Tricking My Cold Lover

Another Couple

Another Couple

0It did not take long for Yanmei to take action. The very next day, she enrolled Chan-Mi for a private art lesson at school.     

Fortunately, Chan-Mi's school supported extra-curricular activities and had teachers or coaches for arts, song and dance, even sports.     

After settling the matter at school, she returned to the office, back to work.      

In the afternoon, Yanmei received messages from Andrea, and it left her giggling. They were talking about the progress of her being a better cupid. Andrea revealed she had a couple to play cupid with yet again and was determined to come up with a formal love-consultancy or dating company.      

The idea cracked her up, but learning that Andrea had a new target, Yanmei could only sigh, nearly giving up on their competition.      

She was sitting on her desk, waiting for Yeona to discuss with her a new company who wanted the help of JKW Investments.      

When Yeona came to her office, she was mumbling. Her small and delicate face turned furious as she stomped her feet.      

"What's wrong with you? You look upset," Said Yanmei. She could not help but frown at her expression.      

"Why wouldn't I? Iseul is being an ass! Like always!" Exclaimed Yeona. "I made a presentation last night for our non-formal discussion about the new co-investor, but my email had problems today - as you know."      

"I could not send the file to myself and so I brought my personal laptop over but Iseul! Iseul, refused to let my laptop use the network! Something about security! Gosh!" Explained Yeona. Her new short hair bounded as she sat on the chair angrily, in front of Yanmei.      

Yanmei chuckled and said, "Yeona. He is right, you know. You can't bring your personal laptop in the office. And to solve this! I'll request for an office laptop for you. That way, if you work at home, you can use a company-issued computer."     

Yeona sighed and said, "Thank you, Ms. Yanmei. I really appreciate it. That would really help a lot."     

"No, I'm sorry. It was my mistake not to have thought about that for long," Yanmei answered back.      

"But you know, Ms. Yanmei. Iseul is always like this with me. He gives me a hard time - like all the time!" Declared Yeona. She leaned closer to Yanmei's desk and shared, "Remember the time that my laundry did not arrive? You were on leave back then and I was late that day - not because I had no clothes to wear - No! It was because of Iseul!"     

"He did not let me in the office! He said my boobs were ready to pop out of my clothes and that it was too revealing!" Revealed Yeona. "I was wearing a blouse that no longer fit me - slight."     

"My blouse still covered my breasts, but it was just too tight around them!" Expounded Yeona before sharing her conclusion, "You know what I think? I think Iseul is purposely making me angry."     

Yanmei chuckled and said, "Don't think much about it. He was just doing his job, but he might have exaggerated on your clothes though." She shrugged and said, "Anyway, with or without the presentation, tell me what you know about the company."     

It was because of Yeona's telling that Yanmei became more conscious of how Iseul treated her assistant that it constantly caught her eye now and then.      

In the afternoon of that day, she left with Yeona together. Yanmei was rushing to observe Chan-Mi's first art class, and she invited to drop off Yeona three blocks away.      

Iseul and Chun-Ho naturally escorted Yanmei to fetch the little princess. From inside the car, Yeona was happily offering friendly exchange with Chun-Ho while ignoring Iseul.      

In any case, Iseul was behind the wheel, but what particularly bothered Yanmei was how Iseul was constantly squinting at each effort Yeona made to talk to Chun-Ho.      

When it was time for her to get off, Yeona smiled, bidding goodbye to Chun-Ho and Yanmei. At Iseul, she merely sneered.      

Iseul smirked and said to Yeona, "Has anyone ever told you, you look better, frowning?"     

"Whatever! Iseul! You really are a work of art!" She got out abruptly and right after saying another goodbye to Yanmei, she closed the door of the car.      

On another occasion, Yeona received flowers from an admirer. It came from the new administration manager. Even Yanmei came out to tease Yeona for possible romance.      

Just so happened, Iseul came by to check on the surveillance cameras. Seeing the girls crowd in front of Yeona's table, he warmed, "The boss does not like to waste time over chitchats."     

He missed seeing Yanmei four meters away, also cheering on for Yeona and leaning against her office door. After the crowd dispersed, Iseul asked, "Did that flower ever go through security check?" He shook his head and said, "I don't think so. None of the men reported this to me."     

"Give me that. You can claim it at the lobby later on." He made his voice louder for everyone to hear as he said, "For all, we know there is a spying device on the flowers!"     

When at the office, Iseul and Chun-Ho practically took turns, taking charge of the building's security. At night, there were two others from Anton's men who would take over.      

Despite understanding Iseul's role, however, Yanmei thought, Iseul was being a little too harsh. Nevermind strict, it was part of his job, but she thought, Iseul could have said it better.      

That evening, Yanmei and Anton went home together. Iseul and Chun-Ho drove them to the mansion.      

From the car, Yanmei took the chance to ask, "Iseul? Do you hate Yeona that much?"     

Iseul scratched his head and said, "Ah - it's not that Mrs. She just tends to insist on what she wants sometimes."     

"Oh, no Mrs. That's not it. It's actually because he overheard Yeona talk to the other girls about him and he heard - "     

"Shut up, Chun-Ho! Shut the fuck up!" Iseul warmed.      

"Whatever is this, we can have the conversation later - When Iseul is not driving," said Anton in an ordering tone. "Get your eyes on the road."     

Yanmei was in deep thought the entire ride until they arrived at the estate. Just before stepping outside the car, she asked Iseul, "Do you - do you like Yeona?"     



Isuel and Chun-Ho responded, both at the same time.      

"Oh," said Yanmei. "I finally understand. Thank you, Chun-Ho."     

"No! Mrs. Do not believe, Chun-Ho!"      

While Iseul and Chun-Ho argued, Yanmei stepped out of the vehicle with the grin on her face. She muttered, "Watch out, Andy. I have another couple coming."     

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