Tricking My Cold Lover

Love My Pillow

Love My Pillow

0Lying on a king-size bed surrounded by five huge stuffed toys, Haneul and Eun So settled on their backs. They were both grinning at their current state.      

"Thank goodness all our rooms are soundproof," said Haneul.      

After arriving at the Sun's mansion, the two quickly settled in Haneul's room. Of course, they did not fail to show to Soomin that they were sleeping in the same room.      

While Eun So could have preferred to stay in a separate room, she did not think it was safe to leave Haneul alone, especially with a scheming bed climber in the house. Of course, this was just an excuse coming from Eun So.      

Mi-Cha, assigned a security to watch over Soomin round the clock, making sure she does not do any dirty tricks. The additional house-help sent by Yanmei were also asked to do the same.      

So far, Soomin had been screaming and crying in the guestroom. She threw threats here and there, but Mi-Cha repeated to Soomin that her son will never marry her. They were only waiting for the DNA test to be performed so they can decide if they should support the child.      

Nevertheless, Soomin did not act to leave the house.      

"Pfftt! Is that really okay? Do you think she will scream the entire night inside her room?" Eun So asked. She turned to Haneul and put an arm around him.      

"I think she will. I just realized now, she is that crazy," he responded while looking sideways at the Shiba Inu stuffed toy, facing him.      

After returning his gaze to her, he asked, "Is it true, you can't sleep without them?"     

'Gosh, thank goodness it's a little dark and he can't see my face,' Eun So told herself as she nodded, admitting the truth. "It's like when they are around me, I'm... I'm sleeping next to you."     

From her words, Haneul quickly threw away the stuffed toys on the floor, not leaving a single one. It left Eun So's eyes widening and her head resting on his arm.     

"Since you are lying down next to me... You don't need your stuffed toys," he said with a playful grin.     

They only had the bedside lamp on, but she could make out the naughty face he was making. She pinched him in the arm and said, "Whatever!"     

Still, she cuddled in his arms and made a pillow out of him. 'Hmmm. I love my pillow.'     

Unlike the other night, Eun So rested well, sleeping next to Haneul. She was so tired that she was drowsy in just a minute. Apparently, she did not need the stuffed toys.      

"You are all I need," she faintly muttered before dozing off completely.      

Haneul, on the other hand, savored that lovely time. He remained awake for an hour just watching Eun So rest next to him. He pecked on her forehead frequently and said before he slept, "Thank you, Eun So. Thank you for loving me."     

In the morning, Eun So woke up very, very happy.      

'Incredibly happy,' she thought.      

Next to her was what her cousin often called the flower boy. She giggled, studying Haneul, resting her chin on his chest. 'Yep, he is indeed a flower boy.'     

Haneul wasn't like Anton and his men. He did not have the same masculinity that they emitted, but he was definitely pretty. He had a lean body, just enough muscles to say he was fit, but it was primarily because of how fair his skin was and how beautiful his face was that Anton called him as such, a flower boy.      

When he awoke and gazed at her, she flushed but did not shy away either. She was already used to his presence. He was connected to her life, being her constant buddy for many years.      

"Good morning," said Haneul. He turned to her and embraced her tight.      

She hugged him back and said, "Good morning."     

He let go to caress her cheeks and said again, "Beautiful morning, my pretty girlfriend."     

Recalling what she was earlier thinking, she giggled and said, "I suppose I could say the same about you, pretty boyfriend." She coughed before correcting, "My handsome boyfriend."     

Her face turned red after labeling him as her boyfriend. Nonetheless, they have already made it official. They were finally together. Their status is no longer complicated.      

As she was still in a trance, thinking about the labeling, Haneul captured her lips. She was caught by surprise that her heart skipped a beat.      

He gave her two pecks before moving to her cheek. He then covered her earlobes before sending light kisses on the side of her neck.      

It was a very slow and emotional kiss, and it literally sent shivers down Eun So's spine.      

She gasped, raising her shoulder as she turned back to him. She purposely re-directed the kiss to her lips. The kiss to her neck was too sensual. It was more than she could handle.      

He put a hand on the back of her neck and gradually progressed the kiss. From soft, featherlight pecks, Eun So sensed him biting on her bottom lips.      

When she closed her eyes, he pushed his mouth even deeper against hers. It did not take long for their tongues to intertwine.     

Haneul got on top of her and it further ignited the flames as they made out. Rolling from one side of the bed to the other, they indulged in sweet and passionate kisses for an undetermined time.      

They only took seconds of break to catch air, but they quickly returned to devouring each other's lips.      

The two heard a loud knocking on their door and knew too well it was Soomin. They did not say anything and merely returned to kissing.      

After some time, they finally stopped. Both of them were gasping for air, their lips numbed after a long and hot kiss.      

While recovering from their make-out session, Eun So had a glimpse of his bulge. Of course, she felt this too as they were kissing. She repeated her findings and said, "Yep! I don't need Viagra."     

"Ahhhh!" Haneul got up, chuckling. He massaged his temples and said, "Eun So, when we get married, I'll show you how long I can last without Viagra... As long as it is you, I won't need any."     

She was blushing so hard; she hid beneath the blanket.      

Meanwhile, Soomin was being refrained from approaching Haneul's room by the security. Fortunately for her, her plan to disturb the rest of Eun So and Haneul worked! Haneul's door finally opened.      

To her dismay, however, Eun So came out, already changed in Haneul's shirt.      

"Oh, hey Soomin? Have you been here long? Sorry, we did not hear you. We were so busy making a noise of our won, you see." She turned back and called for her boyfriend, "Haneul, hon. I want breakfast!"     

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