Tricking My Cold Lover

The Playboy

The Playboy

0May Lin's mouth twitched. She grabbed Yeona's wrist and said, "Let's talk." She gave Iseul a quick glance before turning her attention back to Yeona. "In private."     

Yeona looked at Iseul and said, "Let me just settle this, Iseul. I'll be right back."     

From the receiving area of the restaurant, May, Jia, and Yeona spoke.      

With voice nearly raised, May Lin said, "What are you doing with that - that man, Yeona?! I thought I told you to stay away from him! He is not good for you?"     

"May, I'll be the judge of who is good for me or not. I will no longer take notice of your opinions because I certainly regretted listening to you in the past," said Yeona. "I will befriend or date whoever I want."     

Jia only sighed, standing in between them. Her eyes scanning her friends.      

"If you will excuse me, May, I need to go back to my date," said Yeona.      

"Wait! Yeona!" May Lin grabbed her arm and pulled Yeona closer to her. She pursed her lips before reminding her, "Yeona, what are you doing with mere security? Seriously!"     

May Lin let out a sigh and added, "Look... I did not want to tell you this, but." She bit her lip and glanced at Jia before adding, "But Iseul, he - he is a playboy."     

"What? A playboy?" Yeona asked in protest. Frankly, the only girl she had ever noticed Iseul approached was her. She would never believe in such lies. "Don't be ridiculous May!"     

"He - he has been pursuing me for nearly two years now," May Lin said. She looked down and crossed her arms against her chest. "I did not want to have to tell you this back then."     

Shaking her head, May Lin added, "I always pushed him away, but he is very persistent!"     

May Lin observed Yeona's reaction for a second before she resumed, "So - so when he started approaching you, I knew - I knew he meant to use you to get to me." She grabbed Yeona's arm and added, "Yeona, you have to believe me! Iseul is a playboy. He is!"     

Yeona sneered. She pulled her hand away and said, "You know what May, I don't care! He can be a janitor, a street cleaner, or a restaurant waiter! I think I like him! Yeah!" She raised her chin at May Lin and added, "I supposed I've always liked him."     

"It was only your consistent belittling of is name that discouraged me and I regretted it very much!" She pointed a finger at May Lin and added, "I won't listen to any of your words about him anymore... So please, leave me alone."     

"Yeona - "     

"And that includes you too, Jia!" Yeona cut her off, assuming she was speaking to stop her.      

"But Yeona! He is a playboy!" At that point, May Lin screamed. Her nose flared and her face turned red in anger. She could not accept that Yeona was willingly responding to Iseul this time around.      

How Yeona wanted to tell May Lin that she knew. She knew about her liking Iseul, but a big part of her was thinking it wasn't quite satisfying. She still wanted to see more of May Lin's true colors. Moreover, make her drown in jealousy as if she never knew of her interest in Iseul.      

She looked May Lin and Jia in their eyes and said, "I don't care! I like playboys! I like Iseul, playboy or not! At least... he is." Searching for words, she was trying to find the right justification, but this was all she could think of. "At least he would be experienced and could satisfy me in bed!"     

The shock on May Lin and Jia's faces. Their mouths hung open and their eyeballs were ready to pop out of their eyes.     

"Now, please..." Yeona sighed and panned her gaze from Jia to May Lin. "Let me enjoy my date. Goodbye."     

Yeona first went to the restroom and calmed herself. She did not want Iseul to find out about their argument. When she returned, her plate was already filled with grilled meat and vegetables.      

"Is everything okay?" Iseul asked, gesturing her to take a seat.      

She nodded and sat, gasping. She drank a glass of water before she said, "I'm sorry for the interruption. I'll make it up to you."     

Iseul grinned and said, "You should. Maybe with coffee after this... After all, this was... a date."     

Yeona gulped and meant to explain. She said, "I was just... wanting to irritate May."     

"Hmmm?" Iseul asked. "Would it matter if it is a real date or not?"     

She bit her lip and said, "I suppose not." She forced a smile and said, "Sure. Coffee is great."     

Finally, they had a harmonious dinner mixed with light conversation. It was the first time Yeona learned more about Iseul.     

When she picked up that he and Chun-Ho were recruited from an orphanage, practically dedicating their lives to the man whom they looked up as their savior, her admiration towards him grew. She realized the depth of Iseul and Chun-Ho's commitment to Anton Yeong.      

She thought, 'This kind of man is a keeper.'     

Iseul had his own charm, but Yeona realized that his character made him look even more appealing. This was atop of his broad shoulders, well-shaped biceps, and very - very flat belly. Moreover, Iseul was tall. Taller than Chun-Ho, almost as tall as the boss.      

Iseul wore a woolen shirt. His sleeves pulled up to his elbows, flaunting part his solid arms. His clothing hugged his perfectly molded chest.      

As they continued to talk, Yeona was practically taking his clothes off with her eyes, studying how his chest took shape, looking at the veins protruding from his arms and how his adam's apple move up and down as he spoke.      

At the end of their dinner, Yeona said with a smile, "Iseul. I'm so happy I got you to know you more."     

Iseul took her to a coffee shop nearby, and they spent another hour learning about each other, at least from Yeona's side. Iseul had long before researched about Yeona. He knew everything about her to the very last detail.      

When their coffee was already empty, they both stared at their cups for seconds, both of them not wanting to end the day.      

"Can I - can I take you home? Walk you up to your apartment?" Iseul coughed and said, "I want - I want to make sure you are safe."     

Yeona nodded and said, "Yes, that would be nice."     

They drove to her apartment slowly. Iseul did not care for the horns that warned of their pace. Yeona could only laugh at their situation. Nevertheless, she did not object.      

After reaching Yeona's apartment building, they walked slowly to the lift.     

Entering the lift, Iseul purposely pressed on all the elevator buttons, including Yeona's apartment floor. He turned to her and said, "I did not know which floor you live in."     

"Right," said Yeona. She giggled at his actions, but they both fell amused, constantly seeing the doors open before their eyes.      

Reaching the tenth floor, they took a step per second. It was literally the longest walk they both made in their lives.      

When they found Yeona's apartment, she bid goodbye and opened her door. She turned back to him and said, "I'll see you at the office."     

Before she could close the door, Iseul leaned forward and rested his arm against the frame of her door. He sighed and with a concerned face, he said, "Yeona... The truth is... I am no playboy. Would you still like me then?"     

"And... I don't know about being an expert in bed, but I think I can work on that... if you really like it that way..."     

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