Tricking My Cold Lover

Worth The Wait

Worth The Wait


Instead of heading back to the next town, Ha-joon and Lian returned to the Four Seasons Hotel.      

Ha-joon's forehead was full of sweat the second he made the turn to the property's parking lot. They said no words to each other, but silently, they knew exactly what they wanted. They wanted each other.      

Lian's heart was racing. She turned to the window, flushing. She could feel the warmth of her body going up to her head and her eyes became dreamy.      

They both walked up to the front desk, hand-in-hand, but remained restrained. After Ha-joon reserved a suite for them, they went straight up to their assigned luxury accommodation.     

Lian and Ha-joon did not look at each other the entire time, merely glancing at different directions.      

They were supposed to return to the old gun factory, but Ha-joon decided otherwise. There was a need to address, a dire need in between his pants, something that his girlfriend triggered.      

The minute they entered their suite, Lian walked forward to the living room area, looking for the bedroom door. When she found it she ran, screaming, "There is the bedroom! Ahhh!"     

Ha-joon let out a heavy sigh before chuckling altogether at Lian's actions. He had gotten used to her candidness and was now his source of amusement.      

He took off his jacket and walked inside the bedroom. He immediately gasped at the sight of Lian, with no more pants on. Her blouse covered only the top part of her thighs. She was striking a seductive pose, already on top of the bed, sitting up on her knees. She was starting to unbutton her blouse.     

He hissed, recognizing she was eager to get it done.      

When Ha-joon took off his shirt, Lian gasped. She bit her lip and said, "Wow. I'm going to touch that today."     

When Lian threw to the floor her blouse, revealing a sexy push-up bra and thong underwear, Ha-joon puffed his cheeks. He massaged the bulge beneath his pants and quickly unbuckled his belt.      

Ha-joon climbed up on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned down to cover her lips. She did the same, responding to the hot kiss, snaking her arms on his neck.      

Both sitting up on the bed, Lian and Ha-joon went straight to indulge in passionate kisses. Their heads moved from side to side, giving themselves room and air to breathe as they maintained to lock on their lips.      

Lian closed her eyes, reveling in the warmth and the wetness of his mouth. She eagerly accepted his intruding tongue, powerfully plunging inside her mouth. The longer they made out, the louder the smacking sound became.      

She felt his hands go up to her back and slowly unhook her bra. In seconds, her bra was on the floor and a large pair of hands seized her breasts.      

"Aaahhh!" Lian let out a moan. She felt electricity running through her entire body, enjoying his touch on her bosoms.      

"They are beautiful," said Ha-joon. He pecked on her lips again before slowly tracking kisses on her neck. "You smell so good, Lian." He moved to the other side and added, "I want to kiss every part of you."     

He gradually lay her on the bed and moved on top of her. He resumed kissing down to the crook of her neck and when he found her breasts again; he hissed. He recognized what he had been missing so much in his life, feeling his hardness become bigger and angrier.      

He held up her breasts and covered them with his mouth, alternately. It made Lian's body waved, and it excited him.      

Lian could not help but raised her legs, pressing them against his bulge. She unconsciously rubbed one leg against his groin area and it made him curse repeatedly.      

"I'm going crazy," said Ha-joon.      

Panting, Lian said, "I'm so aroused. Ha-joon, it feels so good."     

Noticing the restlessness of her legs, Ha-joon moved perfectly in between. He first helped to remove her underwear and his own. For seconds, he appreciated the sight of Lian gasping and biting her lips, her body already squirming in anticipation of being completely devoured.      

When he spread her legs open, he cursed again. Everything that he was seeing at that point was making him lose his senses. He unknowingly stroked his manhood with his hand, giving it a good fondling before he would use it.      

He returned to lie on top of her and kissed her once more, but his hand reached for her rose and slowly, he began to use his fingers, rubbing it gently onto her bottom lips.      

"Mmmmm... Mmmmm - Ahhhh!" Lian had to break free from the kiss, sensing the wave of pleasure from being touched down there. She spread her legs even wider and lifted her hips irregularly. "Aaah! Ha-joon, that feels so good. Aaaahh! I love it!"     

