Tricking My Cold Lover

The Bedtime Story

The Bedtime Story

0Seven months passed. Yanmei was already 36 weeks pregnant.      

Throughout the pregnancy, Anton convinced Yanmei that it was safe to practice her shooting despite being pregnant. Especially since the firing range at the gun factory was well-ventilated and they produce lead-free ammunition.      

She continued to practice her shooting with real bullets up until the third month of pregnancy. However, as for the rest of the six, Anton let her used dummy rounds or snap caps.      

It was because Yanmei was already getting better than Anton did not want her to lose the skills. Marksmanship could easily be forgotten without practice.      

Aside from the firing range, Yanmei practiced on moving targets, Iseul and Chun-Ho, from a nearby range within the city, still using dummy rounds.      

At the end of her sixth-month pregnancy, Yanmei could already hit a bulse eye in five out of ten rounds.      

As for the couple's children, Chan-Mi continued to be passionate about art, constantly sketching on a drawing book with a pen or crayon at three years old.     

It was because Chan-Mi was always drawing and scribbling that Anton had the girl's playroom changed into white wallpaper. Chan-Mi practically turned her room into a huge drawing book.      

On one occasion, Yanmei brought Chan-Mi and Nari to the office, after getting a vaccine shot from the doctor.      

Yanmei had things to discuss with Yeong and left the kids in Anton's office with the caregivers with them. Despite having two caregivers watching over the two, Chan-Mi always found her way to make her drawings and colorings.     

She walked up to Anton and called his attention as he reviewing several documents. She said, "Daddy. I want to sit with you."     

"Baby, I am working," told Anton.      

"But, I want to!" Chan-Mi insisted. She was carrying her drawing book and a bag of crayons.      

Anton sighed. How could he deny his princess? He looked at Nari who was occupying the other two caregivers and thought he might lend a hand. Nari was the more restless one now, being nearly two. She was very curious and often walked around, making a mess.      

He grabbed Chan-Mi by her arm and let her sit on his lap. For minutes, he watched her daughter draw a house made of shapes. He studied how she was trying her best to take control of her crayons, and color as neatly as she could despite such at a young age.      

"Mr. Yeong - Oh, hello, little Yeongs! They are so cute, Mr. Yeong!" Told Junsu. He came to report that the Kwans were there to see him.      

Anton first looked at Chan-Mi and concluded it was safe. He put aside his paperwork and told the caregivers to check on Chan-Mi once in a while. He left her on his chair, in front of his table, resuming her coloring.     

When Anton returned, the children were already gone. Only then did he realize that his wife had tried to call him, but he was in a meeting with the Kwans.      

He only read the text from Yanmei, letting him know that they were heading back to the mansion. Yanmei was already on leave as she might be ready to give birth at anytime. He only called his wife to confirm they were heading back.      

Anton walked back to his desk and just before taking his seat, he saw the reports already in front, scribbled with crayons. It made Anton gulped. He massaged his forehead and sighed. "Chan-Mi."     

That evening, he returned home, determined to have a good talk with her daughter. He wasn't going to let her just draw anywhere she wanted to.      

He found Yanmei and his girls from the children's bedroom, reading a bedtime story.      

"Daddy!" Screamed Chan-Mi. She jumped on her bed and rushed to the direction of Anton. "Daddy! Daddy! You read me a story!"     

"Yeah, daddy, read them a story," suggested Yanmei. She moved her already heavyweight and gave Anton a space on Chan-Mi's bed.     

"Hmmm." He walked closer, carrying a folder of the drawn reports reaching for Chan-Mi. He held her in his arms, putting her next to Nari. He pecked his daughter's cheeks and Yanmei's.      

"Don't kiss mommy!" Warned Chan-Mi, pushing Anton's face away.      

Yanmei chuckled, and so did Anton.      

Before getting started with the bedtime story, Anton asked, "Chan-Mi, baby. Did you draw on the papers on my desk today?"     

"Draw what daddy?" She asked, painting a sweet smile on her face.     

He showed the reports with many drawings on it and said, "This one. Did my princess make these? It's not good to draw outside your drawing book. That's why mommy and I provided you enough space for your drawings and coloring."     

Realizing she was being scolded, Chan-Mi said, "Daddy, it was Nari! I didn't do it!"     

Chan-Mi repeatedly pointed at Nari and Nari just smiled and said, "Nice colors!"     

Yanmei felt her balloon-like tummy ached as she laughed, but she held it together, pulling Nari closer to her.      

"I see," said Anton. "Anyway, let's begin with the story, shall we?"     

"Yes! Yes! I want story!" Exclaimed Chan-Mi.      

"Story! Yey!" Echoed Nari.      

Instead of a book, Anton opened the reports in his hand. He pulled out one paper that had four people-like images in bodies made of shapes and arms made of lines. He said, "Once upon a time, there were four little pigs walking around the hill."     

Chan-Mi laughed thoroughly. She snorted as she said, "Daddy! It's not pigs! See!" She pointed at the two taller figures and said, "This is mommy! This is Daddy! This is baby me! This is Nari!"      

She giggled and said, "Chan-Mi likes pink!"     

Yanmei started giggling again. She realized that the second little figure's body had a pink triangle.      

"Huh!" Said Anton before shaking his head. He moved to another drawing on the next report showing several flower like-drawings.      

"Now, this is a story about angels in the clouds - "     

"Haha! Daddy no!" Chan-Mi pointed at the flowers and said, "It's flower field and this is a butterfly!"     

Anton continued to make a story out of all Chan-Mi's drawings and each and every time, Chan-Mi corrected her. It was very clear to the parents that it was not Nari who made the drawings. At the end of the last paper, Anton asked, "So who drew these again?"     

Chan-Mi's eyes were twinkling when she said, "It's Nari!"     

Yanmei laughed so hard. She was snorting altogether while holding her tummy. She said, "Mine, you are very good at catching your daughter." She pinched Chan-Mi's cheeks and said, "You are already caught you naughty little girl - Oooh - Ahhh!"     

"Mine? My water just broke," Yanmei quickly got up, seeing the wetness on the bedsheets.      

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