Tricking My Cold Lover

Secure The Baby

Secure The Baby

0From the window of the intimate bathroom apartment, an incision was made through the glass, forming into a small circle, enough for a hand to come through.      

The circularly cut glass was pulled away, out the window without making any noise. A hand crept inside the small opening and reached for the lock.      

Gradually, the window pulled up slowly, allowing a frame of a man covered in black attire climbed inside. Fully armed with rappelling equipment, the man had earlier climbed down from the apartment unit above and successfully made his way down to the targeted location.      

It was Ha-joon. His job was the secure the baby before they launch a frontal attack.      

He slowly removed the rope and rappelling hardware attached to his body before pulling out his silenced gun. He was about to open the door within the bathroom but paused, hearing a baby's cry.      

"Oh, god! He is crying again! He is always crying!" Complained the woman inside. "Shut up! Stop crying!"     

"Give him some milk! He is probably hungry," said a man.     

"But I fed him five hours ago! I'm so sleepy!" Complained the woman.      

"You! Just because you are a Yeong, you can demand from me! Huh! You are not a Yeong now! Haha! And your father will never know that I did this!" Muttered the woman.      

The baby boy cried even louder, awakening the sleeping woman from the living room.      

Ha-joon suddenly heard a door swinging open forcefully. He heard another woman's voice speak, "What's going on here?! Stop the baby from crying! You are supposed to look after him and you need to take care of him! That baby is ours so you better make sure he is well taken care of!"     

"Ye - yes, mam. Sorry about that," responded the woman.      

Ha-joon clenched his hand into a fist, just hearing the exchange of words. 'How dare they mistreat Yeong's son.'     

He slightly opened the door and peeked inside the room. He saw the missing couple from the hospital. Erlina So and Park Nam-gi.     

The woman was grumpily scooping milk into a bottle while the baby was crying from a crib nearby. Seeing that the baby was far from the abductors, Ha-joon put a hand on his earpiece and signaled. "I can secure the child. Come in in one minute."     

Ha-joon pulled the door opened and pointed the gun at the couple, they were shocked by his presence, looking at each other, unsure of what do to.     

"On that corner. Now!" Ordered Ha-joon, pointing to the area away from the baby.     

Just as Erlina and Nam-gi were thinking of calling out to Maya and Armand, they heard crashing window sounds and from the living room area. Doors were breaking down and loud bangs could be heard practically everywhere.      

While all of this was happening, Ha-joon checked on the baby behind the crib. He checked his arm and quickly saw the light-brown birthmark as described by Yanmei.      

He promptly took out a baby earpiece and covered the baby's ears.      

"Freeze don't move!"     

More banging sounds could be heard and a loud one coming from a gun. It all came from the living room area, leaving Erlina So and Park Nam-gi screaming and curling down on the floor.      

Another man came from the bathroom, aiding Ha-joon and pointing a gun at the couple. Whereas from the living room, the exchange of gunfire suddenly seized, but a struggle was apparent.      

Anton was engaged in a fight with Armand after smashing down the door entrance. Maya was quickly subdued by three of Anton's men, but she obtained a shot to her right abdomen in the process.      

While Anton could easily order his men to shoot at Armand, he wanted to experience beating the hell out of the man that caused his family so much anxiety.      

Armand was throwing punches and rotating kicks at Anton; all of which Anton blocked or evaded. When he saw Armand hesitate, Anton promptly reached for his shirt and pulled him over.      

"Urrggggghh!" Anton thrust his head over Armand's head, making him fall to the floor. He quickly pulled a knife from his belt and was ready to thrust it against Armand's heart, but a voice stopped him.      

"Boss! You promised the Mrs.," It was Chun-Ho, reminding him that Yanmei wanted to be the one to punish them.      

He held himself back and sneered. He said to his men, "Take them to the base."     

Only after seeing Armand and Maya taken away, did Anton looked for Ha-joon. "Ha-joon! My son?!"     

"Here! Yeong! Here!" Answered Ha-joon.      

Anton followed the direction of Ha-joon's voice to the bedroom at the end of the living area. When he came in, he saw Erlina So and Park Nam-gi, scared out of their wits, curled into a ball in one corner.      

He went past them and went straight for the crying boy.      

Anton quickly examined the baby inside the crib and said, "Hush, now. Hush." He too checked the mark on his arm, but even without the mark, he could already see the resemblance between the boy to Chan-Mi.      

With a heavy sigh, Anton opened his shirt and grabbed the baby. He said, "Geun, hush now. Daddy is here."     

He put Geun inside his shirt and let him feel his warmth before hiding him under his coat, leaving just enough space for Geun to breathe.      

Anton never felt his heart so heavy, seeing the cries of his son. Yet despite feeling his warmth, Geun was still weeping.      

Ha-joon whispered in Anton's ears and said, "I heard the last time they fed him was five hours ago."     

"Mr. Yeong! Mr. Yeong! We were just forced by those two outside to take care of our baby! They said that - they said that they would hurt our child if we did not!" Reported Erlina So.      

Park Nam-gi echoed the same," We never wanted to be in this situation, Mr. Yeong. Please - please believe us."     

Ha-joon once again whispered in Anton's ears. "Yeong, I think they were hurting Geun. They are not innocent."     

Of course, Anton already knew this. Erlina So and Nam-gi received one million dollars as payment for cooperating with The Secret Rose. He wanted to kill them right then and there, but he promised everything to his wife.      

He calmed himself and said, "Then, we will reward you for looking after our son. Please follow my men where they can take you to a safe place."     

Turning to Ha-joon, Anton said, "Take care of the police."     

"Yes, Yeong."     

Before going to the base, Anton needed to take care of Geun. He and Chun-Ho drove to the hospital in speed where Yanmei remained awake, waiting for Guen.      

The minute they arrived at the private suite, Yanmei went on crying. Her breathing became quickly labored.     

She also checked the mark on his arm and quickly embraced Guen. More than just his mark, she felt in her heart it was finally her son.      

Sensing him hungry, she fed him through her breast. That was all it took to quiet Guen down.      

Despite seeing her son in her arms, and feeding him, Yanmei could not help but continue to howl. Her tears were endless and the raising of her chest was persisted. She was so angry - furious at what his son had to go through.      

Anton had to wipe her tears as Geun fed. The little boy was abducted, yet his eyes remained closed, only to cry during the times when he was away from his parents. He knew not the extent of his suffering and that of his parents.      

Even after Geun finished feeding on his mother's breast, Yanmei remained crying.      

The sight of it was too agonizing for Anton that he shed a tear for his wife and son. He sat closer to Yanmei. He hugged her and Geun before saying, "I'm sorry, mine - I'm sorry."     

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