Tricking My Cold Lover

Twix Chocolates

Twix Chocolates

0At the airport, Xia Lian turned on his phone the minute it was safe to do so. Her flight got delayed, and she had no way to tell Yanmei.      

As all passengers get off the plane, she checked on her messages and saw that Yanmei asked Ha-joon to pick her up. Her eyes grew wide as panic struck her.      

"Oh, my goodness! I did not put on makeup!" She ran to the nearest restroom as soon as she entered the airport building.      

In the entire process of getting through immigration and getting her bags, her heart was pounding.      

She came out with her hair down, a light make-up on and taking off her coat, revealing her slender body in a black tank top and slim fit jeans.      

By the arrivals area, she stayed behind the door. She took a deep breath and jumped around in excitement for a minute. She was excited to see Ha-joon.      

After settling herself, she peeked outside, wanting to find Ha-joon first. After a minute of studying the crowd and the parked cars, she frowned. She did not find him. She leaned outside the door even further, thinking she had missed a spot.      

From behind her, a man followed her actions, also looking outside the door. He said, "What are you doing?"     

"Ahhh! Ha-joon! You frightened me?" She screamed, shocked to see Ha-joon behind her.      

"What are you here - inside?" she asked, realizing he was inside the arrivals area where only airport staff and passengers were allowed.      

He frowned and said back, "I can access the airport anywhere. The security and airport staff knows me." He put his hands on his waist and said, "What were you doing jumping around?"     

'Fuck. Did he see me? Grrrrrr,' she told herself. She smiled and said, "I was - stretching! I had cramps, sitting for four hours on the flight."     

She was about to wrap her arms around Ha-joon's but she recalled what she needed to do. 'Play hard to get.'     

Lian sighed and said, "Well, then. Nice to see you. Goodbye -"     

"Wait. Where are you going?" Ha-joon asked, holding her by the arm.      

"I'm going outside to wait for Yanmei!" She said, pretending not to know he was there to fetch her.      

"Ms. Yanmei and the boss are having a serious discussion. I'm here to fetch you," he said. "Let's go."     

"Oh. That wasn't really necessary. You could have just sent someone else," she suggested while following behind him.      

Lian hopped into the front seat and buckled herself. She then acted to sleep the second Ha-joon took the wheel. She said, "You don't mind I I take a quick rest, do you?"     

"No, it's more than an hour drive to your apartment," he answered.      

As Lian slept, she turned to Ha-joon's side and flaunted her fair skin, raising out her chest. From time to time, she would open her eyes a little just to see how he was doing. She would catch him stealing glances, but mostly, his eyes were on the road.      

Still, it thrilled her but smiled only inwardly.      

She acted to wake up after an hour of rest. She asked, "Are we still not there yet?"     

"No. You will be reporting to the old gun factory, which is further out. We will arrive in half an hour," he revealed.      

Lian directed her gaze outside the window when Ha-joon asked, "You - you did not answer my call."     

"What?" She asked without looking at him.      

"I called you three days ago. I called twice. You did not answer," he repeated.      

"Really?" She asked with her brows furrowed. She then took out her phone and pretended to search for any missed calls. "Oh, yeah. You did call. I'm sorry. I must not have noticed."     

She turned to him and said, "I have been busy. Why did you call, anyway?"     

Ha-joon hesitated but eventually said, "Because... You did not call. It - it wasn't like you not to call for an entire week."     

Lian turned to the road and held her giggle. It took her seconds to answer.     

"Oh, well. I woke up one day and said to myself, Lian? What's the use of liking someone who doesn't like you back! Move on, girl! There are... many fishes out there in the sea. Haha!" She laughed continuously without looking at Ha-joon.      

After a while, she said, "Hey, I heard that your primary contact with the military is that famous UN Peacekeeper! Sung-Ho! Hope I get a chance to meet him!"     

"You won't meet him! And he is not that good-looking up close," he said while tightening his hold on the wheels. "Just because he saved a defector's life, he became famous."     

"You have no idea... how many lives I have saved," he added.      

"I would not know... You rarely talk about your life," she said. "You practically know everything about me, but I don't know much about you, except that your name is Ha-joon and that you look highly at my cousin-in-law."     

Ha-joon was silent for the rest of the ride. He constantly massaged his forehead and by the time he parked in front of a small building apartment outside of the city, he said, "This is where we house many of our female employees. You get the top floor."     

"Ooooh, it's like a penthouse," she said. "Thank you."     

Ha-joon helped carry Lian's luggage up to her apartment. It was only a twenty-story apartment building, but it was very clean and modern in design. She expected it to be semi-furnished, but as it turns out, everything was complete.      

"You have food already in your fridge as instructed by Yanmei. I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven while you are still not used to the location," said Ha-joon while putting her luggage in the living room.      

Lian rushed to the fridge to check and was pleased that it was utterly filled. What caught her attention was her favorite chocolate bar, "Twix! I love Twix!"     

She turned to Ha-joon and said, "Glad cuz did not forget my twix!"     

"I better go and let you have some rest," he said. "I'll see you in the morning."     

Deep inside, she was hurting. She did not want him to go. She badly wanted to offer coffee but she had to play hard to get. She smiled and said, "Bye Ha-joon. Thank you for taking me to my new home."     

She watched in pain, seeing him leave, and as soon as the door shut, she acted to cry, "Huhu! He did not even want to drink water!"     

Lian at least called Yanmei and thanked her for the wonderful accommodation. She said, "The place is lovely, humble but comfortable!"     

"I'm glad you like it Lian, get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow! Ha-joon will bring you here for dinner," said Yanmei.      

"Thanks cuz - Oh! I love the Twix! Thanks for giving me so many!" She exclaimed.      

"Twix?" Yanmei asked.      

"My fridge has two packs of Twix!" She revealed.      

"Oh, yeah! You like Twix! Well, I did not put in the instruction to buy you Twix! I suppose someone else bought it for you - Don't think about it much - Don't melt away! You still have a long way to go! Lian!" Yanmei reminded her cousin, knowing her, she probably was overjoyed.      

Y: "Lian?!"     

L: "I'm teary-eyed!"     

Y: "I can imagine."      

L: "I think this will be my favorite snack until it's finished. Do you suppose he would buy me another set?"     

Y: "Your sexy body! Remember, it's your plus points to win him over!"     

L: "Right! I'll just sleep with the chocolates then!"     

Yanmei, "???"     

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