Tricking My Cold Lover

Meet My Wife

Meet My Wife

0After putting on a show, Chun-Ho stepped out to the hotel lobby, meeting the front desk manager. From there he was told, "Mr. Chun-Ho, I checked their room and indeed there is about fifty thousand dollars in cash in their in-room safe."     

The manager handed a flash drive and said, "As you instructed, I installed a program on his laptop. I have also planted the spy devices from secret corners of the room."     

Smirking, Chun-Ho took back the flash drive and said, 'Good."     

He handed the front desk manager ten thousand dollars for the job and patted on his back. He said, "You will get more for the second phase of the job."     

Now that the trap has been set, Chun-Ho his men hopped on a black van parked right outside the property. The vehicle was filled with laptops and sound-wave monitors. They were ready to catch Jun-ha.      

If he would leave for the location of the money, they were ready to follow him around. If he gives them the information with the use of his laptop, they already accessed on his desktop. He was not going anywhere with Byeol's money.      

Chun-Ho already did his research. There was no indication that his brother brought all the money with him to the hotel. It wasn't at the hotel's vault, and it certainly would not fit in an in-room safe. He must have put it somewhere else.      

The plan was simple; trace wherever the money is and take it back.      

It did not take long for Chun-Ho to see activity on Jun-ha's laptop. He watched as his brother casually logged in to his mobile banking and checked on his balance.      

Apparently, they had opened an account at a local bank in Thailand and all the remaining 9.5 Million Dollars were all there. Apparently, they did not have to follow them around.      

In the afternoon, Chun-Ho was already ready to transfer the money. He called his brother up, inviting him for an all-nighter party from an exclusive nightclub nearby. It was meant to be a distraction, so Jun-ha would not feel the need to check on his precious stolen money.      

Chun-Ho treated him and his girlfriend with as many boozes that night, throwing in the most expensive kind. It was an investment as it had to be believable.      

He even confiscated their devices, telling them that that night is for partying. No businesses were allowed... except for him.      

As Jun-ha and Deiji partied all night at the private club, Chun-Ho was constantly checking on his phone, gradually making the money transfer online.      

When Chun-Ho was done transferring the money, he stayed for a while, taking videos of the wasted Jun-ha and his girlfriend. Eventually, after seeing them in a near unconscious state, he said, "What do you say we take a trip to Korea?"     

Only the club's music responded to Chun-Ho's words. The two had fallen asleep, out of being drunk.      

"Chun-Ho, bro, the plane is ready," told his colleague.      

Booking a cross-country private jet was another investment, but it had to be done. He needed to bring back his brother and be put to jail for embezzlement. It wasn't only his wife; he tricked. He had long abused the funds of the Mongs' company, leaving many of their previous investors penniless.      

"Did the hotel manager gave their passports and the remaining money in their room?" He asked.      

"Yes, we have it, including their luggage," his colleague answered back.      

"Then, let's go," said Chun-Ho before getting up.      

Jun-ha and his girlfriend, Deiji, returned to consciousness after four hours, surprised to find themselves in a private jet, already flying in the sky.      

When Deiji woke up, being strapped on a leather seat, she did not think much of it, but when she saw the moving sky from a small oval-shaped glass window, her eyes forced open.      

"Aaaahhh! We are - we are on a plane!" Screamed Deiji. Her face was utterly astonished. Not to mention ugly with makeup stains all over her face!     

Jun-ha woke up, feeling dizzy with a painful headache. He looked around with dreamy eyes. It was only after his girlfriend vigorously shook him that reality hit him. They were on a plane!     

"What - what's going on?! Urrgggh! Fuck, my head hurts," Jun-ha said, massaging his head. "Where - where are we?"     

"Relax, will you! You are on a charter flight!" They both turned to the seat, two rows ahead of them. It was Chun-Ho, drinking coffee from his seat. He cleared his throat and said, "Do you want coffee?"     

"Chun-Ho!" Jun-ha frowned, still caressing his forehead. "What - what are we doing here?"     

Pretending to act surprise, he said, "You said... you would come. You even returned to the hotel, bringing with you your luggage and passports!"     

The two looked at each other before scanning the private jet. After a few seconds, Deiji asked, "Are we - we going to Hongkong?"     

"Hongkong? No! My plans had changed, and you said you wanted to come with me to you both missed home! We are going to Korea!" Chun-Ho announced. His voice was made loud and clear for them to hear.      


"No! We can't return to Korea! Not now!"     

Jun-ha and Deiji said both at the same time. They were in a panic.      

Their heart raced, and their throat dried up. For a moment, they were out of breath.      

They demanded to return to Thailand, but all Chun-Ho said, "I can't do that! I have a schedule to follow! What's wrong with returning to Korea, anyway? Besides, you begged me to take you with me! Don't you remember?"     

"If you like, you can charter this plane back to Thailand, but it still needs to refuel though," Chun-Ho suggested, inwardly mocking the two.     

At first, they argued with each other, but ultimately, they were left with no choice. They were not the ones who charted the plane.      

They did not know how it happened, but apparently, they were too drunk and they decided to return to the country where they had fled from more than eight months ago.      

Heck! Their luggage and all their valuables were even properly packed for them! They must have done it themselves, somehow!     

No matter how much Chun-Ho's brother thought about it, he had no recollection of what transpired four hours ago. His only last memory was drinking and partying at the club. The rest was a forgotten history.      

Another two hours passed, and they found themselves landing at Incheon International Airport.      

Jun-ha and Deiji were already planning how they could still keep hidden from the people who were after them, just enough until the plane could charter them back to Thailand.      

As they were organizing, Chun-Ho answered their prayers. He said, "Would you like to join me and my wife for a wonderful breakfast at the airport hotel?"     

"Oh? You are married?" Deiji asked, utterly disappointed.      

Chun-Ho smiled and said, "Yes, I am married." He got up and fixed his coat, saying, "You should join me for breakfast and... meet my wife. We are booking a private room for our breakfast."     

Jun-ha thought it would be a good opportunity. At least, they did not have to go out into the city and still have a safe place to hide from inside the airport hotel. He nodded and said, "Sure, we'd - we'd be happy to meet your wife."     

"Good! I told my wife I found my brother. She is... excited to meet you," told Chun-Ho.      

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