Tricking My Cold Lover

Baby Steps

Baby Steps

0Returning to Korea with a heavy heart, Yanmei and Anton were faced with an even more serious problem. Nari got sick due to their extended stay in China.      

They were not able to fully isolate her as they attended the wake of Xia Gang. Nari naturally met all the Xias and many others who came to pray for the sound of Xia Gang.      

On the second day, following their arrival, Nari's breathing became labored. She had nebulization every four hours and was put on oxygen through a nasal cannula.      

Once again, Yanmei had to stay at home to take care of her, together with Nari's caregiver.      

While Anton returned to manage the company, he could barely concentrate, thinking about his daughter.      

After a long day at work, Anton returned to the mansion, first taking a shower before checking on all the kids. He kissed Chan-Mi and Geun goodnight and only then did he proceed to Nari's room.     

He found his little girl embracing her mommy, resting on her chest in a prone position. It was just exactly like when they were at the hospital.      

"She doesn't want to be placed on the bed?" Anton softly asked his wife while walking closer to them.      

Yanmei shook her head and said, "No. She only wants to be carried."     

"Is she drinking though?" He asked.      

"She is... She is not eating again, but she is drinking milk. Still, she easily gets tired," told Yanmei before turning to peck on Nari's forehead.      

He looked up at the caregiver, Alma. She was preparing Nari's next round of medication.      

Anton sat next to his wife and caressed Nari's little face. She was asleep, her chests raised with difficulty, her nose flaring as she took deep breaths.      

He sighed and said, "Nari can get through this. She is a tough girl." He leaned over, also to peck on her forehead. "Stay, strong my princess. Soon, you'll grow big and outgrow this condition."     

Yanmei smiled and said, "Yes... baby steps, my little one."     

She sighed and told her husband, "Doctor Jung came by this afternoon. He doesn't seem to think it is pneumonia base on her breathing sounds and she doesn't have a fever. Hopefully, this is just viral and will go away soon."     

After the caregiver put a mask on Nari's face and started her nebulization, Anton told Alma, "You can rest for the night. The Mrs. and I will look after Nari."     

"Yes, Mr. Yeong."     

Despite having a busy week ahead of him, Anton determined, his daughter should come first. Together with his wife, he rested in Nari's room, aiding Yanmei with Nari's medication and taking his turn carrying the little girl in his chest.      

While Anton and Yanmei were looking after Nari, Chun-Ho was also busy fulfilling the needs of his wife.      

First, he secured a new home for her.      

Iseul suggested that they be neighbors, and he thought it was a good idea, especially since the residence was very close to JKW Investments. Thus, Chun-Ho bought another condo unit from the same developer.      

While furnishing the unit though, they both stayed in a hotel momentarily.      

Chun-Ho first took another week off from work to get them settled and lay-out their plans. In the evening, he revealed his plans to Byeol as they ate dinner in front of a coffee table, inside their hotel room.      

"I found a good spot where you can start your food business. It - It isn't much of exposure yet, but it will make you busy while we slowly find the best location for a restaurant," he said.      

"Husband, I don't have money and I don't want you to invest so much right away," told Byeol. "Of course, I am fine wherever I can start with... as I am with you."     

He nodded and said, "I - I have been looking for your ex-fiance."     

Silenced. Byeol leaned back. She swallowed first the food she had earlier put in her mouth before asking, "Why?"     

"He needs to return the money he stole from you," told Chun-Ho. "Whatever is left of what he took, it should be enough for you to start anew - I mean, I could help you out with a new restaurant, but I know that you prefer that would come out from your own resources... just basing from your answer earlier."     

Byeol sighed and said, "Yes... I would rather."     

"Then, it's settled. I will leave tomorrow for Thailand. That was where he fled - "     

Byeol abruptly held his hand, cutting off his thoughts to say, "I want to come."     

Chun-Ho merely smiled and caressed her hand. He said, "No. I do not want you to see that ruthless side of me. I promise you, I'll take care of everything. I just need you to trust me."     

"Stay here. Tomorrow, Iseul will take you to JKW Investments, for you will take over the company cafeteria by the time I return," he disclosed. He then pursed his lips and asked, "I hope that is fine?"     

"Of course! A cafeteria is way much better than a marketplace stall. And yes, it is a good start," she said with an assuring smile.      

"And we will see each other every day," added Chun-Ho. "We'll take baby steps to your success, my wife."     

"I understand, but - " She stopped herself, hesitating to ask for a second. They had been in the country just for two days. Perhaps she was rushing things so she became reluctant.      

"But what?" He asked with a frown. "Byeol?"     

"I - I was just wondering." She flushed outright before asking, "When are you going to get married?"     

"Ahhh!" He chuckled, realizing his wife was eager to tie him down when... they were still in fact married. "I want our wedding date to have the same day as when we first married. So! That's just in three months. We'll have enough time to prepare."     

Byeol and Chun-Ho resumed finishing their late dinner. Only after cleaning up and getting ready to bed did Chun-Ho found the courage to confess to his wife.      

"Goodnight, hubby," said Byeol, pecking on Chun-Ho's cheek and putting his arm around him.      

As they both lay on the bed, Chun-hugged her with one arm and said, "Byeol, I have something to tell you."     

"Hmmm. What is it?" She asked with her eyes close.      

"Mong Jun-ha... he - he is my brother from the same father," he finally said.      

Chun-Ho had been hiding this part of the truth from her, for he feared how she might react. However, since they were getting married again, this time with both parties in full agreement, he determined she had to know the truth.      

He narrated how he found out. He shared how he turned up in the orphanage and how her arrival seemed to have resulted in him knowing about his past.      

Byeol had been silent for minutes after his tale.     

Worried for what she might think, he embraced her tighter and said, "Byeol. I want you to know... I am not like my brother. Moreover, they had long abandoned me. I am no longer a Mong... I am a self-made man that the government chose a new last name for me."     

'It was strange how fate brought them together', Byeol thought.     

"Byeol, do you believe me?" He asked while his voice fainted. He was utterly concerned now that she became unresponsive.      

To his relief, Byeol buried her face against his chest and acted to hug him back. She said, "I don't care about your past and you are definitively nothing like the Mongs because you are my husband... In Chun-Ho... That's who you are."     

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