Tricking My Cold Lover

Black Lips

Black Lips

0"Good Morning, Yanmie, how was your sleep?" Andrea called Yanmei to report her findings of Ha-joon.     

When Andrea learned that Ha-joon and Lian would meet again, she checked on Ha-joon's whereabouts and pings since last night.      

"Andy? What time is it?" She asked with a frown, seeing that her husband was still sound asleep.      

"It's almost six. Alexis woke me up. Sorry to wake you this early. Anyway, guess what?" Andrea asked on the other line. "Base on the tracker on his phone, he was outside the apartment of Lian for an hour! What time did you say you spoke to Lian?"     

Yanmei did the math, and true enough, it would seem like Ha-joon observed Lian's apartment for another hour while inside his car. "Awe. Ha-joon is really something. He is secretly admiring Lian."     

"And guess what?" Andrea asked. "Ha-joon is already on the move. Seems like he is driving to the direction of Lian's apartment."     

"What? This early?" Yanmei asked with a frown, sitting up and stretching her arm. "Should I tell Lian?"     

"No! She might... give in right away. Let's wait for Ha-joon to do the work," suggested Andrea. "What did I tell you, Yanmei? We should put up a cupid agency!"     

The two of them laughed boisterously, waking Anton up in the process.      

When Yanmei ended the call with Andrea, she kissed her husband's cheeks and walked outside the room, in the direction of the children's nursery.     

While making the walk, she connected with Lian, giving last-minute reminders, "Lian, don't forget to give others more attention than him. You'll be given a tour and introduced to the other personnel at the gun factory, okay?"     

"Yes, I will," said Lian on the other line. "I barely got any sleep! I'm so excited to see him today. He looked so sexy last night! I just wanted to hug him!"     

Yanmei giggled and said, "Don't worry. In due time, you will. Good luck with your work... Bye! And! Don't forget to look stunning yourself!"     

Outside the city, Lian had a hand on her chest, thinking about her many upcoming encounters with Ha-joon. She wholeheartedly admired him and could not help but feel dreamy at the thought of him.     

She was still in bed when Yanmei called, rolling from side to side next to two packs of Twix chocolates.     

Just as she was about to head for the shower, her phone was ringing again. This time, it was Ha-joon. She let her phone ring five more times before she picked up. She said, "Ha-joon? It's not yet even six-thirty!"     

"I'm usually half an hour early with my appointments. Hurry up," he said. "I'm coming up."     

She panicked, but she made it a point to let Ha-joon see her in her sexy sleeping dress before leaving him alone.     

While taking a shower and getting change, Ha-joon lingered in her kitchen. He offered to fix up breakfast, and they ended up having an awkward meal in silence.     

Just before leaving, Lian said, "You are too excited to see me."     

"Maybe." That was all Ha-joon said before walking out of the door.      

Walking behind Ha-joon, Lian was ready to drop on the floor. She silently asked herself, 'Maybe? That's an improvement, right?'     

Given her loquacious self, it was utterly difficult for Lian to keep silent, but she maintained doing so, knowing she needed to act as if she was no longer interested in him. From the drive until their arrival to the factory, Lain kept her distance.     

Lian had a full day of understanding the operations within the factory. She met several supervisors and a few managers manning the gun factory.      

Ha-joon was the one who personally gave her the tour, and each time she was introduced as his new assistant, she naturally got compliments. She was a Xia after all, and like Yanmei, Lian was tall and slender. The only difference between her and Yanmei was her cheeks were fuller, and she was younger by five years.     

Lian smiled pleasantly at everyone she met, and as Yanmei instructed, she did not give the same kind of attention to Ha-joon. She only spoke to him when necessary, barely giving Ha-joon her sweet smile. She did not even have lunch with him that day.      

Since she was scheduled to meet Yanmei at the Yeongs' mansion that night, she and Ha-joon prepared to leave at five in the afternoon.      

As they drove to the city, Ha-joon asked, "You seem to be enjoying the company of others instead of me. Where did you have lunch? Are you - ignoring me?"     

Lian turned to him and said, "No! I spoke to you when I gave the reports, remember. I said, here' what you wanted. Excuse me... and I left. I had lunch with Sally. I did not want to bother you over irrelevant matters like... having lunch with me."     

Ha-joon did not answer. He only shook his head.      

Seeing him silent again, Lian decided to sleep through the rest of the ride. She was genuinely tired that night, having not slept the other night. She determined, 'Besides, the game of playing hard to get was still on. The best way to ignore you is to sleep on you.'     

Half-way through the drive, Ha-joon realized that Lian was in deep slumber. He pulled over and sighed at his predicament. For minutes he studied her delicate face.     

He had to admit; he was being bothered by the fact she was giving others her attention, but not him. Moreover, her confession from last night of how she was trying to get over him, utterly struck a needle to his heart.      

When Lian turned her face in his direction, he gulped. He was left staring at her pinkish lips and beautiful face. He was fighting an inner battle whether to taste her full lips, one he had savored more than two years ago.      

He closed his eyes for a second, recalling how it felt. He contemplated for minutes before he decided on his next move. When he made up his mind, he leaned over to peck on Lian's succulent lips and quickly pulled away.      

He puffed his cheeks and took a deep breath. He said, "I'm in trouble. Women are really troublesome."     

Ha-joon finally recognized, he found his own trouble.     

While Ha-joon stole a kiss from Lian, she was in dreamland, seeing an image of the admirable UN peacekeeper in front of her face. She relished it in her dream and hummed in the next few minutes. She also reflected a wide grin on her face, pleased at the experience.      

Ha-joon was left stealing glances in her reaction. His heart fluttered, fearing that Lian might have noticed his stolen kiss.     

Fortunately for him, Lain remained asleep, only to wake after reaching the center of the city. She turned to Ha-joon and said, "I had a dream."     

"What did you dream about?" He asked before gulping.      

"I dreamed I was... kissing Sung-Ho. Haha!" Said Lian. "That was so good. His lips seemed soft and his scent was so manly!"     

Ha-joon could only tighten his eyes. He realized the peacekeeper had just taken credit for the kiss he gave. He said, "I'm sure... It wasn't his lips you were dreaming of."     

She frowned and said, "I really was dreaming about Sung-Ho!"     

"He really isn't that good-looking," he reminded her. "And he smokes! Up close, he has black lips!"     

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