Tricking My Cold Lover

The Dance

The Dance

0A month passed.     

"Mine?" Anton answered the phone after his wife had persistently called him even while he was in a meeting with Mr. Kwan at the office.     

"Mine, I am at Chan-Mi's school, remember their activity today?" Said Yanmei on the other line. "Mom called me, saying that Nari has been crying after she found out that Luiz was in the hospital. She isn't speaking to either mom, dad, or to Alma."     

Following a heavy sigh, she added, "Can you please go home and check on her?"     

Hearing that his other princess had been crying, he quickly ended the meeting with Mr. Kwan and Minsuh, drove him to the mansion.     

He took a bath before going to Nari's room.     

Fortunately, Nari did not get hospitalized after returning from China, but they spent four sleepless nights in Nari's room, exactly the number of days when Nari's breathing was unstable.      

She slowly got better in the days that followed. However, Luiz did not escape another hospitalization, and Nari had no classmate for days during her homeschooling.      

When he arrived, he saw Alma, Nari's caregiver, standing by the door. He walked in and found Yeong Soon, speaking at a closed closet. Nari was inside, crying.      

"Oh, baby! Daddy is here to see you! Nari? You should come out and speak to daddy!" Told Yeong Soon, she quickly urged her son to come closer and speak to Nari.      

"Nari? It's daddy? What is wrong, baby? Why are crying?" Anton asked and kneeled in front of the closet. "Baby, please. Come out of the closet."     

Slowly the closet door creaked opened and Nari came out with her eyes puffed and red. She was taking heavy breaths, her nose flaring and her mouth parted.      

"Dad - daddy... huhu," she cried again, this time more dramatically in her father's arms.      

Anton embraced Nari tightly, caressing her hair and back. He hushed her silent and asked again, "Baby, what's wrong? Tell daddy. You can tell me anything."     

"Dad- daddy, Luiz did not - he did not come today." Nari sniffed repeatedly before she said, "He - he promised he would be here today."     

Anton and Yeong Soon looked at each other, puzzled. The teacher already left, and so they turned to Alma to learn what they were supposed to do in school.      

Alma, the caregiver, merely shrugged and said, "I think they were supposed to have a play presentation."     

Anton held Nari's face and wiped away the tears on her cheeks. He asked, "Are you upset that your play got canceled?"     

She nodded and said, "Because today - today is Prince's Cho's birthday and he was supposed to have a ball today and now - now I can't go to the ball!" She cried again, crashing on her daddy's chest.      

Prince Cho was a character from an afternoon TV show for kids that Nari often watched. Apparently, the show held at a grand ball where princesses from other lands danced with the prince. Nari and Luiz agreed that they would attend the ball, dressed as a princess and prince.      

Their teacher also aligned the play they had to today's date. Unfortunately, Luiz got sick and had not been visiting for two days. That morning, he was brought to the hospital.      

Anton sighed and glanced at his mother. Yeong Soon was trying to hold her giggle. They were panicking earlier, worried about why Nari broke down. Evidently, she missed her first ball with a prince.      

"Baby, don't be sad. There will be another time," told Anton.      

"No! Today is Prince Cho's birthday! I - I will have to wait next time!" She said before crying again. "I really - I really wanted to go to the ball!"     

Anton realized that from inside his daughter's closet, she was earlier held a princess dress, one which Yanmei had bought her recently.      

Knowing that his daughter was affected by the miss, Anton said, "How about... we attend the ball right now?"     

"But, daddy? Who will dance with me and act like the prince?" She asked, pouting her lips.      

"I of course! No one is more handsome than your daddy. I am the most ideal person to act as the prince," offered Anton before pinching Nari's cheeks.      

"But - but you are the king!" Told Nari.      

"Baby, I am your king and your prince at the same time.". He slowly got up and said, "Now, let's wash up so we can have our dance."     

