Tricking My Cold Lover

The Art of Bribery

The Art of Bribery

0"Unnie, is Mommy and Daddy coming home?" Nari asked, turning to her sister.      

Chan-Mi was teaching Nari about her math lesson since she will be having her exams in a few days.     

Chan-Mi pouted her lips and said, "I don't know, but it's fine. Daddy told me he wanted a long date with Mommy. He said, if I take care of you and Mommy won't return home too soon, he will enroll me in a famous art school next summer."     

She shrugged and added, "So I'm taking care of you. Because I'll get a reward."     

"Oh, that's why if daddy said I'll be a good girl, he said he will bring us to Disneyland and meet all the Disney princess!" Revealed Nari.     

It was recently that the two girls finally shared the same room again as Nari's immune system had gotten better. Over two years, she handled getting a flu with very minimal medication and without going to the hospital. Moreover, she had been eating better since.      

After a while, the girls heard a knock on their door. When Chan-Mi opened it, they were stunned to see Geun with her nanny.      

"Girls, I'm so sorry, but the king here wanted to sleep with your parents. When I told him that your Mommy and Daddy are away, he roared like the lion he is. He at least demanded to see you two. He doesn't want to stay with your grandparents either," said Geun's nanny after sighing heavily.      

As of recently, everyone in the house called Geun the King of the Yeongs or the Lion of the Yeongs. He was that demanding. They all bowed to his calling.      

"Unnie Chan-Mi, please call Daddy and Mommy now! I want to sleep with them!" Geun said angrily. "It's a Saturday and Saturday is family day!"     

Chan-Mi and Nari looked at each other before the eldest jumped out of the bed. 'No! My art summer class! No, I won't fail you, Daddy! I will apply... the art of bribery!'     

Yes, in case her siblings would ever demand their earlier return, Anton taught his eldest daughter, the art of bribery.     

"Geun, why don't you just let Mommy and Daddy have a date. Daddy really misses Mommy," Chan-Mi explained, pulling her little brother to their room.      

Glancing at the nanny, Chan-Mi said, "Don't worry, aunty. I'll take care of Geun. He can sleep with us."     

Geun's caregiver was reluctant, but she said, "I'll stay in the next room. If you need anything, just let me know."     

"But! But!" Objected Geun. "It's a family day! And Mommy - she - she needs to rub my back!"     

Nari and Chan-Mi ended up in a boisterous laugh, for they knew that Geun loved to sleep with their Mommy rubbing his back.      

"Geun, you really are a lion cub. Don't worry, we will take care of you. I'm your older sister! If you stay with us, I promise to be your karate partner for the next two weeks!" Offered Chan-Mi. "Plus, I'll rub your back!"     

The little boy's Karate partner was Luiz, and he thought Luiz was not a match for him at all. This was because Luiz rarely joined them for training. Moreover, Geun and his siblings had practiced martial arts since they were three years old.      

The little boy could not handle having his sisters rubbing his back, but the offer Chan-Mi gave was a fair one. He said, "Fine! But don't tell my classmates that I slept with you! I'm a big boy now!"     

Nari and Chan-Mi laughed again before their eldest sister said, "Silly, I never told anyone you like sleeping with mom and dad. It's not like your classmates care. They are all afraid of you!"     

"And I like it that way! I am the King!" Announced Geun.     

"Yes! Yes, your highness," said Chan-Mi, pushing his brother to her bed. "Let's all sleep in my bed. My bed is bigger than Nari's."     

While Chan-Mi was taking care of her siblings, her parents were at the new Marriot Hotel, starting their pre-honeymoon. Both of them had been rolling from side to side in the middle of a swimming pool, full of purple rose petals.      

Anton had been kissing his wife while holding her by her face. He repeatedly studied how her lips had become swollen from the kisses they had shared. He remarked, "I love your lips, mine. I love everything about you."     

"Ah, me too." They kissed again as Yanmei's eyes turned slightly closed.      

They had earlier indulged in a hot kiss and had no plans in stopping so early. Rarely did they have more than enough time to bring back the days and relish in hours of make-out sessions.      

Yanmei's mouth was already wet from all the sloppy bites her husband was giving her. He practically widened his mouth, sometimes digging in his teeth against her face. But what she loved the most was how he thrust his tongue inside of her mouth.      

She loved the warmth of Anton's tongue, the moisture of his mouth, his incredibly manly taste, and how his slightly bearded face tickled her skin.      

"Mmmmm." A soft moan left her lips when Anton started to trail kisses down her neck. It had been a while since she had his vampire bites, and she supposed it had been long overdue. She pleaded, "Bite me, mine."     

"Bite me - Aaaaahh!"     

She happily spread her legs as Anton pushed himself down on her.      

While Anton was leaving her kiss marks on her chest, he was pulling down her dress, practically tearing it off her. At the same time, he was dry humping on her.      

The sweet aroma of the rose petals further ignited the flames in them. They were feeling very hot for each other.      

Yanmei instantly felt the tickling sensation in between her thighs. She knew she was getting wet down there after all the kissing they had done. Now, feeling his bulge rubbing against her underwear, she utterly felt goosebumps all over her body.      

"Mine," Yanmei called for her husband. She pulled him back up to her face and said, "Mine, can you eat me properly." Her face turned red upon her request. "I want to feel the warmth of your tongue down there."     

"My dear wife. I meant to do so anyway," Anton said before he acted to get up. "I have another surprise for you."     

"Another surprise?" Yanmei asked with her eyes widening.      

"Yes. Because I was unsure if this bed of roses was good enough for my hip exercise, so I had a backup plan... just behind the dividers," said Anton. He was pointing with his gaze behind the pool.      

"Backup plan?" Yanmei asked, doubting his words.      

"Well, it was meant for round two out of five." With tightening eyes, he said, "Let round one begin... here."     

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