Tricking My Cold Lover

Rich Brother

Rich Brother

0In a five-star resort in Thailand, Chun-Ho was sitting in front of a restaurant table with two of his subordinates from the underground base. His colleagues stood behind him, pretending to be his bodyguards, and the restaurant manager was on standby by his request.      

All eyes were on him, literally!     

Chun-Ho was looking grand, dressed in an Armani suit, fully accessorized with an expensive watch, tie and shoes. His face was shaved clean and his hair was combed back.      

He was eating breakfast, purposely catching the attention of everyone who came inside the restaurant. He was waiting for his half brother, Jun-ha to arrive.      

His findings suggested that after fleeing Korea, Mong Jun-ha had been staying in the Banyan Tree Hotel in Thailand, spending on a daily basis, obviously from Byeol's money.     

A private investigator from Thailand had already reported to him that Jun-ha was looking for a company to invest in. He figured he will give him a taste of his own medicine.      

"Boss, Jun-ha Mong is walking in the restaurant," reported one of his men.      

Chun-Ho quickly acted to look high and mighty, ordering the restaurant manager around, "Get me the most expensive bottle of wine!"     

"Yes, Mr. Chun-Ho," answered the restaurant manager.      

Flashing his Rolex watch, he checked the time and said, "I can still have time for a cheese platter to go along with it. Premium kinds only please."     

"Yes, Mr. Chun-Ho." The restaurant manager had been instructed to call his name the same way, hoping it will make his brother recognize his name.     

"Sweetheart, look at that man," said the girl, walking in next to Jun-ha. "He looks... so much as you."     

The girl's eyes were widened seeing such a familiar-looking man, yet better than her boyfriend, Jun-ha.      

Jun-ha, however, had earlier eyed, Chun-Ho, immediately after hearing his name. He frowned, thinking of the possibility. Of course, he knew about his half brother.     

When he was old enough and still saw the pictures of Chun-Ho from an old album, he asked about his brother. Moreover, Chun-Ho and his mother were often the subjects of his parent's argument.      

He eventually learned that his parents gave Chun-Ho up to the orphanage due to the growing conflict between his parents. Chun-Ho was a product of a mistake and he was causing their family disagreement. He deemed it was only right.      

Walking past Chun-Ho, he could not help but stare. Their eyes locked for seconds. Jun-ha also saw one of his bodyguards whisper to his ear. He then saw how Chun-Ho's gaze intensified towards him.      

After taking a seat a few tables away, Jun-ha thought, 'What are the odds that he is my brother? And he is now wealthy? How?'     

"Sweetheart, you look so alike!" Repeated Jun-ha's girlfriend. "The resemblance is just too uncanny. Maybe you are... secret brothers!" The girl bit her lip and thought, 'Though he is hotter.'     

"Min-ju, prepare the private jet for tomorrow's return to Hongkong," told Chun-Ho to one of his colleagues, standing like his bodyguard.      

'Private jet,' Hearing this, Jun-ha stood up immediately. They haven't even eaten their meals, but he concluded, it was imperative to know if this man was Chun-Ho, his abandoned brother.      

Finding his way in front of Chun-Ho, he asked, "Excuse me. My name is Mong Jun-ha. I - It's just that I have a brother with the same name, Chun-Ho? And considering - "     

"Jun-ha, it is really you!" Said Chun-Ho, pretending to be emotional by their meeting. "I was having second thoughts, but after you approached me now, I am sure... You are my brother."     

"You have grown already!" Remarked Chun-Ho. He opened his arms and said, "Come here and embrace your older brother!"     

Jun-ha felt relieved, knowing that Chun-Ho was in fact his brother. He thought, 'Wow! I have a rich brother!'     

He accepted his embrace but quickly coughed to Chun-Ho's vigorous patting against his back. It did not feel comfortable at all. In fact, he felt like being punched in the back!     

Jun-ha tried to push himself away, but Chun-Ho's big arms kept him closer.      

Out of nowhere, he received a punch on his stomach. It made him groan in pain. His brows furrowed, utterly bewildered by Chun-Ho's action, until his older brother said, "Damn! Your stamina is bad. What in the world is your father teaching you!"      

Chun-Ho pointed a finger at him and said, "You should learn to be like me!"     

Eventually, Chun-Ho invited Jun-ha and his girlfriend over to his table and began to talk about his life after the orphanage.      

"I was adopted by a rich family in Korea and I am now managing their businesses across Asia," Chun-Ho told. "You can look me up! We have businesses in Singapore and Hongkong."     

"Although my family is full Korean, we opened businesses elsewhere.." Chun-Ho urged his brother to check his phone and said, "You can look me up. Our company is The Terranova."     

Jun-ha eagerly searched for Chun-Ho's company and accurate enough, he found several search results, one of which was the company's website, containing full details of the corporation's overseas offices and profile. The CEO? Was In Chun-Ho.      

"Wow!"Jun-ha exclaimed.      

The website Chun-Ho made was equipped with the necessary requirements to make it appear utterly worth trusting. He made it even appear as the domain had existed for years.      

They spent another hour just talking about investments and making money, further convincing Jun-ha that in his brother's hands, his stolen money would double in less than a year.      

Chun-Ho, on the other hand, never hinted that he needed investors, just merely bragging about the possibilities.      

"Sweetheart, you should invest in your brother's company!" Suggested Jun-ha's girlfriend.      

The high pitch sound of the girl who had collaborated to scheme against his wife irked Chun-Ho, but he held it together. He had already investigated how the two had tricked Byeol, starting from planning their meeting in Busan.      

This girl's name was Deiji, a friend of Byeol in college.     

'Bitch,' Chun-Ho silently thought. She knew Byeol as someone in need of love and she made a trap for her to fall into, using her own boyfriend.      

Chun-Ho forced a smile and said, "Yes, accepting an investment is no problem for me. I like helping out small entrepreneurs like yourselves."     

Behind his professional smile, Chun-Ho was cursing inside, eager to take revenge for those who had tricked his wife.      

It was because Chun-Ho could not find where Jun-ha hid the money he stole that he had to prepare an act. Now that he was certain that his younger brother would retrieve the money and he will be ready to get it back for his wife.      

Chun-Ho took a deep breath and said, "Unfortunately though, I have a minimum investment requirement of at least Ten Million Dollars." He shrugged and said, "But since you are my brother, I can consider allowing anything less than the amount. Maybe 9.5 Million Dollars perhaps?"     

He already did the numbers. Jun-ha was paying for his hotel stay roughly about 1,500 USD. He may have expenses here and there and perhaps complimentary nights. He knew his brother had more or less used up half a million dollars.      

"You are free to visit my office in Hongkong -that is our headquarters or! You can even join me to fly in my private jet tomorrow!" Offered Chun-Ho. He checked his watch, pretended not so interested, and said, "Anyway, it's nice to see you again, brother. I better go, I have somewhere else I need to be."     

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