Tricking My Cold Lover

Meet The Parents

Meet The Parents

0"I have a boyfriend," revealed Lian over her video conference with her parents and older brother.      

Xia Qiang, Lian's father, said, "Right. I also won the lottery."     

Lian's mother, Zhang Nuwa, just chuckled.      

Xia Yong, Lian's older brother asked, "Who did you pay to be your boyfriend?"     

"And how much did you pay?" Lian's father asked.     

His brother fell into a boisterous laugh before he added, "Lian, father is already considering getting you into an arranged marriage given your history with men. That way, you won't turn into an old maid."     

"But! I do! I have a real boyfriend!" She exclaimed, frowning in front of her laptop.      

It was because Lian had no luck with getting a boyfriend that her family did not believe her.      

It was due to Lian's strange preference in the men, and it was because of her very candid approach towards them that she was often left broken-hearted before a relationship could even take off. It would not have been made into a big deal, except Lian often talked about her next conquest each and every time.      

She had admirers left and right, especially since she was a Xia, but she never liked any of them. Lian never took a liking at the men that were ready for her to take. She had a tendency to prefer men with a mysterious aura and or someone who did not give her the attention she was usually granted.      

When she found a target, she would lock on to them persistently, taking the initiative, always claiming that it was her right to do so. In most cases, however, she easily got tired of admiring the same man in just months.     

Ha-joon was the first person she cared for and appreciated the longest. This was because, she thought, he was the most admirable values and the most mysterious man she had ever met.      

Lian's family had to confirm with Yanmei if her words were true. The day that they learned that their daughter was in a so-called relationship, they decided to leave for Korea, eager to see the truth with their own eyes.      

When Lian told Ha-joon about it, he never felt more nervous than before. He recognized it was far more frightening than getting into a crossfire... It was something Anton unfortunately, never warned him about.      

On the day that he was to meet Lian's parents, he took heavy breaths while waiting at the airport. He knew he had to make an impression, so he used his connections at the airport to get him the access he needed.      

Before even getting past immigration, he and Lian were already inside the airport terminal, waiting for them.      

Seeing her parents, Lian stretched out her arms waving at them, "Mom! Dad! Over here!"     

Ha-joon's forehead was practically filled with sweat. He wiped it off with a hanky before turning to their direction and walking hand in hand with Lian.      

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Xia," said Ha-joon. "Welcome to Korea."     

"Mom, this is Ha-joon, my boyfriend," Lian introduced.     

Both Lian's parents stared at Ha-joon for seconds and seeing him nervous, her mother said, "Thank you, son. Nice to meet you, but how come you are here in this part of the terminal?"     

"Mom, dad, Ha-joon is well connected here at the airport. Everyone knows him. So he can come in and out of here anytime," explained Lian.      

"Interesting," said Xia Qiang.      

With Ha-joon with them, they practically skipped the entire process of the arrivals check.      

Lian and Ha-joon brought them straight to the Four Season's Hotel where they will be staying for the next two days.      

It was during their dinner that Ha-joon was fully interrogated. The first question came from Lian's father. He asked, "So, Ha-joon, how much did my daughter pay you?"     

"Dad! I did not pay him! In fact, he pays for many of my living expenses, from food to gas and a lot more... So, please stop this nonsense." Lian let loose, already furious at her parent's doubts.      

Puzzled, Ha-joon asked, "Why would - why would she pay me?"     

Lian's mother laughed and elbowed her husband. She said, "Sorry, son. Our daughter in a relationship is very new to us. Haha!" From being amused, Zhang Nuwa suddenly became serious. She asked, "Seriously, Ha-joon, whatever is our daughter paying you, we can double the price."     


"Ah, I'm not really sure what is going on here, but Lian is not paying me for anything. I would never let my girlfriend pay for our dates, for her meals when we are together - even your hotel stay is billed to me," revealed Ha-joon.      

When Lian's parents heard the word girlfriend, Xia Qian asked, "Is this serious? Are you really my daughter's boyfriend?"     

"Yes, I am." He put an arm around Lian and repeated, "I - I love Lian very much that I - I am very nervous right now."     

Lian's eyes grew wide. She never heard him say the three magic words, yet he was telling it right in front of her parents.      

Without warning, Lain immediately dived into Ha-joon's chest, crying. For a moment, she forgot her parents were right in front of them. She said while whimpering, "Ha-joon, I - I love you too. I love you very much."     

She quickly put both her hands on his face and pecked on his cheeks, his nose and lips before hugging him again.     

Lian's mother, Zhang Nuwa, turned to her husband and said, "I think they really are a couple."     

"You really are a couple?" Xia Qian asked, giving Ha-joon an intense gaze. "Because you can tell your cousin, Yanmei, that you are boyfriend and girlfriend when you are not."     

"I think they really are a couple, dear," repeated Lian's mother.      

Lian's parents asked to be excused. They stepped outside the restaurant for nearly five minutes and returned with wide grins on their faces.      

Xia Qian extended his hand to Ha-joon and said, "Son, thank you. Thank you for saving us the trouble! We were honestly worried our daughter would turn into an old maid!"     

"Haha! True! So tell me? When are you two getting married?" Asked Lian's mother. Her smile was the widest and her eyes twinkled with it. "I can tell you are a keeper!"     

Ha-joon choked on his own saliva, but what Lian's father said next nearly gave him a heart attack.      

"How about next month?" Said Xia Qian.     

"Haha! My husband is joking," said Lian's mother. "A month? Haha! I mean, tomorrow is also fine."     

For the rest of their visit, the joke of tying the knot continued, even as Ha-joon and Lian were checking them in for their flight the next day.      

"So, have you now decided when to get married?" Xia Qian asked.      

"Haha! Dad, please. How about we make babies first!" Lian did not know what came over her, but she meant it as a joke. Trying to scare her parents and getting them to stop.     

"Huh! That's not such a bad idea! I mean, your brother has been married for four years now, but we still do not have a grandchild!" said Lian's mother.     

"I want a boy! Don't make me wait too long," said Xia Qian.      

Lian's face was utterly red. She could not believe she was hearing this from her parents. She knew they were worried about her bad luck with men, but she did not realize how desperately they have become.      

As Lian and Ha-joon were driving out from the airport, he asked, "Lian, do you already want a baby?"     

"No, just the process of making a baby right now," she outright said.      

Ha-joon puffed his cheeks and let out a grunting sigh. He suddenly felt a bulge under his pants just by her candid invitation.      

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