Nari was still frowning. She looked down and said, "But daddy, we already missed the show."     

Anton smiled and said, "I am also the king, remember? I can get the show up for you on TV. I promise. He carried her in his arms and said, "My princess will change and so will daddy."     

Yeong Soon helped wash Nari and changed her into her princess attire. She went down to the living room to meet her daddy, dressed in a suit.      

Anton was very efficient, quickly calling the TV network and asking for a copy of the show. He had it saved in a flash drive before going down to meet Nari.      

"Daddy, is that what a prince would wear?" Nari asked, pointing to his black suit.      

"Yes, baby," he said with a grin. "Modern-day prince do."     

After turning on the TV and showing Nari the said show, Anton turned to his daughter, waiting for the right moment.      

The show started with the arrival of Prince Cho's supposed guests and they all gathered to the great hall of the castle, ready for the dance.      

When Anton saw this, he bowed in front of his daughter and said, "May I have this dance, princess."     

Nari giggled and accepted her daddy's hand.      

Through the TV, everyone heard the waltz music echoing in the living room. They danced with Anton leading the routing, taking small steps for his princess.      

Minutes passed, and Nari's smiles were from ear to ear. She was looking up to her very tall daddy, giggling each time he made a face.      

Anton teased Nari now and then. It was a skill he had picked up after having kids. He determined that apparently; he was also good at making kids laugh, aside from his natural ability to crack up jokes.      

"Daddy, you are a funny prince!" Said Nari.      

"I am funny, baby. That's why your mommy loves me so much..." He winked at her and said, "Because I make her laugh all the time." He coughed and had to remark, "Sometimes even scream."     

"Scream?" Nari asked, puzzled.      

"Never mind, baby," told Anton.      

As the father and daughter danced, Yeong Soon took a video of them. She was all smiles, capturing the special moment.      

Jae-won could not also help but come out from his room, learning of the dance. He too appreciated the sight of his son connecting with his daughter.      

Eventually, Jae-won and Yeong Soon joined the dance. They took turns dancing with Nari until the show was nearly over. Anton took back his daughter, and this time carried her in his arms while sliding.      

Nari was thrilled. She did not miss the show, and she still attended Prince Cho's ball.      

It was already at the end of their dance that Yanmei and Chan-Mi arrived. They were brought home by Chun-Ho and Kael. They were stunned to see Nari and Anton dancing, and it made Chan-Mi jealous.      

As a result, Anton replayed the show, and he too danced with Chan-Mi. Of course, his wife also wanted a dance from him.      

It turned out to be a day of family bonding between them, following Nari's breakdown over Luiz's absence.      

On the evening of that day, Anton and Yanmei both tucked Nari to bed last. While her caregiver waited outside, the two spoke to Nari.      

"Baby, it was a good thing today, I came back home to grant your wish. But remember, sometimes, plans change," told Anton.      

"Yes, Nari, and you should not be sad about it," said Yanmei. She caressed Nari's cheek and said, "Sometimes, when we don't get what we want, we get something better. Remember that."     

"And when you are sad, you can't lock yourself in the closet. You have to tell us what is making you cry," told Anton. "you made us all worried."     

Nari nodded and said, "I'm sorry daddy, mommy. I was just very sad."     

Of course, Anton and Yanmei had had this same talk with the kids. Unfortunately, it did not always sink in. A child's desire was very powerful, but they tried their best to keep reminding them, seeing how each of them had become more demanding as they age.      

After the couple left Nari's room, Yanmei hugged Anton's arm and said, "Mine, I am so proud of you dancing for Nari. I know it isn't your favorite thing to do."     

"Hmmmm." He put his arm around his wife and said, "Yes, I need a reward when we get in our room. How about this time, you dance for me?"     

"Ooohhhh... I like the idea," she said, giggling before stealing kisses on his cheek. "I just love you."     

"Prove It. How about a lap dance," he suggested with a sly grin on his face.      

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