Tricking My Cold Lover

Wedding Planners

Wedding Planners

0Earlier that day.      

Shiwoo was in his study, checking his stock investments online.      

After his full return to Korea, Shiwoo no longer manned a business of his own. He simply invested left and right while maintaining to have shares in his previous company. He sold most of his shares in Indonesia, merely leaving a fraction for himself.      

It was because he wanted to spend more time with his family, the real one, the same that he had parted with for over twenty years. He just had to make up for all the lost times.      

"Dear, have some coffee." Seok, his wife came in with a cup of brewed coffee and a cookie, just the way he liked it.      

"Thank you, dear," he answered after reaching to peck on his wife's cheek.      

He gripped on her hand before letting go, appreciating the sight of her smiling face.     

How he earnestly wished to have another child with her, but unfortunately, they were already late. Rather, he found her too late.      

Often times, Seok would visit Anton's children as a way to pass the time, especially when he was out. It was recently that he realized how much his wife longed for another child or at least a baby.      

After Seok left his study, he noticed his mobile ringing. He picked it up, seeing it was Yanmei.      

Shiwoo: "Yanmei, what is it?"      

Yanmei: "Uncle, trouble is heading your way."     

Shiwoo: "Trouble?"     

Yanmei: "Uncle, first of all, we wanted to apologize. We kept something from you, not because we meant not to tell you, but we first wanted to know more of the situation."     

With a frown on his face, Shiwoo asked, "What is it, Yanmei? Surely, there is a right reason for you to do so. Tell me now."     

He heard Yanmei sigh before she finally answered, "Haneul is having problems."     

Yanmei began narrating what happened to Haneul in the US, including the investigation that Chun-Ho had done. Shortly after her tale, Shiwoo turned enraged.      

"How dare that woman, trying to seal my daughter's betrothed?!" Shiwoo expressed with his domineering tone of voice.      

While he tried to put up a wall between him and Haneul, this was simply because he wanted to be greedy for some time and keep his daughter to himself. The truth was, he had always appreciated Haneul for his dedication and honesty.      

He wanted for six goddamn years! No man in the right man would do so!     

Moreover, Haneul kept his promise. It had been a year now that Shiwoo had accepted Haneul in secret. Besides, there was nothing to dislike about Haneul. He was a Sun, one of the wealthiest in their city, a very eligible bachelor.      

Yanmei began to throw the idea of Eun So staying with Haneul. She said, "Uncle Shiwoo, we need to protect Haneul from Soomin!"     

"Why don't we just find a way to make her leave?" Shiwoo asked.      

"Uncle, her parents are coming here in two weeks. They are determined to pin the pregnancy to Haneul! From what Aunt Mi-Cha told me, they are even prepared to request for shares, should Haneul not take responsibility!" Told Yanmei.      

"Them waiting for the DNA test is inevitable and kicking out Soomin will leave us blinded of what she will do in secret. Keeping Soomin where we can see her is the best place where she should be. I have already sent people to Aunt Mi-Cha's place, acting as a new house help to watch over her."     

"There are many things that we need to prepare, including Aunt Mi-Cha's counter lawsuit."     

The suggestion of Yanmei kept Shiwoo massaging his temples. How could he just let Eun So sleep in the same house as Haneul?     

"Uncle, what is the worry? Do you doubt that Haneul is the best person for your daughter?" Yanmei asked. "Do you think that Eun So will find another man to love, other than Haneul?"     

"We both know that they love each other for long, but they respected your decision and maintained their relationship to a mere mutual understanding. This is bound to happen, uncle. We are just letting it happened two months in advance!"     

When Shiwoo was still not convinced, Yanmei said, "Uncle, think of it as you and Aunt Seok having another honeymoon, merely spending the time all by yourself! In fact, you could go away on a vacation!"     

The suggestion made Shiwoo ponder. It had been a while since they went on vacation, but what Yanmei said next convinced him thoroughly.      

