Tricking My Cold Lover



0At twelve midnight, Yanmei had been struggling with the pain for two hours now, and she still was not ready to deliver. What bothered her the most was how her doctor was not yet around.      

Anton had been walking back and forth from inside their private suite and complained, "Where in the world is the doctor?!" He turned to the nurse in charge of looking after his wife and asked, "Have you called the doctor already?"     

"Yes, we have, Mr. Yeong. I was told she is on her way. In any case, our resident doctors are here to attend to your wife," said the nurse while checking the charts of the baby's heartbeat. "The baby is doing fine so far."     

A minute passed, and a female resident doctor suddenly walked in, checking on Yanmei. He urged the nurse to step outside as she checked on the baby's vitals. After checking on the stats, he said, "The baby's heartbeat is not doing well. We can try to induce the labor, but as necessary, we may need to perform a c-section."     

"What?!" Yanmei asked with difficulty, as she took heavy breaths. She swore the nurse earlier just said that the baby was fine. She frowned and asked, "Where is my doctor?"     

The resident doctor turned to the couple and said, "We'll need to take Mrs. Yeong to the delivery room just to be sure. Your doctor is already on the way - "     

"What? We are not going to the delivery room! We have our own room. We did this with our first child!" Anton objected. "Why are you making this decision - "     

"Mr. Yeong, I am only looking out for your wife and your child. We just want to prepare for the worst-case scenario," said the resident doctor. "The delivery room will be equipped with the necessary facility to perform a c-section. Whether an operation will happen, at least by being ready, we can speed up the process of taking out the baby."     

When Anton was not convinced, the resident doctor said, "It's up to you, Mr. Yeong if you want to risk the lives of your wife and child."     

Anton sneered and said, "Fine, but I am going with my wife!"     

"We expected you to come along, Mr. Yeong. I'll ask the nurses to make the arrangements," said the resident doctor.      

In a matter of minutes, the hospital staff came to move Yanmei from the suite room to the delivery room. Chun-Ho and Iseul stood guard at the private room while waiting for the boss's return.      

Anton had to scrub himself clean, get changed into a hospital gown as they awaited for Yanmei's personal doctor. It took only thirty minutes of waiting for the doctor to arrive.     

Yanmei's doctor asked as soon as she entered the room, "Why was my patient moved to the OR?"     

"Doc, the baby was in distress earlier, but now, it seems to be okay," said the resident.      

The nurses were looking at each other, puzzled while one other nurse confirmed this. "It's true, Doc, the baby's heartbeat was slowing down earlier."     

Yanmei's doctor shook her head and pointed at the resident. She said, "Why am I being given a mixed report? I will have to speak to you later."     

After checking on Yanmei, the doctor sighed and said, "Well, since we are all here. Let's get this baby out. Yanmei, you are all ready to deliver the baby."     

Anton immediately threw daggers through his eyes at the resident doctor, who troubled them to move to the OR.     

As it turned out, there were mixed interpretations of the baby's condition. Nonetheless, Yanmei was ready to give birth and her doctor decided to deliver the baby from inside the delivery room.      

The entire time, Anton stood by, holding his wife's hand, helping her get soothed.      

When the baby finally came out, they all heard him cry. The doctor said, "Congratulations! It's a baby boy!"     

The resident doctor was quick to receive the baby and suggested, "I'll have the baby cleaned from the nursery - "     

"Wait! I want to see my baby," said Yanmei with a frown. She always held her baby after giving birth and she wanted to experience the same, putting her son on her chest.      

"Yes, the baby is crying and can certainly stay with her mother for a short while," reminded Yanmei's doctor.      

The resident did as instructed, putting the baby in Yanmei's chest. Another nurse approached, putting on a name band to the baby's leg, matching it to Yanmei's on her wrist.      

Anton also promptly approached, checking on his son.      

"Yes, finally. I have a son," he said, stroking on his baby's head. "Hello Geun. I'm your daddy."     

Still covered in a wax-like coating, baby Geun remained crying in Yanmei's chest. He was curling his fingers and his body still had a tinge of blue. Little by little, as he resumed to cry, he started turning more pink than pale.      

Yanmei knew this was normal. It was the same case with Chan-Mi. She knew Geun was healthy.      

She held him closer as Geun reached for her with his hand. Yanmei immediately saw a birthmark on his arm. It was a mere, very light-brown patch the size of her fingertip. It was barely visible, but from how Geun raised his hand, Yanmei saw it clearly.     

Just before she checked on it, the resident said, "Mrs. Yeong, we need to check his airways. Can we take your baby to the nursery now?"     

Nodding her head, Yanmei wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes and let go of their baby. She turned to Anton and said, "Mine, let's have Geun join us after my rest."     

"Yes, mine." He pecked on Yanmei's forehead and said, "Thank you for a baby boy."     

Before Yanmei could answer, the hospital lost power. It took a minute for the generator to take over.     

"Mine? Geun, check on him," said Yanmei, worried for her baby.     

"He is fine, mine. The nursery is checking his vitals, taking his weight and all that," said Anton.      

"Mine, please. Please check on him," Yanmei repeated. She just did not feel comfortable at all that she insisted.      

Anton sighed and did what his wife told. The delivery room was connected to the nursery, and he took a peek at the next door where the resident and another nurse took Geun to get checked.     

The nurses at the delivery room naturally did not allow him, but he insisted, saying, "I just want to see my son. Do you know who I am?"     

"Mr. Yeong, only staff are allowed here. You can see your baby from the viewing room outside," suggested the nurse.      

Anton would not take no for an answer. Thus he forced his way inside. He found the resident putting the baby on the weighing scale. Anton asked, "Is that my son?"     

It was because the baby was no longer covered in the white wax that he wasn't sure.      

The doctor raised the baby's feet showing the name tag and said, "Yes, Mr. Yeong. Baby by Yeong."     

"Okay, please have him brought up to our room, first thing in the morning," instructed Anton.      

"Yes, Mr. Yeong. We will," said the resident.      

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