Tricking My Cold Lover

Two Good News In A Day

Two Good News In A Day

0After freshening up, Jun-ha and Deiji followed Chun-Ho to the airport hotel for an early breakfast. The main restaurant served a buffet breakfast, but Chun-Ho had a private room available for them to make use of.      

They earlier rode in a car briefly, before taking off to the said property. While making the walk inside the hotel, they covered their faces with their hands.      

The minute they entered the private room, Chun-Ho asked, "What's wrong with you? Why are you both hiding?"     

His brother and his girlfriend panicked as they explained, "Hiding! No! No, that's not it!"     

"We haven't taken a bath after all," said Deiji. "Unlike you - despite having partied with us, you still look good!"     

"Yes, that's right," echoed Jun-ha.      

Chun-Ho could only scoff and said, "Well, you can start getting your food from the buffet and return here to eat your meal. My men will get my food for me."     

"Ah, brother, where is your wife?" Jun-ha asked after realizing no one else was inside the room.      

"She is coming," Chun-Ho said with a smile.      

Jun-ha and Deiji stepped outside to get food for themselves. Upon their return, Chun-Ho already was on the phone, seemingly in a conversation with his wife, "Yes, wifey. They are already here. They are also excited to meet you, especially my dearest brother."     

Before leaving for Thailand, Byeol and Chun-Ho agreed that they will officially call themselves hubby and wifey as their words of endearment. It made Chun-Ho grimace at first, but since only the letter Y stood in the way of what he used to call her, he surrendered to the idea.      

After putting down the phone, Chun-Ho faked a smile at his brother and said, "Do you really want to return to Thailand? Don't you want to enjoy being home? I have spoken to the pilot of the private jet, he needs about four hours of rest before leaving again - "     

"Yes, we will go back - We don't know what we were thinking coming here unplanned - it's just that we have - we have a business to attend to in Thailand that we need to finish," revealed Jun-ha. "Yes, that's it."     

"Yes! Business," repeated Deiji after chewing on her pancake. She laughed at their predicament and said, "We must have been too drunk to make the right decisions."     

When Chun-Ho's colleagues came with the food meant for Chun-Ho and Byeol, their party silenced for some time, merely concentrating on their food.      

Soon enough, Chun-Ho's colleague knocked on the door to say, "Sir, your wife is here."     

Jun-ha and Deiji smiled pleasantly, looking at Chun-Ho.      

"You must have a beautiful wife!" Told Deiji.     

"I do. She is very beautiful and I adore her," Chun-Ho said. He carefully put two pieces of pancake on Byeol's plate and said, "She is also a very good cook."     

For seconds, both his brother and Deiji kept turning their heads to the door, anxious to meet Chun-Ho's wife, but as soon as Byeol stepped in, their eyes widened in horror.      

The woman before them now had short hair. Her fines remained obvious, wearing an elegant dress that Chun-Ho bought her. She might have lost all her jewelry when she fled to China, but all were replenished by her husband.       

Despite only having a light make-up on, she looked beautiful, like she always had been.      

"Hello, Deiji and Jun-ha. What a coincidence that you met my husband in Thailand," said Byeol. She walked closer to their ghostly face and gave them the biggest smile of satisfaction that she could give.      

Byeol gracefully turned to her husband and sat next to Chun-Ho. She pecked on his lips before directing her attention to them. She said, "Jun-ha, thank you for returning my money by the way. While it is half a million short, I am still thankful that you did."     

As if struck by a lightning, Jun-ha senses his hands trembled. His lips were shaking as he said, "Re-return the - the money?"     

Chun-Ho acted confused. He looked at his wife and Jun-ha back and forth before saying, "Oh, that must have been before you rode my plane. You said something about feeling guilty and returning the money you stole!"     

"As it turns you! You stole from my wife?!" Chun-Ho and Byeol acted to giggle before the two.      

"No - no! I - I couldn't have! No!" Screamed Jun-ha. He frantically checked on his phone, navigating through his online banking system.      

"What's going on Jun-ha?!" Asked Deiji as she stood up from her seat.      

It took only a minute for Jun-ha to check on his balance. The shock of his life came when he saw he practically had nothing left! "No! How did this happen?"     

"Jun-ha what's going on?" Asked Deiji, she turned to Chun-Ho and Byeol's smirking face and understood. She realized they had been played. "Let's leave! Let's leave now!"     

"Chun-Ho! You! How could you?! You tricked us! You are my brother! We are family - "     

"Family? A family that forsakes his own flesh and blood is not like a family at all!" He stood up slamming his hand on the table and said, "When you rot in prison for what you have done, you can tell your parents the same!"     

Deiji tried to pull back from her boyfriend, but Jun-ha was enraged. He refused to accept his fate. He hastily walked in the direction of Chun-Ho and threw in a fist!     

"Aaaahhhh! Fuck!" To his dismay, Chun-Ho easily twisted his arm and thrust a powerful punch against his face. His nose bled in an instance.     

"What kind of man steals from a woman?!" Chun-Ho asked. He grabbed Jun-ha but his collar and raised him up with his hands and said, "This is for hurting my wife!"     

Jun-ha groaned in pain after being thrown to the floor like he was a piece of rug. He coughed and groaned, again and again, curling into a ball from the agony.      

While Deiji was screaming and panicking, Byeol walked up to her and she did not even notice. The second she turned to Byeol, a loud slap went across her face! "Aahhhh! Ahhhh!"     

Byeol raised her hand on the woman repeatedly until her face turned red with the marks on Byeol's hand. Only then did the police came inside and apprehended the two, both wanted for fraudulent crimes; Jun-ha from fleeing from his company and Deiji for being his helping hand in everything.      

They both wailed complaints against the charges read in front of them, demanding a lawyer. When the authorities finally left the room, Chun-Ho's colleagues sighed and slouched their back. "Dang, Chun-Ho, you just made us realize we could also be actors!"      

All four of them inside the room laughed boisterously and started to indulge in their breakfast.      

As they ate, Byeol hugged Chun-Ho's arms and said, "Hubby. I am so happy. Thank you."     

Chun-Ho put his arm around her and said, "Anything for my wife."     

She reached for his cheek and kissed it before she told, "I have two good news in a day... I'm pregnant, by the way."     

He practically spat out his coffee, shocked by the news. "Whaat?"     

"What? Don't tell me you don't want it?" She asked with a frown on her face. She pinched him and pulled him by the arm, whispering, "You shouldn't be so shocked. You realize how many times we did it and you came inside me all the time!"     

Chun-Ho repeatedly cleared his throat and said, "I was - I was just hoping for the baby to come after the wedding that's all, but of course... Haha. I am glad."     

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