Tricking My Cold Lover

Fill The Hole In My Heart

Fill The Hole In My Heart

0Hearing Anton said he was joking, a frown easily became painted on Salvi's face. While embracing Chan-Mi, he said awkwardly, "Ah, uncle. I've known you... to be a serious man - "     

"Mine?!" Anton turned to his wife. "Was it not you who said I am... a good joker?"     

Yanmei just scoffed at Anton. She walked over to Salvi, and she gave him an Italian greeting, pecking him in the cheek. She said, "I've long considered you my son, Salvi."     

She gave him a light punch in the chest and said, "It was not a good joke to scare Chan-Mi, though. She had been crying for days."     

Sighing, Salvi pecked on Chan-Mi's forehead and said, "Sorry, Aunt."     

Everyone was still surrounding Salvi, that Anton thought, he will have another discussion with him. He told, "Now, it is not the right time to talk. When you have fully recovered, we will discuss today's jokes."     

They all gave way as Anton moved closer to Salvi. He acted all high and mighty, squinting at him. However, what he said surprised everyone, "Salvi, just so you know. I don't consider you... a rival anymore."     

Jaws were dropping and Nari's eyes were thinking. She looked at Luiz excitedly and said, 'Dad is now accepting a possible in-law!'     

Nari and Luiz were caught off guard by the arrival of Anton and Yanmei. They have yet to tell the truth about their relationship. They were just trying to find the right time.      

Over the past few days, Nari and Luiz had no cuddling whatsoever. It was hard to keep it as they were back then, just best friends, but they determined to wait for the perfect moment. As of recently, everyone had been stressed over Salvi's situation.      

While Salvi's recovery was good news, Spinello still had a piece of heartbreaking information to share with his son, but it was only after two days that he revealed the recent admission of Lucia and Ramon.      

Spinello had to make sure that his son was in full health. He did not want to cause more worries and trauma than what Salvi had recently gone through.     

Chan-Mi was already aware. Thus, Spinello invited her when he spoke of Salvi's mother.      

Salvi no longer had attachments on his body, but he remained in the hospital for observations. He sat next to Chan-Mi while staring at his father. He asked, "Dad, what is it? Why the serious face?"     

Even before Spinello spoke, he already shed a tear and Chan-Mi was the same. Her eyes began to water, and it made Salvi anxious that he asked again, "Amore, Dad. What is going on?"     

"Salvi, son." Spinello took a deep breath and said, "After several cross interrogation, Lucia and Ramon admitted to all their wrongs."     

Spinello first gazed at Chan-Mi and saw how she was already rubbing her eyes frequently. He cleared his throat and added, "They - they admitted to planning your mother's accident. They - they hoped that with me, they could get the property back... so - so they took care of your mother.     

"That - that was the reason they tried to get rid of me too. For if - if I was out of the way, they might get the old house from you, instead," Spinello added while stumbling in on his words.      

Chan-Mi gawked at Salvi and she instantly hugged him from the side after seeing him froze. She knew how much he loved his mother so, only to fall victim to their relative's misdeeds.      

She also recognized that her world would crumble if the same would ever happen to her own beloved parents.      

"Salvi, I'm so sorry you had to hear that," Chan-Mi said.      

"Son? Salvi? Say something," Spinello reached for Salvi's hand, seeing how he fell mute and expressionless.      

Salvi did not realize how long he remained silent. Everything else fell mute and he could only hear the beating of his heart. It was racing in anger!     

The next thing he wished for was revenge! He wanted justice for his mother. He stood up abruptly, and asked, "Where - where are they?"     

"How - how could they do this to Mom?! To Us! And what good did it do to them?!" He snapped, just letting his heart out.      

Salvi badly wanted to throw everything in his sight, but Chan-Mi was quick to put her arms around him. She said, "Salvi, I'm still here. Don't let the pain cloud your heart." When he tried to let go of her, she screamed, "Salvi!"     

"Salvi, I love you! Please! Don't hurt me too!" She yelled and maintained to him.      

The next thing Chan-Mi heard was his weeping. She had never seen him in such an emotional state, but she understood.      

It was as if all the pain came rushing back to Salvi. The loss of her mother was suddenly so fresh upon hearing the real reason for her passing. He hated himself for some time, having left without her in the year of her accident, but as it turns out, his own relatives caused her death.      

From inside Salvi's hospital suite, the crying, gasping, and sighing lasted for another hour. Spinello also let out his anger, but at the end of everything, he said, "Sadly, there is nothing we can do to bring your mother back, son. However, we could at least, live well and make her happy."     

Caressing Salvi's back, Spinello added, "We will get justice for your mother... After you get out, let's visit her grave and update her with everything that she had missed in your life. We had been gone for so long."     

Spinello rested on the couch after also crying his heart out while Salvi lay on the hospital bed with Chan-Mi. He accepted her embrace and let her rest on his arm.      

As he ogled on the ceiling, thinking about the truth, he said, "Mi Amore, I don't have your pink ring engagement ring ready yet, but will you, Chan-Mi? Will you marry me and fill this hole in my heart?"     

She imposed a chuckle, and she said, "Of course, Salvi. Don't worry about, Dad. He is just in denial. He knows it's coming. He is just delaying things."     

"I know, Amore. I bet... he will flood with tears on our wedding day," Salvi remarked.     

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