look! Look at the offer!" Urged the woman.      

Ramon frowned at the request. He then said, "This is my father's legacy and right now, his alzheimers is getting worse. He will not be able to recognize this discussion with me. The last time I did, he was still thinking straight back then, and he clearly told how he never wants to sell that restaurant. We did not even sell it to the pharmaceutical company, how much more to anyone else."     

He firmly gripped her hand and said, "Why do you keep insisting on this? If you really cared for me, then you should respect my decisions."     

Feeling the pain on her wrist, Nari Conti's lips trembled, but after seconds, she gasped and said, "Calm down, Ramon. Calm down." She put away the documents and said, "I'm sorry. I should not have brought it up again."     

"It's just that... our relationship is falling apart, and I." She shed a tear and said, "I spent so much money on your treatment and I was left with nothing and I thought - I thought if I had that same spot where your father's main restaurant is, I could make it on my own."     

Ramon just stared at her coldly. These were the same words that granted her pity. She always told Ramon of her sacrifices for him while he did not know himself.      

It was Nari Conti and her family who had said to have put him to treatment, sent to a psychiatrist and paid for his medication. Nari Conti claimed, if it were not for their efforts, Ramon would not have remembered his real name.     

Now, after hearing the words of one Yeong Nari and her father, he was beginning to doubt himself again.     

"I'll find you a place and buy you the same establishment, but my father's restaurant is not for sale," he responded to the woman.      

Nari Conti easily paled at the suggestion, and it was clear to Ramon that it was not what she desired. "I'll have my staff book you the first available flight back to wherever you want to go home - US or Italy, just let me know."     

Seeing his attempt to flee again, she said, "Wait! Wait!"     

Yet again, she looked inside her bag and said, "Here are some of your medications from Doctor Marino. I just wanted to make sure you are still taking them... So you won't get those... strange images again."     

Ramon stared at the bottle of capsules before he took it. He said, "Thank you."     

He left and walked straight to the kitchen and ordered all of his staff to leave him alone for ten minutes. He took out his phone and called Martin again.      

"Sir?" Martin spoke on the other line.      

"Go to my office at the third avenue branch. Open the bottom drawer and there you can see a bottle full of capsules," Instructed Ramon. "Have the contents studied."     

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