Lian felt his member poking on her abdomen. She reached for it with one hand, feeling its softness. She said, "Wow... It's so soft but hard."     

Lian's stroking against his length intensified Ha-joon's lust that he decided to taste her peach. Once again, he traced kisses all over her body. When he found her bottom lips, he dived right in, surprising Lian altogether.      

"Aaaaahhh! Oh, God! What is this! Aaahhh! I'm going crazy!" Lian repeatedly moaned, and she did not hold back at all from her screams. She felt the strangest sensation on her abdomen, one she could not explain.      

Ha-joon was practically eating her private part, and he did so hungrily, like it was the sweetest fruit in the world.      

With the ruthless devouring of her rose, Lian reached climax, convulsing and moaning. She became drowned in the pleasure that her eyes shut for a moment. She only fluttered them open when she felt Ha-joon's tip, ready to enter her.      

"Lian, I'm - I'm putting it in," he asked permission.      

"Please, Ha-joon. I want you. I want you so badly," she answered.      

With her encouraging words, Ha-joon pushed his hips forward and slowly filled her hole. They both moaned at the satisfaction of being one and took a moment to relish that feeling.      

"Fuck, this feels so good," remarked Ha-joon. He also first took heavy breaths, getting ready to move.      

Only after settling his high did he start with his back-and-forth motion. His brows furrowed and his mouth remained parted as he watched his own length go in and out of Lian's wet entrance. He loved the feel of her peach, sucking him in, quickly giving his rod a glow.     

"Oh, my... finally!" Lian exclaimed.     

She threw her head back against the pillow and closed her eyes. She clenched her hands into a fist against the sheets, holding her breath at the feel of him inside of her.      

At first, she felt a little pain, but desire quickly sank her worries. Everything about Ha-joon's movement and how his member penetrated her was sending her to a sea of pleasure.      

Minutes passed, and Lian glanced at his sexy frame. It all the more made her eyes become dreamy. She said, "Ha-joon, kiss me."     

He climbed on top of Lian and kissed her once more. With their built on top of each other, Lian carelessly touched his sexy back and well-molded chest. She repeatedly groped him, while Ha-joon maintained with his thrusting motion.      

With the feel of their skin, creating sensational friction, plus the fact that they were one, quickly sent Ha-joon to a conclusion. He struggled to get up, engulfed by the satisfaction of making love to Lian, that he came inside of her.      

"Aaaahhh... Fuck!" He raised his torso with his arms and pushed his hips so hard against her peach.      

Lian raised herself to reach for his neck. She pulled him down on top of her and covered his lips. They made out lovingly while remaining in the same state, his manhood still inside of her.      

Meanwhile, Ha-joon continued to thrust his hips, savoring the tingling sensation of having come.      

After a minute of kissing, Ha-joon studied Lian's expression. She was clearly on a high and while he did not want to disrupt her moment, he had to ask, "Lian. I came inside of you. I'm sorry."     

"Hah?" She asked, still in a daze.     

"I came inside you."     

"It's fine. I've been on contraceptives for a week... Just... preparing for an emergency," said Lian. She quickly pursed her lips, trying to hide her enthusiasm.      

Ha-joon could not help but chuckle. He covered her lips again and said, "Lian, I don't say a lot of words, but when I do, now that I mean every word."     

He gave her a peck again and added, "Lian, I love you. I am very sure of how I feel about you. It did not take me long to realize this. Thank you for being patient with me."     

Lian gave a genuine smile, but it did not take long for her to become teary-eyed. She hugged him so and said, "Ha-joon. You are worth the wait. Thank you for loving me. I love you to death."     

Lian and Ha-joon indulged in another round of heated kisses. After what it felt like half an hour of making out, they pulled away, feeling the numbness of their lips.      

Lying down on their backs, they allowed themselves some time to recover. Soon enough, Lian said, "Ha-joon, can I try giving you a blowjob?"     


"Yours - it - it looks so manly. I want to give you a blowjob... I mean, you tasted mine. I want to try yours," she said, turning to his side and pecking on his cheek. "Can I? Please?"     

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