Tricking My Cold Lover

Want Another Child?

Want Another Child?


6 AM. Guangzhou, China.      

Rarely did Anton and Yanmei get a vacation. Now that both Nari and Chan-Mi were studying, they were often busy with the children's needs, apart from maintaining the business.      

It came not as a surprise for Yanmei that her husband woke her up early, almost every day of their very little one week holiday.      

That day, Yanmei woke up to the feel of the blanket being pulled away from her body, leaving her feeling cold from the air conditioning in their room. She turned to find her husband sitting up and fondling with his stick.      

He was already completely bare. His hair disheveled and his beard growing a centimeter long. She thanked her god for having such a ruggedly handsome husband.     

She smiled and said, "Hello, mine. Rrrrrr. What a hottie."     

"Hmmm. I'm the greatest," Anton announced. He slowly climbed on top of her and kissed on her thighs.      

His hands raised her sleeping dress up to her waist before he savored her scent above her laced underwear. He slowly took off her panty and savored at the sight of her naked rose.      

He gave her rose a light touch - a mere tease before he started pecking on her abdomen. He further raised her silky dress. He gently sucked on her pearl white skin while occasionally brushing his beard against it.     

"Mmmmmm." His teasing left Yanmei moaning and taking heavy breaths. "I love my husband. My sexy husband."     

"You aren't so bad yourself, my pretty wife," said Anton. "I love you, mine."     

"I love you too, Yeong," she responded with a sweet smile.     

Following her response, he returned to satisfying her.      

When he found her breast, he massaged them thoroughly, gently covering them with his huge hands and holding her buds.      

Reaching her chest, he covered her chest quickly, eating it while swirling his tongue around her nipples from inside his mouth.      

It made Yanmei gasped again and again. She spread her legs, welcoming her husband in between her thighs.      

Now facing his wife, Anton first took off her sleeping dress before he sealed her lips with a hot kiss. He pressed his weight on her, creating friction on their bodies.      

After moistening and numbing their lips, Anton slowly sat up, spreading his legs. Knees apart and in between her chest, he faced his wife, letting his angry rod stand before her. His erection literally stood five inches from her face.      

Yanmei's eyes widened. She acted to be shocked at his length and said, "Wow! It's so big. I love it."     

She grinned before holding his member with her slender hand. She caressed his soft mushroom tip and appreciated its magnificent size. Only after seconds of palming did she open her mouth.      

From the back on Anton's frame, his behind hallowed, pushing his hips forward as soon as his wife ate his length. He caressed Yanmei's beautiful face and hissed. "Fuck, mine. It feels soo good."     

He leaned forward onto the headboard, supporting his weight with his arms, and waved his hips back and forth. He was moaning and hissing while fixing his gaze on how his wife's beautiful thin lips were fully surrounding his thickness.      

He relished in the sight of how his rod shone while going in and out of Yanmei's mouth.      

While Yanmei bobbed against her husband's rod, she held up his long and thick shaft with her hand, hollowing her cheeks to make him feel the tightness of her sucking motion.      

After minutes of being pleased, Anton said, "Get up, mine. Let me fuck you from behind. Face the headboard."     

Slowly, but seductively, Yanmei sat up. She first seized both her breasts before her hands traced his well-molded chest. She reached to kiss on her husband, purposely rubbing her chest against his own.      

She felt his hands becoming restless, grasping on her behind and chest. She did the same, gripping against his two-round flesh and feeling the muscles of his back.      

After sharing a heated kiss, she turned around, resting against the headboard with her hands pressed on the wall.      

Yanmei closed her eyes after feeling her husband's kisses on back. She hummed her erotic cries, biting her lip. Anton's touch and kisses sent shivers down her spine.      

She loved the way Anton was always hungry for her; how he often grope her out of nowhere and surprises her with his angry rod, sometimes in the morning, sometimes at night, when he would come home late from work.      

Anton made her feel, he constantly wanted her, and she loved it.      

Her husband was trickling down on her from her back. When Anton bit into her two-round flesh, she gasped. "Mmmmmm."     

Not a moment too soon, Anton made Yanmei spread her legs further apart. His hand dived into her peach, rubbing it up to her clit. He leaned over and whispered to her ear, "Mine, you are already wet."     

"Because I'm excited for you, mine," said Yanmei. "Aaaahhh.... Mmmmm."     

He grinned and continued to fondle on her clit with his fingers. He cupped her breast with the other hand and pressed his weight against her back. He said, "Do you... want to have another child?"     

His words made Yanmie giggled and she slightly turned to her husband. She said, "I thought you'd had enough?"     

"I feel inspired to make babies," told Anton before he leaned back and held up his rod. "Ahhh... Fuck."     

"Aaahhh... Yeah," Yanmei moaned as soon as he rubbed his length against her wet entrance. His tip reached her clit, and it further excited her.      

He continued to tease her, merely rubbing his rod outside her peach. He asked, "What's your answer, mine? Do you want to have another child?"     

Yanmei reached for Anton's athletic face with her hand. While turning to him, she pursed her lips and said, "Why not, mine. Give me everything you've got - Ahhh!"     

He shoved his stick inside of her abruptly, making her yelp.     

"Fuck." Sighs escaped his lips along with his cursing.      

Anton began his thrusting motion, holding his wife by the waist and keeping her steady. He spread her ass wide apart and his eyes narrowed, watching his rod getting soaked by her wetness. "Urrgggh. I love making love to my wife."     

Moans quickly filled the room along with Anton's powerful pumping motion. As he moved his hips back and forth, he occasionally grabbed onto her breasts, cupping them with his hands. He frequently lowered to kiss on her back, but mostly leaned back to appreciate the glow on his rod.      

Soon enough, he felt himself nearing climax. He pounced on her harder and faster while pressing every bit of his weight onto her back.      

"Fuck. Fuck - Aahhhhh! Fuck!" He shoved his stick hard inside her, leaving every bit of his fluid into her womb.      

"Aaaahhh! Haaah!" Yanmei screamed in satisfaction, her eyes fluttering while panting at reaching climax.      

Anton hugged her tight before they both fell to the bed on their backs. With their sweaty bodies, they cuddled a few more minutes while pecking periodically at each other's lips.      

"How many more kids you want to have?" Yanmei asked, grinning at him.      

He sighed and said, "Let's see... Maybe four or five."     

Yanmei laughed and said, "Are you competing against Andy again?"     

He shrugged and said, "They have already stopped. We... should take this opportunity."     

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