Tricking My Cold Lover

Best Friends: Nari and Luiz

Best Friends: Nari and Luiz

0Over a year passed.      

Nari and Luiz finally attended a normal school. Both recently turned ten years old and had gained weight in the past three years.     

They went to the same school as Chan-Mi and Geun for convenience; The Namsan International School.     

The institution was one of the most prestigious international schools in the city, known to the rich and famous. It was naturally well guarded, equipped with complete facilities to nourish the children's learning and safeguard their wellbeing.      

Provided with handy medications and a daily dose of vitamins, Anton and Yanmei believed that Nari and Luiz would not have any major lung attack for as long as all allergens were avoided.      

The couple made this clear to the school. In was their deciding factor before enrolling Nari and getting Luiz brought in as a scholar.      

Anton also appreciated that the school maintained only ten students per classroom. It was intimate enough to assure minimal spreading of any infectious diseases and put the focus on the student's learning.      

Despite having other classmates around, Nari and Luiz were absolutely aloof, not interested in making friends with others. They seemed to have a world of their own.      

It wasn't because they weren't friendly, the two just were not used to mingling with others. They had each other's back all the time, working on their activities, and spent their afternoons at the Yeongs' mansion, making their homework.      

One morning, while taking their break time at school, Nari and Luiz ate snacks at the schoolyard with Nari's caregiver, Alma.     

The private school they attended were only two-levels of C-shaped building, offering a big lawn at the front and a playground. They settled in a small table near their classroom. They preferred eating outside, in a shaded tree.     

Alma took out their snacks while Luiz handed Nari's juice bottle, "Here, don't forget your orange juice. Aunt Yanmei made them freshly squeeze for you, but you never finish it all. I wish I always had freshly squeezed orange juice."     

Nari frowned, looking at him. She revealed, "It's not that I don't want to finish it, I just want to leave some for you! You can drink the rest. I'll drink your orange juice, even if it tastes strange. Tomorrow, I'll ask Mommy to make the same fresh juice too."     

"No. Don't do that," said Luiz. His mother, Rae Bin, always told him not to abuse the kindness of the Yeongs. He tried his best not to take too many gifts from Nari and his Aunt Yanmei. "I'm fine with my packet juice."     

"Finish your sandwich too," said Luiz. "Here."     

"Thank you, Luiz. I'll try to finish it." Nari sighed and said, "Wonder why Chan-Mi isn't joining us today?"     

"She said she was finishing a painting for her class. It's okay. We are no longer babies. We can eat on our own," reminded Luiz.      

Alma, Nari's caregiver could only smile at the exchange at the two. It was as if she was not around in the first place. "Go on now kids, finish your snacks. I'm sure, Chan-Mi is taking her snacks from her classroom."     

The two ate their snacks quietly before packing their things. They eventually heard the bell ring, signaling them to return to their class.      

Alma walked them to their classroom while carrying their snack bags.      

Just as they were trailing, a woman wearing luxurious clothes happen to walk up behind them, proudly bringing a Ragdoll cat in her arms. "Sweetie! Sorry, Auntie is late to give you your snacks!"     

The lady was calling to another child standing a few meters away from Nari and Luiz.      

Seeing the Ragdoll cat, Luiz's eyes widened. He quickly pulled Nari to the side, trying to avoid the cat. Their lungs reacted to pets, especially cats.     

Alma did the same, standing in front of the kids.      

"Mrs. Ong! Mrs. Ong! You can't bring your cat inside, please," the security pleaded, walking after the woman.      

"Who says I can't?! I am Mrs. Ong, don't you know who we are? I own part of this school!" Said the woman after giving the child his late snack. "I can bring my cat anywhere I want to!"     

"Kids, you hurry and go to the class now," said Alma.      

In a rush, Alma dropped Nari's snack bag and spieled the unfinished sandwich. It instantly caught the cat's attention that it jumped off from Mrs. Ong's arms.      

It made its way to Alma and the kids, shedding a little of its fur as the cat ate the small piece of the unfinished sandwich.      

The woman rushed to Alma and yelled, "You careless nanny! You made my cat eat your junk!" She glared at the kids and asked, "What are you looking at?"     

"You should not bring a cat here, lady? We are allergic to cats!" Announced Luiz, taking a step closer to Mrs. Ong.      

Mrs. Ong merely sneered and said, "So? You should go inside then if that's the case. You might as well not go to school!" She walked away mumbling while being followed by the security.      

Alma turned to the kids and at that time, they seemed to be okay. She checked on their breathing and brushed away any possible fur that might have reached them. She asked, "Are you both okay?"     

Nari checked her clothes, and so did Luiz. They both nodded and said they were fine.      

They attended the class as usual, but it was after an hour that Luiz started to feel uncomfortable.      

Nari and Luiz sat next to each other and while listening to their teacher, Nari heard Luiz taking heavy breaths. She turned to him with a frown and could see his nose flaring.      

"Luiz? Are you okay?" Nari asked.      

Droplets of sweat formed on his forehead, his chest heaving dramatically.      

With eyes widening, Nari remembered the cat from earlier's encounter. She turned to their teacher and said, "Teacher, Luiz is having an asthma attack!"     

But instead of going to Luiz's side, Nari rushed to his bag, placed on the side of the classroom. She hastily went in search of his medication and the moment she found it she returned to Luiz.      

Their teacher was in a panic, seeing Luiz's condition quickly worsened. She was about to carry him in her arms and bring him to the clinic when Nari came back.      

"Here, teacher! He needs these!" Nari announced, holding two inhalers in her hand. One was a plain bronchi dilator and one infused with steroids.     

Luiz's eyes were closing, taking deep breaths, but hearing Nari's voice, his hand reached for her, indicating she was right.      

The teacher lay Luiz in her lap while Nari helped put the inhaler to Luiz's mouth. "Teacher, help me push it down!" Caressing Luiz's forehead, she instructed, "Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale."     

After taking two doses of his inhalers and getting settled, the first thing Luiz did was embrace Nari. He found comfort in Nari's arms while catching his breath.      

"It's okay. It's okay," said Nari. "Breathe Luiz. Breathe."     

Nari and Luiz did not realize how long they were holding each other tightly. They just remained on the floor for some time until Luiz was able to breathe steadily.      

Still, he was brought to the clinic for a proper check-up and it was there that Nari told on the doctor, and her teacher. She angrily said, "It's that woman's fault! Bringing a cat to school! My Daddy will hear about this!"     

She gritted her teeth in anger and held on to Luiz's hand. She declared, "I'll avenge you, Luiz!!!"     

Hearing Nari's declaration, he chuckled and said, "I'm sure you will."     

"Nari, thank you for helping me," said Luiz.      

Nari turned nostalgic and hugged Luiz. She said, "We are best friends! I will always help you!"     

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