Tricking My Cold Lover

99.9% Probability

99.9% Probability

0"The name of the Suns will now forever be shamed after what you have done to my daughter!" Said Soomin's father, Jeong Daejeon.      

Pointing a finger at Mi-Cha, Soomin's father said, "I thought you were better than this Mi-Cha."     

"Very true! Even if how they wound up sleeping together was a mistake, it was both of their actions! Haneul should still take responsibility and take care of our daughter!" Young-mi, pointed out. "Blame this on your son's inability to control his lust and not our daughter's!"     

Caressing Soomin's back, Young-mi added, "My poor daughter, she merely acted out of love for Haneul."     

Crying dramatically, Soomin said, "Yes, mom, dad. They treated me as a prisoner here!"     

"You will hear from our lawyers. Once the DNA test is out, you will suffer the consequences!" Daejeon looked at Haneul and said, "See if the Yeongs will still take you as an in-law when the truth comes out!"     

"Soomin, let's go! You don't need to suffer any more than you already have," said Young-mi, grabbing her daughter's arm.      

They were in the living room of the Sun's residence in the middle of the day. Fortunately, Eun So was at work at the time of their arrival.      

Haneul was certain the Jeongs would have attacked her as well.      

Over the past week, Soomin bled in jealousy, seeing Hangeul and Eun So, showing affection at the Sun residence. Not only were they constantly together but everyone in the house addressed Eun So as the fiance or the future Mrs. Sun.      

It was because Soomin felt she was going crazy that she expedited the arrival of her parents. They went straight to the Sun residence to bicker on Mi-Cha upon their arrival in the country.      

Before leaving the US, Soomin's mother had already tainted her husband with lies, saying how her daughter was mistreated. Soomin's father believed immediately, especially after learning that Haneul would not take responsibility for his daughter.      

The Jeongs words came out of their mouths were swift and harsh, Haneul and Mi-Cha had no chance to object. They even brought along their contacts from the authorities to take Soomin.      

As soon as they secured Soomin and her luggage, they left in a hurry and settled at a city hotel.      

It was only after some time that they met again with the Suns.      

The Jeongs initiated the meeting at one of the biggest law firms in the city. They filed civil charges against the Suns for the emotional damage their family received.      

It was a special meeting, inviting the director of the hospital where the DNA test was facilitated. It was the director that held the sealed envelope.      

The Jeongs arrived first, followed by Mi-Cha, Haneul, and Shiwoo's family. Chun-Ho also came as he was meant to play a vital role in their discussion.      

"I cannot believe the confidence you have, Mi-Cha, bringing along the Yeongs," remarked Soomin's father.      

Before Mi-Cha could answer, Shiwoo interfered and said, "Haneul is my future son-in-law. Anything that concerns him affects my family too!"     

Both parties sat opposite to each other in front of a rectangular table.      

Their glares were intense, capable of creating a hole through the walls of the conference room. Both sides were eager to reveal their own truths.      

The lawyer from the Mi-Cha's side told that he received word the director of the hospital was running late. Thus, the Jeongs first presented their formal demand letters.      

"We want ten million dollars' worth of damages plus monthly sustenance for the child's needs. Either that, or have Mr. Sun Haneul marry Ms. Jeong Soomin," said the lawyer of the Jeongs.      

"See? We are not being so harsh! Despite what you have done to our daughter, we are still willing to accept Haneul," Young-mi pointed out.      

Looking at Shiwoo, Soomin's father said, "Think about this, Mr. Yeong, do you really want a son-in-law who has an illegitimate child? Your daughter is still young and promising. He can find another man... Please do not support the madness of Haneul!"     

Slamming her hand on the table, Mi-Cha finally had enough! She yelled, "My son is not the mad one around here! It's your daughter!"     

Arguments were thrown from each side of the table, but what was especially abhorring to Haneul's ears were Soomin's pleading.      

"Haneul, please. I don't know why you keep denying our baby when you made love to me, not more than just once that day! You called my name repeatedly as we did it!" Soomin glanced at Eun So and added, "Why are you being so evil, Eun So? Why can't you give my child a chance to have a father!"     

"Oh, we are going to give you a chance to have a father for your baby. Just don't worry," said Mi-Cha. She was gritting her teeth the entire time while listening to Soomin's act.      

With a frown on her face, Soomin asked, "What -what are you saying, Aunt?"     

Soomin was not at all afraid because the DNA result came out yesterday afternoon and she received the call from the director of the hospital, Doctor Leo. He confirmed that the tampering had already been done. Moreover, the director himself will come to provide the evidence in front of all the lawyers.      

There should not be any more doubt about the DNA test because the laboratory and hospital was a personal choice of Mi-Cha.      

Thinking of this, Soomin was mocking Haneul and Eun So inside. She was thrilled to crush their hopes altogether.      

At the peak of everyone's argument, a knock on the door interrupted their exchange. A female professional came inside and introduced herself, "Hello, My name is Doctor Vera, I am the new director at the Asan Medical Center Seoul. I am here to bring in the results of the DNA test of Miss Jeong Soomin and to answer any of your questions related to the analysis that has been done."     

Soomin had the shock of her life. Her face instantly paled as she asked, "Wait... what - what about Doctor Leo?"     

"Doctor Leo? Young lady, how are you on a first-name basis with the former director?" Asked Doctor Vera.      

"Um... I just - I just overheard from the lawyers his name," she lied. Her lie was so obvious that everyone, including her father, shot her a doubtful glare. The lawyers had not mentioned the name of the doctor at all.      

"Oh, I'm afraid that he was terminated just this morning for accepting bribes and falsification of one laboratory result," responded Doctor Vera.      

'Oh, no. Did he not tamper with my result in time?' Soomin asked herself. 'But he said he had already done so!'     

Soomin's head was full of worries that she failed to notice how Doctor Vera had already taken her seat and began to open the sealed envelop.      

"Well, the moment we have all been waiting for," said Doctor Vera. "The DNA test result says, 99.9% probability!"     

Soomin's mother rejoiced instantly while her father threw daggers with his eyes. They were surprised, however, of how the Suns and the Yeongs were.      

"I'm not done yet," said Doctor Vera. "As I said. It is 99.9% match to the DNA of the father. And the father is... none other than Doctor Leo Wong!"     


"Well... Well... What do you know? It looks like I've found one of my husband's whore!" Declared Doctor Vera after she slammed her hand against the table. "Hello, Jeong Soomin, my name is Vera Wong, the wife of Doctor Leo!"     

Looking at all the attorneys present in the conference room, Doctor Vera said, "This is a law firm, right? I want all formal charges against this woman for having a sexual relationship with my husband? I have solid proof!"     

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