Tricking My Cold Lover

Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes

0Time passed for Anton and Yanmei, enough for them to heal. Little by little, Yanmei was slowly forgetting about the pain that her children went through.     

She concluded the pains of the past will make them better parents and a person as a whole. This was especially evident through Nari's Preemie Foundation, which had already reached out to moms and create awareness.      

Anton and Yanmei returned to their typically lives in a few months' time. The experience, however, further encouraged the couple to have stricter security measures.     

Six months since Geun was born, Chan-Mi and Nari already began their martial arts lesson every morning with their parents before they would go to work. The couple recognized that their children needed to be strong and vigilant enough to sense danger.      

Despite Yanmei going back to work, she made sure to get home on time, sometimes leaving Anton behind, just so she could have more time with the children. Especially since Chan-Mi was already attending school.      

Yeong Soon personally brought the little girl to school and back with Kael and two other security constantly following them around.      

One afternoon, Yanmei and Yeona accomplished work earlier, but Anton was still at the South Gun factory. Yanmei returned to the mansion without him.      

Yanmei arrived home in time to have dinner with the children, helping Geun's nanny start him on his first pure food.      

After dinner was usually singing time or storytelling time. Yanmei and Yeong Soon sat with the children inside their playroom where a big monitor was meant for them to watch an hour's worth of nursery rhymes.      

Now that there were three of them and Geun will soon learn to run around, Yeong Soon had a playroom created at the back portion of the mansion. It was a three-hundred square-meter in area, only filled with toys, bean bags, a mini race-track for Geun, and a huge monitor hung up on the wall for when the children would watch a movie or simply listen to nursery rhymes.      

Nari and Chan-Mi stood in front of the monitor with Yeong Soon and Yanmei behind them. Yanmei carried Geun as the little girls began to sing their favorite songs.      

"Five little ducks     

Went out one day     

Over the hills and far away     

Mother duck said     

Quack, quack, quack, quack     

But only four little ducks came back."     

While Nari still had difficulty following each word, she merely mimicked her sister in the way she acted and sang the song.      

The video on the song went on, playing more familiar nursery rhymes. Just as they completed the one hour TV time, Anton arrived, checking on his children.      

"Hello, guys!" Called Anton.      

"Daddy! Daddy!" The two little girls ran to the playroom entrance, bouncing and asking to be carried by their father.     

Anton was already in his casual clothes, having washed before deciding to see his children. He had tested a few rifles that afternoon, and he made it a point to get changed, washing any gun powder traces in his body.      

He leaned over to hug them both. He smiled, receiving adorable kisses from his daughters.      

With his strong arms, he carried Chan-Mi and Nari at the same time.      

"Daddy! Daddy! Sing!" Requested Nari.      

"Yes! Daddy sings a song!" Said Chan-Mi.      

Anton's eyes grew wide. Rarely did he join this part of the children's playtime. He did not mind painting with Chan-Mi but he thought singing nursery rhymes just did not suit him. He said, "I thought you and mommy are done with singing."     

"Oh, come on, son. Your daughters are asking!" Said Yeong Soon. "Join the singing, at least for today!"     

"Yes, mine. You really should," said Yanmei. "They will grow up really fast and you'll miss this part of their life. You'll never get to sing nursery rhymes with them when they get older."     

"Please, daddy! Please!" It was because of the pleading of his daughters and he sighed and... reluctantly agreed. He put down his daughters and said, "Fine, but I don't know much about these songs."     

He first walked towards his wife and pecked on her cheek. He also kissed Geun's head before finding his seat.      

"Daddy! Let's do a toe jiggy!" Suggested Chan-Mi. She rushed to Anton and sat on his lap, raising her cute little toes to Anton's face.      

Anton frowned. He turned to his wife and asked, "What is a toe jiggy?"     

"Oh, she wants the song, This Little Piggy," said Yanmei. "You know! You have heard them sing that many times."     

Seeing Anton still not have any recollection, she said, "It goes like this... This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed home." She raised her brows at Anton before adding, "Then in each piggy, you point to her toes."     

"Ah, I see." Anton smirked at Chan-Mi and said, "That's easy!"     

Nari went to her grandma and also got positioned, raising her toes for when they would begin.      

Anton cleared his throat, practically three times before he finally began, following Yanmei's earlier tone. He sang, "This little piggy went to market." He held on to Chan-Mi's pinky toe before moving on to the next. "This little piggy stayed home... This little piggy." He paused for a second and frowned. "Went to the office?"     

The little girls giggled, and so did Yanmei and Yeong Soon. Still, Anton resumed. "This little piggy went to the supermarket. This little piggy went to the mall?"     

When everyone else ended up laughing boisterously, he asked, "What's wrong?"     

"No, mine! There is a lyric you have to follow," said Yanmei.      

"Yes, daddy! Let me show you!" Said Chan-Mi. She finished up the song for him, following the exact lyrics.     

"This little piggy went to the market,     

This little piggy stayed home,     

This little piggy had roast beef,     

This little piggy had none,     

And this little piggy cried wee wee wee all the way home."     

Anton sneered and said, "That doesn't make sense. Why would one pig have none? Plus, there is a redundancy there. The last pig still went home!"     

"Mine, nursery rhymes are really just for fun! Sometimes, it just tells a story of what happened," said Yanmei. "Children love them!"     

"I know, daddy! We can sing our most favorite song!" Said Chan-Mi. The little girls spent another fifteen minutes teaching their daddy their favorite song.      

When it was finally time, Nari and Chan-Mi excitedly got up, ready to sing.     

"Ready, daddy!" Called Chan-Mi.      

It took every muscle on Anton's face to force a smile. He said in a monotonous tone, "R-E-A-D-Y."     

Everyone, from Yanmei to Yeong Soon, the girls, and now Anton, they all began to clip together their fingers, singing, Baby Shark.      

"Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo     

Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo     

Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo     

Baby shark"     

"Daddy! Daddy! You are doing great!" Clapped Chan-Mi before moving on with the song.      


"Mommy shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo     

Mommy shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo     

Mommy shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo     

Mommy shark"     

Despite Anton having the least enthusiastic tone, the children were the happiest, seeing their daddy sing and act with them. They cherished the moment, giggling and hugging Anton for that very special night.      

After putting the children to bed, Anton asked his wife as they walked back to their bedroom, "Mine? Do you suppose that Lu Fang sang Baby Shark?"     

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