Tricking My Cold Lover

Bottomless Wallets

Bottomless Wallets

0"That is well said young man," said Yeona's father. He turned to his niece and sister in dismay. He never imagined that Haru could judge Iseul for his profession.      

"Soo-A, please," said Mun-Hee, Yeona's mother. She was silently asking her to control her own daughter.      

Only after Mun-Hee's words did Soo-A call the attention of her daughter. She said, "Haru, let Yeona be. If she wants to marry a mere security, it's her own decision to make."     

Yeona turned utterly red in anger. She was about to rant once more, but Iseul stopped her. He pressed his lips against her ear and said, "You get agitated by their words, you let them win."     

Iseul looked at Soo-A and said, "Let's enjoy this lunch gathering, shall we?"     

Yeona's brother looked sideways, unable to decide for himself. While he disliked how his aunt belittled Iseul, he also worried about his sister's decision. Their family struggled financially, putting them to school. He did not want her sister to experience the same.      

Still, he remained quiet, but watchful for the rest of the lunch meeting.      

While waiting for their food, Dong-hyun, Yeona's father asked, "Are you certain about your decision to get married, Yeona? Could you at least... wait until Ji-hoon finishes college?"     

Glancing at Iseul, Yeona's father said, "Iseul, we don't mean to delay your plans for getting married, but we - we were hoping that Yeona can still help us maintain Ji-hoon's tuition at school."     

"Actually, sir. I thought to offer a gift. Since I want to marry Yeona, I have contacted Ji-hoon's school and paid in advance his tuition for the next two years." Iseul took out the certification from Yeona's bag and presented it to Dong-hyun. He said, "The certificate grants Ji-hoon worth thirty thousand dollars of tuition fees."     

"Of course, that is just a start. I recognized that Ji-hoon may need support on projects and other school needs, which Yeona and I are willing to help." Iseul looked up to Yeona's brother and added, "I never had the luxury of completing my studies, but I know how important it is."     

Accepting the certificate for his son, Yeona's father's mouth hung open. He asked, "Wait... are you trying to tell me you paid for this certificate in advance?"     

"Ah." Iseul looked confused himself, seeing Dong-hyun perplexed. He said, "Yes, sir. I paid for it in advance... If you won't take it the wrong way, please consider it as an offering for wanting to marry Yeona."     

Haru and Soo-A frowned. Even Tae-hwan was caught by surprise. Soo-A reflected an anxious expression and said, "My, that must be tough. Did you have to take out a loan for this?" Yeona's aunt leaned over and said, "Yeona, you'll end up helping him pay for this either - "     

"I did not take out a loan. I don't need to. I have enough money," revealed Iseul.      

"That's true, dad. Iseul did not take out a loan. And he takes care of me very well. I don't even have to spend a dime each time we are together," added Yeona. Glancing at her aunt, she added, "And please, stop suggesting that my fiance is below you because, among us here in the table, he earns the most being Anton Yeong's men!"     

Once again, Iseul calmed Yeona down. He directed everyone to the servers coming their way and said, "Our food is here. Let's enjoy it."     

Haru and Soo-A still refused to believe that a mere security could earn more than them, regardless if he was working for Anton Yeong. They were resolved to give Iseul a test.     

Apart from the food that Iseul had already ordered for them, Soo-A and Haru purposely requested for more dishes, the most expensive ones on the menu.      

To their dismay, Iseul had no violent reaction whatsoever.      

Yeona, on the other hand, was dumbfounded by how Iseul was very calm. She observed, however, that Iseul was being curious about the work of Haru, Soo-A, and Tae-hwan. It was as if he was doing a background check on them.     

Tae-hwan was bragging about being an assistant bank manager at a commercial bank, and Iseul was seemingly noting the details in his head.      

Haru did the same, proudly talking about being a property manager for a new condominium building in the city.     

They did not think at all of what Iseul's purpose was. They simply assumed he was jealous of them.      

At the end of their lunch gathering, Yeona's parents learned more about Iseul. They were impressed by the fact that he was an orphan and still did well for himself.      

Haru, however, was determined to show off that she was better than Yeona. She had been convincing Tae-hwan for them to get married. After four years of being together, their relationship had not progressed.      

Now, here came Yeona, ready to tie the knot, and looked very contented. Haru just could not accept it and her mother supported her actions, wanting to put her daughter on a pedestal.      

When it was time to leave, the restaurant manager handed Iseul the bill.      

Haru and Soo-A were both giving Iseul a calculative look, waiting for him to choke on the staggering amount he had to pay, but all they witnessed was his calm expression as he handed his card.      

Dispirited, Haru probed, "How - how much was the bill? Do - you need help with it? You must have been unprepared. We came unexpectedly."     

Iseul forced a smile and said, "It's fine. I have it covered."     

Soo-A and Haru were seated next to each other. The mother and daughter began to whisper.     

"How much was the bill?" Asked Soo-A, softly saying in her daughter's ear.      

Whispering back, Haru said, "I don't know mom! He did not say, but knowing this restaurant, he must be left to pay about two or almost three thousand dollars."     

They still could not grasp how Iseul was being amiable and continued to judge Iseul.      

When the restaurant manager came back, Haru thought it was their opportunity to reveal Iseul's true face. She immediately assumed, "Oh, did your credit card got decline?" She immediately turned to Tae-hwan and said, "Tae, you should let Iseul borrow your credit card temporarily. you have so many anyway. I mean, we did come for the lunch without notice. He must not be prepared."     

"Yes, there is not enough time to call the credit card company and extend your credit limit," added Soo-A.      

Tae-hwan was also quick to show off his collection of credit cards. He took two cards and said, "Here, take a pick. You can swipe any of these instead."     

Iseul looked at Yeona. For a second, he chuckled but managed to take a deep breath, holding down any reaction. He turned to the restaurant manager and asked, "Yes?"     

"Sir, Iseul. Debit card as usual, right? I'm sorry, our wireless payment terminal isn't working today. Do you mind walking to the cashier and use the one connected to the network?" Said the manager.      

"Sure," said Iseul.      

Haru and Soo-A could only sneer as Iseul came back, not needing any help at all to settle the bill. He sat on his chair and explained, "I don't know about credit cards. I never had one in my life. I never understood the concept of credit when you can... pay cash."     

"Huh, wouldn't that be risky?" Tae-hwan awkwardly asked. "What if... you run out of money?"     

Iseul shrugged and said, "I never had that kind of problem... I mean, not since I became part of Anton Yeong's men. All of us... have bottomless wallets."     

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