Tricking My Cold Lover

Please Don't Leave

Please Don't Leave

0Just as Yanmei and Eun So expected, Soomin came with Haneul and Mi-Cha. They arrived at a little past ten in the evening.      

As Mi-Cha and their party got off from their car, Soomin was complaining, stomping her feet while she was at it, "Why do we have to do this, Auntie? This is such a disrespect to me!"     

Mi-Cha shook her head at the complaining Soomin, but before she could repeat her earlier explanation, Anton beat her to it.     

"Because we deserve a fucking explanation!" Yelled Anton, he came out the door just in time, casting Soomin a disgusted look.      

Anton disliked what Eun So was going through. He was once accused of having impregnated a woman. Thus, he determined to give Haneul a chance to explain himself to his cousin and to him!     

"Pest," said Anton, referring to Soomin. "Just because the Jeongs have relocated to the US, it doesn't mean you can turn fearless over the Yeongs capabilities. Don't forget you still have properties here in Korea! I can make you lose these properties if I wish it!"     

When Anton saw Soomin sneered in annoyance, he said, "What?! It's not like you are already married!"      

Anton looked at Haneul and asked, "Are you in a formal relationship?"     

"No! No, definitely not, Yeong," Haneul quickly denied, walking around the car and directly to the direction of Eun So.      

"Then, let's get this started," said Yanmei. She looked at the security and pointed to Soomin, "That woman stays behind the car."     

"Wait - What? You can't do that - "     

"I can do anything I want because this is my home," said Yanmei, "And you were never invited in the first place. So stay here and be quiet."     

Everyone proceeded to Jae-won's study, where they meant to discuss what truly transpired between Haneul and Soomin.      

Anton did not like the idea of hiding the situation from Shiwoo, but he agreed. If his uncle should ever find out, Haneul is dead, literally. He was surprised that he held it together all this time when Yanmei had told him.      

Seeing that everyone had taken their seat, Anton said, "You are going to have to tell everything to us. We will only give you a few minutes to discuss alone - after we know exactly what happened!"     

They all turned to Haneul. Eun So's eyes, blinked open with difficulty as she studied his expression.      

Haneul formed droplets of sweat on his forehead. He took a heavy breath before he turned completely nostalgic. "I'm sorry, Eun So. I am so sorry."     

A tear fell down his cheek as he said, "But the truth is, I don't know what happened."     

"Soomin was very stubborn about inviting me to events and well... since I was on vacation, I did not mind. And I did tell her that Eun So and I would get together. I - I thought she understood."     

"It was about three weeks before we were scheduled to return when she insisted that I attend a party with her at a club. It was a celebration of her friend's birthday. All I could remember was dancing - I don't think I drank a lot either."     

He hissed before adding, "As far as I can remember, I only drank two beers - It should have been not enough to make me feel dizzy."     

Haneul then looked down, making a mess of his hair, and said, "the next thing I knew, I was." He gulped, seemingly having a hard time to accept. "I was in a hotel room with her - "     

His words were cut off, hearing Eun So cry. It was so loud that Yanmei panicked. She quickly embraced Eun So, who was sitting next to her.      

"Eun So, I'm - I'm sorry." Haneul practically went down, crawling on his knees to Eun So's direction.      

After Yanme let go of her cousin, Haneul wrapped his arms around Eun So's waist. He buried his fast on her torso and said, "I swear, I did not mean for it to happen - I - I did not even know how it happened."     

At that point, both of them were crying again, unable to accept their predicament.      

Seeing how her son was no longer capable to resume his story, Mi-Cha continued, "It was because of the circumstance that Soomin immediately reported to her parents, wanting Haneul to take responsibility. "     

"We told the Jeongs again and again that it was impossible for them to get together - I for one, know my son had been waiting for the day he and Eun So be officially together. I Was even waiting for the same."     

"We were torn what to do. So at first, we decided to keep the incident from you, wanting to first resolve the dispute just within both the Jeongs and I."     

"Stupid Haneul, did you even consider taking a drug test? You might have been given roofies for all we know," Anton asked with his brows furrowed.      

"Back then, we did not think that," said Mi-Cha. "Well, it's probably also because he kept it from me for two days since it happened."     

"Anyway, we stood firm that my son did not have to commit to anything until a day before our departure. The Jeongs went to our hotel and... and showed us the pregnancy report of Soomin."     

"We told them we will ask for a DNA report, but Soomin also insisted to come along and her father encouraged it."      

Mi-Cha looked at Yanmei and Anton before she added, "I also thought it would be best to have the DNA testing done here."     

After some time, Anton and Mi-Cha realized they needed to discuss further somewhere else.     

Seeing Haneul and Eun So cry dramatically before them, they realized they needed time to talk and decide for themselves how they will handle the situation.      

Haneul and Eun So continued to cry.      

He remained to hold her waist and pressing his face against her clothes. Eun So, on the other hand, lowered her head to cry on Haneul's soft hair.      

She recognized how she missed him and his scent, but Eun So never imagined they would be embracing each other again under such circumstance.      

"Eun So." Haneul finally let go of her and looked into her eyes. He said, "I love you so much. Please... even if the child turns out to be mine, please still accept me."     

"What - what about Soomin?" She asked while taking heavy breaths.      

"I don't care about her. I only love you. My responsibility is only to the child, and I will not deny it if it turns out that I am really the father," responded Haneul.     

"But that would mean the baby will not have a father?" Eun So asked. Having no father most of her life, made her think of the consequences.     

"No! Don't think this, please. I will be a responsible father if that child is really mine. I will not turn back from my responsibility, but it doesn't mean I have to bee with Soomin." He put both his hands on her face and said, "It doesn't - I can't lose you. I can't breathe just thinking I'd lose you. Please."     

He returned to diving back into her torso and said, "Please... Please don't leave me. I beg you, Eun So, please accept me. I will never let it happen again."     

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