Tricking My Cold Lover

I Never Gave My DNA

I Never Gave My DNA

0It was an awkward situation, but Jeong Daejeon wanted to see the pieces of evidence himself. He wanted to know if the Suns had a solid claim to file a lawsuit against his family. Also, he needed to determine if a settlement was possible to arrange.      

Everyone was back in their seats. Even Doctor Vera joined in the discussion, especially since she was already involved. She insisted that if the evidence had something to do with her husband; she had the right to stay.      

Evidence 1: Mobile Digital Track     

Chun-Ho showed the text conversations between the mother and daughter, Soomin, and her mother. Following Chun-Ho's initial hacking on Soomin's phone, the two had more chats that suggested she was not yet pregnant.      

Soomin was stupefied, watching the screen from Chun-Ho's monitor. She thought, 'So they knew. They knew all along!'     

She finally understood why they were completely ignoring her and how her cries were not affecting them. They knew that she was not pregnant!     

Chun-Ho saw Soomin gripped on her phone. He realized she was about to destroy the evidence. He said, "You can throw your phone if you like, but we can always retrieve your conversations through the app company. You forget you are using a Korean app."     

Still, Soomin threw her phone by force against the wall, leaving her device completely broken. She screamed, "You can try!"     

Her reaction gave it away, but Chun-Ho remained calm. There was a way to validate the text exchange without Soomin's device. Thus, he proceeded to the next evidence.      

Evidence 2: Doctor Leo Wong's Bank Certification     

Chun-Ho had documents proving that Soomin gave a substantial amount of money to the former director. It was assumed to be the bribe for the work he had to accomplish.      

The document clearly showed that the money came from Soomin's account.      

Evidence 3: Phone Recording with Doctor Leo Wong     

"Of course, we also tapped on Doctor Leo's phone and this was their conversation," said Chun-Ho before playing the recording on his laptop.      

Soomin: "I already transferred the money! Make sure that you make the DNA match Sun Haneul's!"     

Doctor Leo: "Don't worry. It will match because I gave them my own DNA!"     

Soomin: "What? What the fuck did you do that for?"     

Doctor Leo: "Relax! They won't know a thing! That was the only way it would turn out positive! The paternity index cannot lie! The breakdown of the analysis has to match the result! Of course, I had to give my DNA!"     

Doctor Leo: "If you think faking a DNA test is that simple, you are watching too many movies!"     

Doctor Leo: "Don't worry, I can simply manipulate the name on the father from the system. That has always been my plan from the start!"     

Soomin: "You better make sure that it works!"     

Doctor Leo: "It will. I am the director, after all. I can be granted access to the results file."     

They all heard the doctor suddenly hiss and said, "After this, I want an entire night with you. I'm going to fuck your brains out!"     

Soomin: "What! No! Our deal is done!"     

Doctor Leo: "Listen to me young lady, I am the father of that child and I can prove it repeatedly so you will have to surrender your cunt to me! You got that!"     

Evidence 4: The Initial Pregnancy Report     

"Mr. Jeong, did you know that your daughter consulted with an old obstetrician who happened to be a friend of your wife?!" Revealed Chun-Ho.      

The eyes of Soomin and her mother widened in horror.      

"No! This is enough! Stop this now! I admit! My daughter faked the pregnancy test!" Young-mi, Soomin's mother announced. She quickly bowed her head and apologized, "I admit to being involved. I sincerely apologized."     

Young-mi rushed to Mi-Cha and pleaded, "Please, Mi-Cha for old time's sake, please forgive us. I will pay for the emotional stress we have caused you!"     

"Mother?! Why are you suddenly confessing! I hate you!" Soomin was enraged. She did not expect her own mother to spiel it out for her.      

Jeong Daejeon was also dumbfounded by his wife's actions, but before he could react, Chun-Ho asked, "Do you want to know why your wife is suddenly admitting?"     

Earlier, Young-mi was very stiff and unwilling to accept defeat, but now, she was down on her knees, pleading in front of Mi-Cha. Of course, it brought about curiosity from Soomin's father. He cleared his throat and said, "Go ahead, show me what you have."     

Andrea and Lu Fang were in the US. It was Andrea who helped hire an actress to do the job for them. They already knew who was the doctor who gave the pregnancy report, they just needed to set a trap.      

Chun-Ho played a video with a person entering a clinic. It was clear by the way the video was taken that the camera was imbedded in her clothes. It was a secret camera.      

Their consultation began with the person asking a way to trap her boyfriend to marry her.      

The doctor rolled her eyes and said, "Why am I getting these kinds of women?"     

"I am actually a friend of Jeong Soomin and her mother, Young-mi. They told me you are the right person to help me."     

"I am not helping you, lady!" The doctor said.      

"Or! I could just announce to the social media how you are faking pregnancy reports for others!"     

"Come on, doctor. You don't want to lose your license now, do you?"     

"What about? I tell the man whom Soomin was trying to trap about you and he will wind up investigating you? How does that sound, doctor?"     

"Urrgghh! That Young-mi! This was her idea, wasn't it? Bitch! I regretted faking her pregnancy with her husband! I can't believe that after all these years, she would threaten me over something that she had benefitted in the past!" The doctor lost her temper and practically threw away all her belongings from her desk.      

"Fine! I'll print an old ultrasound report for you and put your name on it! Pay up beforehand!"     

Before the Jeongs settled in Korea and became neighbors with Mi-Cha, Soomin's parents were studying in the US. It was with the same doctor that Young-mi paid to get a fake pregnancy report and force a marriage on Jeong Daejeon.      

Jeong Daejeon was awed. The room was silenced again.      

Soon enough, Soomin's father laughed. "Haha! No wonder, you said you lost our first baby after we got married! You never were pregnant in the first place! And I believed you! Haha!"     

All of a sudden, a loud thud echoed across the room. Soomin's father thrust the side of his fist against the wooden table. He stood up and said, "I'm going back to the US!"     

He grabbed Soomin by the wrist and said, "Let's go! Let's leave your mother here to deal with these charges!"     

"Just before you leave, Mr. Jeong," said Haneul. He no longer addressed him as a family friend. "I never gave my DNA sample."     

"What?" Jeong Daejeon asked, utterly puzzled.      

"Soomin concentrated so much on making a fake DNA test, that she did not realize I never went to the hospital to give my DNA sample. That was why we were so confident she was cooking something fake." Revealed Haneul.      

Haneul refused to see Soomin at the hospital and simply committed to giving his DNA sample at a different time. However, Haneul never went to the hospital, and that did not matter to Doctor Leo.     

The former director did not bother to check if Haneul had already given the DNA sample or not. He was simply focused on the samples that he gave to the laboratory with the plan to change his name to Haneul's as the father.      

Unfortunately for Doctor Leo, he had already been surveyed by his wife and by Chun-Ho's colleagues. He was restricted from accessing all hospital records and was dismissed as the director of the same medical facility.      

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