Tricking My Cold Lover

Messed With The Wrong Family

Messed With The Wrong Family

0Another ten hours passed.     

The hospital and within ten miles from the facility was in a total lock-down following the discovery of the missing son of Anton Yeong. The city was in an outcry and sympathized with the Yeong Couple.      

Check-points were set up everywhere. The police, the military, and even volunteer civilians plus Anton's own army were out doing building inspections and interviews.      

Anton had earlier made an announcement of the abduction of his child across all TV networks and gave a generous amount as a reward for Geun's return.      

He made a tough decision, publicizing the taking of his child. However, the authorities believed that it would help if everyone knew who they were looking for.     

Moreover, they found one security guard from another building of the hospital, dead, locked inside a storage room, and had been for two hours. The likelihood of Geun being taken outside the hospital was very high.      

Ha-joon had earlier exhausted his men's capacity, going through the surveillance. Some were tampered with, but they had enough footage to suggest The Secret Rose was involved.      

In a private apartment, within five kilometers from the hospital, a woman was peeking through the window from the living room. It was Maya, already with her black hair down. She said, "There are police everywhere, and it looks like they are doing building inspection as well."     

"We need to get out of here fast! What if we just leave the child?" Maya suggested to Armand. It was these words of hers that lead the two in an argument.      

This was not supposed to happen! Damit!" Yelled Armand, the leader of the group, The Secret Rose. The man with a tattoo on his wrist. "They were not supposed to recognize the child was not theirs!"     

"Well, what happened? What did the doctor say?" Asked Maya, slamming her hands against Armand's chest.      

Armand sighed and said, "I already killed that woman! Including the two nurses involved! It was the only way to keep them quiet."     

"What? Oh, my goodness, Armand! How are we going to get out of the city now?! Our faces - even the faces of the Earlina are on the news! Everyone in the city wants to help find the son of Anton Yeong!" Yelled Maya.      

"Look, Antoinette said, she is finding us a way out of here... with the baby," said Armand. He put his hands on Maya's arms and said, "Trust me! We can do this! Once we get out of the city, we can raise the child as our own, and believe me, we will be even more wealthy with this child's gifts!"     

"Listen to me, Maya. That child will be the answer to our prayers. He has the genes of the Li siblings! It was his fault, to begin with! We asked for his sperms, but he did not want to give it!" He shook Maya's shoulders again and repeated, "He led us to this point!"     

"Do you understand me? Maya?" Armand asked again. "We planned this for months since the day we found out his wife was pregnant again! The hospital was always an easier way to get the child... We have come this far. We can't stop now!"     

From inside the room of the apartment, the mother who had given up their child was watching a baby boy sleeping in a crib. Her name was Erlina So, a Singaporean national who was working in Korea.     

Erlina overheard the conversation between Maya and Armand by the door. She gazed at her partner and said, "Oh, my goodness."     

She quickly covered her mouth before adjusting the volume of her voice. She said, "They killed the doctor and nurse that they had colluded with. Then that Maya said the TV already has my face on the news."     

Turning to her partner, she said, "This means they may plan to kill us too."     

Following this realization, Erlina So muttered, " That also means they have found out our son is not theirs."     

Erlina So gritted her teeth in anger. She was promised that her son would live a life of wealth in exchange for giving up her rights to her son. Her son would be named as a Yeong.     

Now, they have been turned into criminals, locked up in an apartment like they were prisoners! Worse, their son will not get the wealth as she expected.      

Her partner was a mix; half Canadian and Korean named Park Nam-gi. It was for that reason why they qualified to swap babies with the Yeongs.     

It was a given that Anton and Yanmei would produce a baby with a near Caucasian feature. Aside from having a boy and delivering the same month as Yanmei, these were part of the considerations Maya and Armand took. They needed to find a child that, as much as possible, look like a Yeong.      

It was fortunate that Erlina gave birth hours before Yanmei. If she didn't, another mother would have been chosen for the exchange again.      

"Mr. Yeong doesn't need to know we were involved. We can say we were forced - against our will! We just need to find a way to get help," suggested Nam-gi. "And we need to take care of that baby."     

Erlina So was in deep thought, looking at the baby and back to her partner. She nodded and said, "We can say, we protected the baby and we could get some reward money."     

"Exactly!" Said Nam-gi. "My thoughts exactly! And we can get our son back too!"     

Meanwhile, back in another private home in Hongkong, Antoinette, the hacker of The Secret Rose, was working on her laptop, watching the news and hacking into the Korean Police database. She was earlier trying to get information on the coverage of the search for the little boy Geun.      

After finding the details that she needed, she sighed, realizing the police were in full force in the search for Anton's son.     

Unless the lockdown to the city was uplifted, his colleagues would be found out. Not unless they simply give up on the child and leave without Geun. That was the last resort, but recalling what Armand told him, Geun would bring them prosperity in the future. She needed to find a way to make it work.      

She thought of creating a diversion and send false claims of a sighting of the baby, but just before she began to move, she received a video call on her laptop.      

Antoinette was obliged to answer, seeing it was her maternal grandmother, calling. She said, "Grandma, not now. I'm busy - "     

"Antoinette! Antoinette! Is this true! Is this true that you have kidnapped an infant in Korea?!" Her grandmother was crying in tears and Antoinette could see that she was being held at gunpoint.      

"Hello, Antoinette! How are you doing today?" It was Jacob who sat beside her grandmother. He grinned widely at the screen and said, "If you cooperate with us and give the location of Mr. Yeong's son. We will not harm your grandmother."     

The shock on Antoinette's face. Her grandmother was in France, her birth country. She gulped and asked, "How - how? How di you find my family?!"     

"Oh, I live just nearby - The UK. I took a private jet and arrived three hours ago," answered Jacob.     

"Anton Yeong is connected with the Davies. They have a company here in France. The Davies and the Lus are well connected with Anton Yeong. It's natural that the Davies lend a hand."     

"As for us knowing about you? We have long known about you? Remember, it was the Li siblings who brought down the second coming of Project Zero, the same organization that captured you. Your complete profile is in the ship's database and we have every bit of the data we need about you - your colleagues and your family."     

"And can I just say, it if weren't for the Andy and Anton, you and the rest of your palls would have still been locked up in The Neptune Trader, experimented on and injected with coma induced drugs! Some gratitude you have, taking Anton's son!"     

He embraced Antoinette's grandmother and raised his gun on the old woman's chin and said, "I am a veteran mercenary of the Davies' young lady. I don't show mercy even to an old woman."     

"So what will it be? Your grandma? Or let's not forget you also have cousins, uncles, and aunts in this country," said Jacob.     

"Little girl, I'm telling you now, you have messed with the wrong family."     

The Davies of the UK were Andrea's adoptive family. It was where Jacob was trained together with Andrea.     

When Li Wen learned of Geun's taking, Antoinette was the first person that came to her mind. She was the hacker of The Secret Rose and the only one among them who still had family left.      

Andrea was swift to reach out to her adoptive father and request the finding of Antoinette's family in France. It only took them a few hours to locate her family and plan the payback.      

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