Tricking My Cold Lover

My Wife Is Prepared

My Wife Is Prepared

0Anton squinted at his four-year-old daughter and asked, "How was school?"     

Chan-Mi was sitting in front of his desk, drawing everything that was found on the surface of his table. Yeong Soon left her in his care while she went to the spa.     

Yeong Soon had a sudden social event to attend to with Jae-won in the evening. She no longer had time to spare to bring the little girl back home. JKW Investments was closer to Chan-Mi's private school      

Yanmei, on the other hand, was out with Yeona, in a meeting with the Lionheart Entertainment.      

The little girl was running out of objects to draw because Anton practically only had his laptop, his penholder, his mouse, his office phone, and a pile of folders to the left on his desk. Thus, Anton thought to engage in a quick conversation with his daughter, taking a break from his work.      

Chan-Mi was intensely trying to follow the frame of her father's pen-holder, scribbling using a pencil against her drawing book. She said, "I like school. I draw in school."     

"Hmmm... You draw there. You draw here. You draw at home. Don't you ever get tired?" Anton asked before resting his back on his chair.      

"I like drawing," said Chan-Mi. She was sticking out her tongue, tilting her head as her eyes focused on the wooden pen holder. "I'm done! Let's go home, daddy!"     

"What?" He pointed to his office phone and said, "What about the phone?"     

"Done!" She flipped to the latter page and showed her work. "See?"     

Anton raised a brow, seeing the drawing of his daughter. It was a very good drawing for her age. The shape of the phone, including the handset, was made, generally acceptable. He can't help but admit it; his daughter really had the strange talent for art.      

Yanmei was arriving in an hour. She would be the one to take their daughter home. For now, however, he needed to entertain his little girl.      

He sighed and said, "Well, what about... you draw, daddy?"     

Chan-Mi thought about it for a moment and said, "Okay! I'll try."     

Anton was relieved. Chan-Mi was busy again and drawing him would surely consume the entire hour, just in time for his wife to arrive. He returned to his work in no time.      

Time passed and Yanmei finally arrived. She rushed to the CEO's office to fetch her daughter. "Sorry, mine. I came as soon as our meeting was over."     

"Hmmmm," he said before receiving a peck from Yanmei.      

"Mommy, why you always kiss daddy?" Chan-Mi took a break from drawing just to ask this very important question.      

"Because, I love your daddy and he loves me to!" Said Yanmei. She pulled a chair closer to Chan-Mi and asked for a peck from her daughter, pouting her lips.      

Chan-Mi giggled and gave her mother a kiss.      

It was only after snuggling with her daughter that she noticed her drawing. Yanmei's eyes widened, seeing her work of art. It wasn't fully symmetrical, nor was it perfectly shaded, but the frame of a man behind a box-like figure was clearly expressed in Chan-Mi's drawing.     

"Wow! Baby! Did you make this?" Yanmei asked, taking a closer look at her sketchpad.      

"Yes, mommy. It's dad," said Chan-Mi. Then she frowned and said, "But daddy is difficult to draw."     

She sighed and said, "An apple is better! The pen holder was easy!"     

Chan-Mi shrugged and said, "I give up!"     

"Hey," said Anton. "Don't give up. My baby can do better."     

While Anton did not necessarily support her art hobby, he did not want to her to be a quitter.      

"Baby, you just need to keep drawing. You will get better at it," said Yanmei. She turned to Anton before asking, "How about... enrolling her to an art class, mine? What do you think?"     

He sneered and said, "How about I enroll her to a business school?"     

Yanmei figured it wasn't the time to discuss it. At least, not in front of Chan-Mi. It was only in the evening that Yanmei found the chance to speak to her husband about it.      

He came home already late, but she waited for his arrival. He took his shower and checked on the kids before joining Yanmei.      

As he climbed onto the bed, Yanmei asked, "Mine? Did you always want to run a business when you were young?"     

Anton paused for a second. He turned to his wife and said, "I am not sure, mine. It was a long time ago, but I was always envious of other children, living a normal life."     

"Then what do you suppose a normal child does?" It was her part of the introduction to further pressing on getting Chan-Mi into an art class.     

"Play and eat I guess, just like what our kids are doing! What is this about mine?" Anton asked with a frown.      

Yanmei leaned against her husband's strong arms and pecked on his biceps. She said, "Then, do you think Chan-Mi will enjoy attending a business class at four years old? She wouldn't even understand a thing."     

Before Anton could react, Yanmei sat up on her knees and faced him. Legs apart, she nestled against his thighs and added, "Drawing and painting is like playing for Chan-Mi."     

"You know I did not mean the business school, I was just avoiding the art school," said Anton while his hands rested on each of her thighs.     

"I know. I know you don't want your daughter to take that path, but." She leaned over to kiss on his lips while her fingers trace his face, down to his neck. "But we talked about letting them explore their interests as a child, have we not?"     

"Mine, as a hobby. Yes, but soon enough she will help run the - Aaahh. Fuck." His words were immediately cut off by Yanmei's sucking on his neck. She began to ground on him, moving her hips closer to his groin area.      

It did not even take a minute for him to get an erection.      

She reached for Anton's hands and let him slip inside her sleeping dress. She said, "Please... let's have her take art lessons."     

Anton hissed. He just touched his wife's bare ass. She wasn't wearing any underwear. His eyes narrowed, thinking, 'She is prepared... My wife is prepared.'     

As Yanmei continued to move her hips sensually, she leaned back and pulled down one strap of her dress and said, "She needs to enjoy her childhood days and we need to give her exposure on what she does best... Please?"     

She pouted her lips and added, "You did say you wanted to have a normal childhood. We should do the same with our kids."     

Anton frowned, glancing at her breasts, seeing that her nipple was ready to slide up. He hissed again and asked, "Are you - trying to trick me to say yes?"     

Yanmei nodded. With her brows drawn together, she moaned and cupped her breasts. She said, "It always works."     

"Well." He gulped seeing her reach for his manhood under his pajamas. "This time, it's not going - Fuck. Ahhh..."     

Yanmei began to move up and down against his member, leaving him moaning and hissing again and again. She then paused for a second and asked, "Please? Or do you want me to stop?"     

A sneer appeared on Anton's face. How could they stop now?     

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