Tricking My Cold Lover

He Is Your Brother

He Is Your Brother

0"Geun! Geun! Where is Dad?" Salvi asked, rushing to the emergency room. His head formed droplets of sweat and his heart was racing.      

As soon as he heard from Geun of what happened, he rushed to the hospital outright.      

Geun was nearly brought to the police station, but fortunately, with the Spinello's connections in the city, they let him go to the hospital in the meantime, especially after some witnesses saw how it was the motorbike who came after their vehicle.      

"He is being assessed right now, Salvi. We will know soon," told Geun while putting a hand on his shoulder. "We can't interrupt them just yet."     

"X-ray is coming through!" Two hospital staff came in, making way to where Spinello was being attended to.      

"Dad? Dad, are you okay?" Salvi called from behind the group of medical practitioners who were cutting off Spinello's clothes, attaching medical devices, and conducting interviews.      

A police officer was also there, serving as an escort for Spinello's safety.      

"I'm doing fine, Salvi. Let the doctors do their work, son," Spinello still managed to reply.      

While Salvi was relieved, he still could not get over the fact that his father was attacked in the middle of the city. He turned back to Geun and urged him to go outside the emergency room with him.      

Chan-Mi followed, also needing to know what exactly happened.      

From halls nearing the triage area, Salvi probed, "You said that motorbike followed you and Dad?"     

"Yes, and I noticed how they were rushing to catch up with us, then your security observed the possibility of them having a weapon." With his hands on his waist, Geun said, "It was a good thing, you had a bulletproof vest on the car, Salvi... and thank goodness, I was there."     

Salvi and Spinello did not think it was a possibility. They merely followed their security's suggestion about preparing the cars for any attack. However, they did not have their cars bulletproofed. Salvi could only regret it at that point.      

Cursing in Italian, Salvi took a full turn and punched his fist against the wall. Despite his knuckles showing a bruise, he did not feel pain at all.      

"Salvi, please don't hurt yourself," said Chan-Mi. "We'll help look into this."     

"The police are questioning the driver of the shooter. I think he was brought to another hospital. I - I shot the shooter in the chest, I don't know if we can squeeze anything out of him," revealed Geun.     

For the rest of the day, Salvi and his family's security were busy communicating with the police, especially clearing Geun's name.      

Geun and Chan-Mi also ended up asking for the help of their cousin who was living in Italy; the second daughter of Andrea and Lu Fang, Angela. They also had good ties with the government, given their investments, especially Angela's mother-in-law.     

Angela and her husband came to the hospital in the evening and it was at Spinello's private suite did the cousins connived to discuss the matter.      

"Angela, will Geun be in trouble?" Nari asked while seated next to Luiz on the sofa.      

"The police will keep an eye on Geun since he did not have a license on the gun that he used," told Angela. "But, don't worry. They won't take him for questioning again."     

Pointing at Geun, she added, "You should bring your own gun, Geun. It's less troublesome when something like these happens."     

Angela's husband, Matteo, offered, "I've asked our security to give aid to your family, Salvi. Given that there was a threat to your family's life, we can't be too reluctant. They will help guard you and your father while in the hospital."     

"The information that we have from the police came from the driver of the motorbike. He said that they were hired by a certain Lucia Mancini. The police should be questioning them right now," told Matteo.      

"What? Aunt Lucia?" Salvi asked with a frown.      

They all fell into an awkward silence after learning that the person who commissioned the shoot was a relative.      

"You know, your dad met up with a relative of your mom earlier at the hotel Spadia. I just did not join them, so I did not know who he was meeting," told Geun.      

Salvi massaged the back of his neck, unable to fathom what was happening. He turned back to his father, who was resting and being given a blood transfusion. He sighed, "Some vacation this turned out to be."     

"Don't worry about it, Salvi. Uncle Spinello is more important," suggested Chan-Mi, holding his arm.      

"In the meantime, Geun and I could work on cracking the nearby surveillance surroundings of the hotel where your father last visited. If the motorbike did follow them, it most likely started at the Hotel Spadia," said Angela.      

"For today, Nari, Geun. I'd feel more comfortable if you come with us to our home. Dad also wanted to see you," suggested Angela.      

That night, Salvi and Chan-Mi shared the space on the couch. He kept looking past his girlfriend, just thinking about the incident. After some time, he said, "Chan-Mi, it was fortunate that Geun came with Dad. I know that he trains a lot when it comes to martial arts and the use of a gun."     

While Salvi and Chan-Mi had been to the gun factory firing range and trained to use a weapon themselves, they both were not as eager to keep the skills dated.      

"We never know when things like this could happen. We should... we should practice consistently," suggested Salvi.      

Chan-Mi nodded and told, "You are right and we need to have extra measures when going out, but.. I'm just curious... what would be your aunt's motives to hurt your father, Salvi?"     

"I don't know. My aunt Lucia is my mother's cousin, but they were not close. In fact, my mother did not like meeting them. The last time I saw them was during my mother's funeral. They even had an argument with Dad that day," revealed Salvi.     

"Whatever is their purpose, they are going to pay for it," he said with conviction.      

"Anyway, I'll tell Dad about it when he wakes up, but I know he is going to be very upset," told Salvi taking a heavy sigh. "I'm just glad that Dad is okay."      

Out of nowhere, Salvi turned nostalgic, and he said, "I lost mom when I was young, I can't possibly lose my father too. It was very painful and I don't know if I can handle it well." He gulped and put a hand on his chest before adding, "I was really scared today when I received Geun's call."     

His eyes became watery when he added, "Chan-Mi, don't leave me, okay?"     

Chan-Mi felt teary-eyed with his words. Salvi rarely talked about the pain of his mother's passing, but that day she felt his sorrows. She put a hand to his face and said, "I won't leave you. I love you so much, Salvi."     

Salvi pulled Chan-Mi closer and pecked on her lips. He said, "Me too. I love you so much. Thank you for coming into my life, for having such an amazing brother as Geun, and saving my Dad."     

Chan-Mi just smiled at that and said, "Yes, he is your brother."     

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