Tricking My Cold Lover

You Have A Heart?

You Have A Heart?

0"Yeona, I need you so badly," said Yanmei. "I need you to work your butt off for me tonight. I need two presentations done."     

She paused for a second to express the most serious look on her face and said, "I need you to work... overtime."     

Yeona pouted her lips. She raised a brow and said, "I could - I could work on it at home with my company-issued laptop?"     

"Yeona no! You'll spend so much time with it and you won't even get overtime pay!" Yanmei said. "You need to remain clocked in the office until then."     

"Right. I don't get overtime pay," said Yeona.      

Extra pay did not really matter to Yeona. It was because she was paid well and Yanmei always treated her for a special meal now and then, especially after a meeting at the Lionheart Entertainment.      

Yanmei left Yeona to work that night and came home with Anton. Iseul and Chun-Ho drove them home to the mansion.      

As soon as they pulled up at the driveway of the Yeongs' estate, Yanmei said to Iseul, "Iseul, thank you for taking us home, but do you mind going back to the company and check on the office security. Yeona should be working late today."     

Iseul's small eyes widened at the suggestion, but what fully convinced him was Anton's words.      

"Tonight? Mine? The electric company announced a power outage due to maintenance. It wasn't a good night to have Yeona work. Her flow will be disrupted," said Anton.     

"Oh, I did not know, mine! Gosh, but we have a generator! Right?" Yanmei responded, pretending not to know anything about the maintenance power outage.      

"Yes, we do. We have two. Let's just hope that the security team left remembers to turn on both generators," said Anton before opening the door and getting out with his laptop bag.      

After the couple and Chun-Ho left the car, Iseul drove back to the office.      

While Anton and Yanmei were having dinner with the entire family, Yanmei made a very important call to Yeona. She said, "Yeona, I'm so sorry. I forgot to tell you about the progress report we need to give Anton about the revenues from the movie investments. Can you also prepare that for tomorrow, please?"     

A naughty smile became painted on Yanmei's face before bidding goodbye. She said on the phone, "Thank you, Yeona. You are the best."     

Yanmei giggled and turned to Anton with eyes wide open. She said, "I'm excited."     

Anton shook his head and said, "If you keep getting my men involved in a relationship, who will protect our children? Do you know that Ha-joon took two vacation leaves in the past six months?"     

He caressed his forehead and said, "I'm beginning to worry."     

"Mine, Kael is already joining our private arms. You just need to get more from your army," suggested Yanmei before taking a bite on her food. "They also need a chance to be happy too. Besides, two vacation leave in six months is not so bad."     

Anton sighed. In the past, Ha-joon never took a leave. Not once. Nonetheless, he never meant to cage his men. He could only hope that despite living a life with relationships, they would remain true and loyal to him and his family.      

After Anton and Yanmei finished their dinner, they first put their plan into action. It was about time for the power outage to occur.      

From their bedroom, Anton opened his laptop and checked remotely on the security status of the JKW building. The generators were already being used and from the surveillance cameras, he could see Yeona still diligently working on her computer.      

Yanmei, on the other hand, called Iseul. She said, "Isuel. Is Yeona still not done?"     

"Ah, no, Mrs. She is still at her desk," responded Iseul.      

"Oh, so you are checking the cameras, aren't you," said Yanmei before giggling. She could practically hear Iseul choke on his words.      

"Iseul, she is not answering my phone. Do you mind checking why she is still not done, yet?" Yanmei suggested before ending the call.      

At JKW Investments, naturally, Iseul did as instructed. He meant to either way. In fact, he bought Yeona a sandwich on the way back. Knowing her, she probably did not eat at all.     

He went up to the Yeona's office floor and found her still intensely looking at her computer.      

"What?! Don't tell me you are going to question my overtime work?!" Yeona immediately protested even before Iseul could say a word.      

He frowned. His already small eyes further narrowed that it nearly closed. He retorted, "I wasn't going to question your reason for staying behind! I am fully aware that you were still up here."     

"Here!" He flung the packed sandwich on her table and said, "Get some food into that skin and bones body of yours!"      

Yeona was taken aback. She looked down at the food. She peeked through the packaging and realized it was a sandwich. Her eyes widened, and she said, "You - you actually have a heart?!"     

Iseul's mouth twitched before he said, "Don't take too long." He turned away, heading for the elevator.     

"No - wait! Have you eaten?" Yeona asked.      

"I'm not hungry," he quickly answered.      

"I can't just eat this knowing you did not have anything!" Yeona stood from her seat and said, "Let's share the sandwich."     

Iseul wasn't planning to, but it was literally the most decent conversation they had since he treated her coldly.      

"Okay. I - I guess it's fine," said Iseul. He walked back and pulled a chair next to Yeona's desk.      

Yeona awkwardly smiled and said, "Let me get some water first."     

She rushed to the nearest mini-pantry and got them two glasses of water. She sat back in her seat and opened the pack. It had two sandwiches wrapped in a foil. She gave Iseul one and held one for herself.      

To her surprised, when she opened the sandwich, it was strangely her favorite kind. Each pack had two layers of the tuna melt, glazed with mayonnaise and hot sauce. She awkwardly smiled and said, "This is - this is my favorite sandwich. What a coincidence."     

"Really now? It - It was the only sandwich left available from the cafe two blocks from here, " Iseul said before taking a bite on the tuna melt.      

"Wow! Lucky me," said Yeona. "Did you - did you just get the sandwich for me?"     

Iseul coughed, covering his mouth with his fist. After clearing his throat with water. He said, "I - I bought it for me, not for you, but - but I realized when I arrived, I wasn't in the mood to eat anymore."     

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