"Uncle, we can arrange their marriage right after this problem is over. Eun So staying with the Suns will make her more comfortable at their home - "     

"Married already?" Shiwoo asked, trying to object.     

"Why not uncle? They loved each other for over five years! Why hold back now? Do you want them to miss out on another year?" Yanmei said.      

Her words hit him right where it hurt the most.      

"Also, uncle, they get married soon, you'll have grandchildren! And mind you, Aunt Seok is always coming by here almost every day, taking care of the kids... Poor Aunt Seok, she wants a grandchild."     

"Did you know uncle that fertility generally starts to reduce with age? It is best to conceive before the age of thirty... Eun So will be twenty-eight soon." She cleared her throat and said, "Time is running out."     

For a moment, Shiwoo was silent again. Yanmei was about to think of another way to convince Shiwoo but soon enough, she heard him speak. "Ah, what do you think about having them wed on Eun So's birthday itself? I think that's a better idea? I don't suppose they will object, right?"     

Yanmei chuckled and said, "No, Uncle. I doubt it. They really love each other and we see that almost every day before Haneul left for the US... After this hurdle, we can have them marry on that day."     

Following his conversation with Yanmei, Shiwoo walked out of the study, looking for his wife. He wasn't sure how his wife would take it, but he knew his wife always supported Haneul and Eun So.      

"Dear," he called for Seok after finding her in the kitchen.      

"Yes, dear. I'm helping to make dinner," responded Seok without looking at him.      

"What do you think about letting Eun So marry Haneul on her birthday?" Shiwoo asked, leaning against the kitchen door while waiting for her reaction.      

Seok fell silent for a second. She put down the knife and turned to her husband. She smiled and asked, "Why the sudden decision, dear?"     

He told of Haneul's current predicament before he admitted to what truly convinced him of the idea. "Aside from the fact that they've always wanted to be with each other for so long, I just thought... It would be great if we ourselves have our own grandchildren."     

He sighed and said, "You won't have to keep visiting our grandkids over at my brother's house."     

Seok was filled with emotions. She first felt angered and hurt for her daughter. She can only imagine what Eun So was going through right now. A tear fell down her cheek as she said, "So that's why she stayed with Yanmei in the other house."     

"Yes," answered Shiwoo.      

"It's good that they are taking care of that pest!" Said Seok. She then recalled how her husband was previously stolen from her in the past. She knew exactly how Eun So was hurting.      

Looking at her husband, she said, "We can't let them go through what we went through, Shiwoo. They deserved to be together."     

"I know."     

"And about them getting married so soon, I think it's not for us to decide. We should bring it up with them," said Seok. "But I'm glad you finally agreed." With a heavy sigh, she added, "They've waited too long."     

"I know."     

"Thought, I like the idea of having grandkids." She giggled after that. "In fact! I thought I'd bring Eun So to a fertility doctor - maybe have an invitro? I was so jealous when I learned that Lian and Ha-joon are having triplets!"     

Shiwoo, "..."     

"Oh, and did you know that Yeong Soon and I have already found a great venue for their wedding?" Said Seok, her temperament had quickly changed from emotional to excited.      

Seok giggled some more and added, "We have already decided for their motif - did you know that purple, orange, and green go together so well?"     

Shiwoo, "..."     

"Last month, remember when Yeong Soon and I went out eating cakes? Haha! The truth was, we were hunting for a good wedding cake!" She giggled again before saying, "Yeong Soon is just a girl scout, always ready for these things!"     

She took off her apron and said, "Let me call Yeong Soon. She did say she already made a deposit with the wedding planner." Grinning widely at her husband, Seok revealed, "Yeong Soon said it will be her advance wedding gift to the two!"     

Shaking his head, Shiwoo realized that his wife and sister-in-law planned their daughter's wedding without him knowing. He mumbled, "So much for letting them decide for themselves."     

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