Tricking My Cold Lover

The Symptoms

The Symptoms

0Geun and Ara did not get to talk about their kissing spree the other night. It was because Chun-Ho remained to sleep with Geun in the same room that Geun found it awkward to even call Ara.      

He merely said goodnight through text and promised to speak about it the next day.      

They had a brief breakfast at the Chai mansion before leaving for the airport.      

Thankfully, Byeol expressed how tired she was and Geun saw it as a chance to have a private talk with Ara. He offered for Chun-Ho and Byeol to rest in the private room of the plane as they were in mid-air.      

"Uncle, Aunt, there is wine too if you need help for sleep," suggested Geun.      

"Ah, that's a good idea," told Chun-Ho.      

"With wine? Are we really going to get some sleep, Chun-Ho?" Byeol asked with a frown. Even if her husband rested with Geun, at four in the morning, he returned to their room and woke her up... all the way until breakfast.      

"We are going to sleep, wifey. Don't worry," said Chun-Ho before he let Geun leave.      

Geun stood by the door of the private cabin, making sure they weren't coming out anytime soon. When he assumed that his Aunt and Uncle have already settled, he went to instruct his men to stay around back while he sat with Ara in the front row.      

Ara immediately turned to Geun when he took the seat next to her.      

She was dismayed that they did not get to talk last night, but somehow she understood that their circumstance did not grant them the time.      

Ara made several conclusions about their relationship last night, one of which was that they both probably made a mistake. She was about to speak when Geun swiftly covered her lips.      

It shocked her, but at the same time, she was easily intoxicated by his taste that she kissed back. Their lips locked for seconds more before they broke off the kiss, gasping for air.      

Ara was still elated by the kiss and just as she was still thinking about it, she heard Geun say, "Ara, I." She frowned seeing how Geun's forehead crest. She could tell that he was struggling to say the words, but soon enough, he revealed, "I can't stop thinking about you."     

"Me too - "     

"Since your eighteenth birthday," Geun revealed. His eyes further tighten before he added, "It was so bothersome."     

Ara leaned back with her brows furrowed. Her voice broke off as she said, "Am I supposed to be happy with that? Or was it too bothersome?"     

With a sigh, Geun faced Ara and said, "I just... want one thing clear, Ara."     

"O-k-a-y," she said.      

"Whatever we talk about here, please... please don't ever tell my sisters about it." He cleared his throat and explained, "I don't like it when they tease me."     

Ara nodded and said, "I know that."     

Geun sighed and look at Ara properly. His mouth parted, ready to say what he had prepared to say since his uncle left his room. He had an entire three hours of practice.      

"I never studied psychology seriously, nor behaviors," explained Geun, "But I wound up doing so earlier. Especially since the appearance of one Apron Shim."     

"It's Aron," said Ara.      

"Whatever. He looks like an Apron," said Geun.      

"Anyway." Geun took out his phone and showed Ara what he had listed on his notes. After letting her get a glimpse of his list, he said, "Here are the symptoms."     

Geun: "Number one. I kept thinking about you. Whether it was in my bed, from my office, or your face just popping out nowhere while I am driving!"     

Geun: "Number two. I want to keep seeing you."     

Geun: "Number three. I feel irritated when I see you talking to another fellow of my kind - a male especially. So I suppose this is what they call... proprietorial."     

'Proprietorial?' Ara repeated silently. "Possessiveness? Or Jealousy?"     

"No - no. Just proprietorial," Geun insisted.      

It left Ara confused, but she maintained to listen to his words.      

Geun: "Number Four. You stir emotions in me like you easily make me angry or I easily get disappointed when you ignore me."     

Geun: "Number Five. You act like caffeine, making my heart palpitate faster."     

"Number Six. I." He gulped before revealing, "I want to keep kissing you."     

"Therefore, base on the mentioned symptoms, I conclude... I have this proclivity over you... You cast a spell on me," Geun said at the end. "There I said it."     

"Proclivity?" She muttered. "That is what your research suggested? That I cast a spell on you?"     

Geun's mouth twitched. He said, "Sort of."     

"What the hell, Geun! Do you like me or not? It's that simple!" Ara pointed out. She was very close to losing her patience. "It is definitely not a simple proclivity!"     

"Shhhh... Uncle might wake up. Calm down," Geun reminded, and only then did he try to answer Aa directly. He said, "It is what it is. Like and proclivity, they are somewhat similar!"     

Ara wound up grabbing Geun's collar and warned. Her eyes had never been so angry at him before. She stated, "Listen, Geun! This is your last chance! Stop going around in circles and just tell me in layman's term."     

She took a deep breath, realizing how her voice was increasing by the second. She resumed, "It's very simple!"     

"Why do you keep thinking about me? Why do you want to kiss me? It's very simple. Do you like me or not?" She said with her brows furrowed.      

"Ara, quiet down!" He reminded. "You said it for me."     

"No! Say it!" Ara demanded. "I'm not going to keep guessing your feelings, Geun. This was the main reason why I never wanted to get involved with you romantically."     

"Of course, I had a feeling that you liked me, but that's just the problem with you! You'd rather find multiple excuses to work with me than just simply telling me that you like me!" She took a deep breath and said, For the last time! Answer me truthfully, do you like me or no?"     

"I - I think so," he answered, but after seeing Ara's frown, he added, "I want you... Ara. I see you as a woman."     

For seconds, Ara just stared at him. She then smiled and told, "There. That wasn't so difficult."     

She smiled and just stared in any direction.      

When Geun realized how the conversation ended with no conclusion. He asked, "Wait... What about you, Ara? Do - you - like - me?"     

"Interesting. You can't say it but easily ask it," said Ara.      

"Anyway, I haven't listed my symptoms yet so I can't say," she teased, leaving Geun in a complete sneer.      

"That's not funny at all," Geun pointed out. "It's very simple. Do you like me or not?"     

Ara sighed and turned her attention to him. She calmly asked, "Geun, promise me, you'll work on being more direct with me? Because I never liked this side of you - the need to keep on guessing what is going on your mind."     

Her request made Geun think deep. He could not understand himself either. His sisters were generally expressive, but it was not the same with him. He glanced out the window before responding, "Ara, you know me."     

"Yes, Geun. I know you, and that is why I also know. It must have taken you a lot of determination to tell me this," said Ara. "Just promise me, you'll try your best."     

Geun leaned against the seat and just looked into Ara's beautiful brown eyes. He determined he would try... Anything for Ara. Barely a whisper, he said, "Okay, Ara."     

When a smile reflected on her face, he knew they were clear. He then heard Ara say, "I like you too, Geun. Actually, I think I might have liked you too, during my 18th birthday."     

She felt herself blushing as she averted his gaze. "I just... tried to fight it."     

Her words made Geun grin. He suddenly felt his heart racing that he circled his hand against his chest. He turned to Ara and explained, "Symptom Number five."     

"Oh." Ara laughed, and she ended up doing so boisterously. She then remarked, "You are so complicated, Geun."     

"So Ara, we are real this time. Not pretending anymore. You are... my girl." Geun awkwardly asked that he said the last word so softly. He quickly coughed and said, "Remember not to tell Chan-Mi and Nari about how I asked."     

She rolled her eyes as she chuckled. She smiled and just looked at Geun's athletic face for seconds. Only after gawking at him did she say, "Yes, real this time."     

As a result of their confession, they hugged each other, and Geun especially stole kisses on Ara's lips and cheeks. They cuddled for some time before Geun remembered, he had a gift for Ara.      

He walked back to his seat and grabbed a small box. He handed it to her and said, "A gift for my Ara."     

When Ara opened the box, she saw practically ten flavors of ChapSticks. Then she watched as Geun took one and put it on his lips. She heard him say, "These are very new flavors. Do you want to try how they taste?"     

"Hmmmm," said Ara, while looking at Geun's lips. "That looks delicious."     

For the rest of the flight, Ara and Geun made out. It wasn't even about the Chapsticks anymore. They kissed so passionately that their lips turned sore.      


Getting ready to get off the plane, Chun-Ho noticed the redness on his daughter's lips. He asked, "What's wrong with your lips?"     

"Oh!" Ara panicked as she fished for a red ChapStick and said, "I put on a lot of ChapSticks! Geun's gift!"      

Chun-Ho glanced at Geun and asked, "Did Geun put Chapsticks too?"     

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